All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be action items that are routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Community Development and Services: Approve airport operator ground lease agreement and use permit with Mediplane, Inc. dba Reach Air Medical Services, LLC, for the term of May 1, 2024, through April 30, 2029, and authorize Chair to execute.
County Administrator: Approve contract with the Law Offices of Benjamin A. Williams for public defender first conflict services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Board of Supervisors: Approve reappointment of Margaret Fowler to Yuba County Commission on Aging as an At-Large Representative with a term ending June 23, 2027.
Board of Supervisors: Approve reappointment of Jay Kaze to Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health Advisory Board as a Family Representative to a term ending June 30, 2027.
Board of Supervisors: Approve reappointment of Lesley Clarkson to Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health Advisory Board as a Consumer Representative with a term ending June 30, 2027.
Board of Supervisors: Approve reappointment of Suzanne Gallaty to Regional Housing Authority as Tenant Commissioner.
Human Resources: Approve a one-year extension of the Employee Referral Bonus Pilot Program from June 30, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Probation: Approve agreement with Wheatland Union High School District to employ one Deputy Probation Officer in the Probation and Schools Success Program (PASS), effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, and authorize Chair to execute.
Human Resources: Authorize budget adjustment request form in the amount of $30,202 decrease from Human Resources Fund 101 account number 101-0300-414-0101 (Salaries) and $10,000 from 101-0300-414-2803 (Special Dept. Expense) and increase $40,202 to various expense accounts.
Human Resources: Approve revisions to the County's Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Exempt Policy, and authorize Human Resources Director to administer the policy.
Administrative Services: Declare surplus items as fully depreciated and authorize Auditor-Controller to remove from Capital Asset Listing Pursuant to Ordinance Title 2 Section 2.50.060.
Human Resources: Approve revised Student Intern and Volunteer Program Policy to improve areas of the policy related to responsibilities and risk processes to allow expanding on Countywide intern/volunteer opportunities.
Administrative Services: Approve amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Bureau Veritas North America, extending term to May 23, 2025, and authorize Chair to execute.
Administrative Services: Approve amendment No. 1 to the agreement with BPR Consulting Group LLC, increasing service fee amounts, and extending the term to May 23, 2025, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Receive notice that large lot map No. TM2022-0010 (Ross Ranch large lot final map) has been received by the County Surveyor and is in the process of being reviewed for final map approval, per Yuba County Development Code §11.41.050.
Community Development and Services: Approve agreement with Sutter Yuba Mosquito and Vector Control District for mosquito abatement services at Sycamore Ranch and Hammon Grove Parks for a term ending November 1, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Approve meeting minutes of June 11, 2024.
Administrative Services: Adopt resolution to increase purchasing threshold from $500. to $5000. for the interim term of July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Community Development and Services: Approve agreements with CP Brady Consulting, Peterson Consulting Advantage, and Rick Engineering Company, for on-call professional consultant services, for a three (3) year term, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution adopting a list of projects for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 funded by SB1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.
Administrative Services: Approve Plans, Specifications and release of Invitation for Bids for the Library Renovation Project, and authorize Administrative Services to distribute.
Community Development and Services: Award contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder Dixon Marine Services, Inc. for the Star Bend Sediment Removal Project, and authorize the Chair to execute upon approval by Risk Management and County Counsel.
Board of Supervisors: City of Wheatland enclosing Resolution No. 24-24 requesting consolidation of City Election with November 5, 2024 Statewide Election.
Office of Emergency Services: Approve budget adjustment request form in the amount of $6,000 from Account No. 101-4200-427-2300 (Professional Services) to Account No. 101-4200-427-2900 (Travel).
Office of Emergency Services: Approve amendment No. 2 to the professional service agreement with Yuba and Sierra - Sacramento Valley Emergency Medical Services for additional three-year extension to a term ending June 30, 2027, and authorize Chair to execute.
Board of Supervisors: Adopt resolution approving support of a sister city relationship with the Chinese Trade Delegation from Wenshan Prefecture and City to explore potential areas of cooperation and facilitate agricultural trade opportunities.
All matter listed under County Departments are action items which will be considered and voted on separately
Human Resources: Authorize budget adjustment request form in the amount of $10,450 from Human Resources Fund 158-8600-371-9601 (Contributions & Donations) to 158-8600-410-2300 (Professional Services). (4/5 Vote Required) (Five minute estimate)
Human Resources: Approve memorandum of understanding with the Deputy District Attorney Association for a three year term beginning July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
Human Resources: Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Yuba County Probation Peace Officers Association (YCPPOA) for a term beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027. (Five minute estimate).
Human Resources: Approve master labor agreement with Yuba County Employees' Association (YCEA) for a 3 year term effective July 01, 2024 to June 30, 2027, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
Human Resources: Adopt resolutions approving the Compensation and Benefits Summaries for Unrepresented Miscellaneous Management, Elected Officials, and Confidential Units for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027; and adopt resolution amending the Classification System - Basic Salary/Hourly Schedule and the Yuba County Elected Officials Classification System - Base Salary Schedule, effective July 1, 2024. (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution authorizing County Administrator, or designee, to execute economic development agreement with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council. (Five minute estimate)
Emergency Services: Receive recommendation from the Board of Supervisors regarding the City of Marysville's local emergency due to the fire at the Marysville Hotel and direct County staff as appropriate. (Five minute estimate)
If you challenge in court the action or decision of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors regarding a zoning, planning, land use or environmental protection matter made at any hearing described in this notice, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at such hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the Yuba County Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, such hearing. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per individual or group.
County Administrator: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 8.110 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to Yuba County Feather River Levee Setback Area. (Roll Call Vote) (20 minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive reading and adopt ordinance adopting the Development Agreement with Danna & Danna for the development known as Bear River Ranch. (Roll Call Vote) (10 minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive reading and adopt ordinance adopting the Development Agreement with Cal Sierra Limited LP, David W. Lanza Trust, and Liberty Land Company LLC for the development known as Draper Ranch North. (Roll Call Vote) (10 minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive reading and adopt ordinance adopting the Development Agreement with SJ&R Amber Properties LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company for the development known as Plumas Lake Unit 9 Through 16. (Roll Call Vote) (10 minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Public Hearing - Hold public hearing and adopt resolution approving fiscal year 2024-25 budget for Gledhill Landscaping and Lighting District. (Roll Call Vote) (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Public Hearing - Hold public hearing and adopt resolution approving fiscal year 2024-25 budget for Linda Lighting Maintenance District. (Roll Call Vote) (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Public Hearing - Hold public hearing and adopt resolution vacating open space and drainage easements on APN 016-060-037, maintaining a portion of the drainage easement as outlined in the plat and legal exhibits. (Roll Call Vote) (Ten minute estimate)