All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be action items that are routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Board of Supervisors: Appoint Richard H. Webb to Yuba County Planning Commission as District 1 Representative for a term ending January 12, 2027.
Health and Human Services: Approve memorandum of understanding with Yuba Community College District for academic counseling services from September 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute.
Health and Human Services: Approve memorandum of understanding with Yuba Community College District to outline services provided by Yuba County Liaison to Yuba Community College students from October 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute.
Clerk-Recorder/Elections: Adopt resolution authorizing Clerk/Recorder-Registrar of Voters to enter into agreement with the California Secretary of State for Help America Vote Act funds to enhance election technology and make election security improvements, and to execute any and all required documents, upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
Community Development and Services: Accept Plumas Ranch Phase 6 TM 2004-0023 as complete, release Security Bonds, and authorize Public Works Director to Record and File a Notice of Completion.
Clerk of the Board: Approve and ratify appointment of Crystal Mirabal to Yuba County Community Services Commission as a Low Income Sector Representative.
Community Development and Services: Award contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, All-American Construction, Inc., for the Pendola Extension Project, and authorize Chair to execute upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
Administrative Services: Approve agreement with Riverside Technologies, Inc. for security camera installation services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Human Resources: Adopt resolution authorizing participation in North Carolina Sherriff's Association, Inc. Technology Procurement Program; approval of agreement with NEOGOV to gain efficiencies and improvement in the County's recruitment process; approval of master agreement with North Carolina Sherriff's Association as a cost savings measure; approve budget adjust request decrease account No.101-0300-372-9901 in the amount of $50,918. and increase account No. 101-0300-414-2300 in the amount of $50,918., and authorize Chair to execute agreements.
Administrative Services: Approve release of request for proposals for the Yuba County Airport Signs Project, and authorize Administrative Services to distribute.
Administrative Services: Authorize release of request for proposals for first conflict attorney services for adults deemed indigent by the Superior Court of Yuba County, and authorize Administrative Services to distribute.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Approve meeting minutes of March 12, 2024 and March 26, 2024.
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Community Development and Services Director or designee to submit an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development for funding under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and to execute any and all required documents, upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
Community Development and Services Agency: Adopt resolution authorizing application for, and receipt of, Prohousing Incentive Pilot Program Funds, and delegating authority to Community Development and Services Director to execute any and all necessary documents upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
Community Development and Services: Authorize Community Development and Services Director Mike Lee and Airport Manager Jason Kopping to negotiate real property lease and terms with Andy Bibber pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property: 1364 Sky Harbor Drive, Olivehurst.
Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director and Airport Manager as real property negotiators who may negotiate terms and rate for a new lease agreement with Innovative Business Solutions for the property at 1420 Sky Harbor Drive, Olivehurst, CA pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8.
Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee and Airport Manager, Jason Kopping as real property negotiator who may negotiate the lease of 1430 Melody Road, Olivehurst, with Caltrans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8.
Community Development and Services: Receive notice that large lot map No. TM2005-0003 (Wheeler Ranch Phase 2 large lot) has been received by the County Surveyor and is in the process of being reviewed for final map approval, per Yuba County Development Code §11.41.050.
Administrative Services: Approve professional services agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. to procure and install an HVAC system at Yuba County Animal Control Facilities, and authorize Chair to execute.
Administrative Services: Approve professional services agreement with Madsen Roofing and Weatherproofing for Roof Retrofit Project at Yuba County Animal Care Services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution approving the Gledhill Landscaping and Lighting District engineer's report and declaring intent to levy and collect assessments for fiscal year 2024-2025.
Community Development and Services: Receive notice that Final Map Nos. 2006-0036 and 2006-0038 (Rio Del Oro Villages 18 & 20) have been received by the County Surveyor and are in the process of being reviewed for final map approval, per Yuba County Development Code §11.41.050.
Auditor-Controller: Approve amendment No. 2 to agreement with Koa Hills Consulting, LLC, for implementation services related to the finance ERP project extending the term date to February 29, 2024, and authorize Chair to execute.
Health and Human Services: Approve memorandum of understanding with Trukidz to allow use of one storage unit leased by Yuba County for hygiene kit supplies for students in Yuba County schools, for the term of February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025, and authorize Chair to execute.
Administrative Services: Approve subscription agreement with LexisNexis, for legal research material to improve efficiency and reduce time spent searching legal databases to be used by the District Attorney's office, and authorize chair to execute.
All matter listed under County Departments are action items which will be considered and voted on separately
Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters: Accept certification of Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters results of the canvass of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election and Statement of Vote; Declare results of contests and measures under your jurisdiction. (15 minute estimate)
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Adopt resolution authorizing the availability of remote teleconference to Board of Supervisors Meetings with guidelines. (Five minute estimate)
Human Resources: Approve employment agreement with Janet Bender as Yuba County's County Counsel, effective April 24, 2024, or such other date as agreed upon by both parties in writing, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
County Administrator: Receive information on applications received for the Partnership HealthPlan of California Commission, receive recommendation given by Health and Human Services Director and County Administrator, and take action as appropriate on the appointment for the vacancy to a term ending April 9, 2028. (10 minute estimate)
Health and Human Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Health and Human Services Director to enter into agreement with the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency for the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) Program Round 5 grant funds for the term of July 1, 2023 through October 1, 2028, and to execute any and all required documents, upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management, and authorizing Health and Human Services Director to enter into memorandum of understanding with other eligible participating applicants to Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium for the Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan for the term of October 1, 2023 through October 1, 2028. (Five minute estimate)
If you challenge in court the action or decision of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors regarding a zoning, planning, land use or environmental protection matter made at any hearing described in this notice, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at such hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the Yuba County Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, such hearing. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per individual or group.
County Administrator: Ordinance – Hold public hearing, waive first reading and introduce ordinance repealing and re-enacting chapters: 13.00.030,13.00.31, 13.00.32, 13.00.42, 13.00.50, 13.00.58; and establishing chapter 13.00.056. (Roll Call Vote) (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services Agency: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive first reading and introduce Ordinance repealing and re-enacting Chapters 13.00.054, 13.20.100, 13.20.200, 13.20.300, 13.20.400, 13.200.500 and 13.20.600 of the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance Code. (Roll Call Vote) (Five minute estimate)
Conference with Real Property Negotiations (Section 54956.8) 1420 Sky Harbor Drive, Olivehurst, CA; Michael Lee and Jason Kopping; Innovative Business Solutions (IBS); regarding price and terms.
Conference with Real Property Negotiations (Section 54956.8) 1364 Sky Harbor Drive , Olivehurst, CA; Michael Lee and Jason Kopping; real property lease and terms with Andy Bibber; regarding price and terms.
Conference with Real Property Negotiations (Section 54956.8) 1430 Melody Road , Olivehurst, CA; Michael Lee and Jason Kopping; Caltrans; regarding price and terms.
CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 – Agency designated representatives: Kevin Mallen, County Administrator and Tiffany Manuel, Human Resources Director or designee, Employee Organizations: DDAA, YCEA
CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (d)(2). No. of cases: One
PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT: pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: Treasurer/ Tax Collector