All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be action items that are routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Child Care Planning Council of Yuba and Sutter Counties: Approve Certification Statement regarding composition of Local Planning Council (LPC) memberships, and authorize Chair to execute.
Sheriff-Coroner: Approve agreement with PropertyRoom.com, Inc. to utilize web-based auction services for Sheriff's forfeited property, and authorize Chair to execute.
Sheriff-Coroner: Approve acceptance of the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant award and approve budget adjustments in the total amount of $73,016.60 to various accounts.
Health and Human Services: Approve two (2) Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Children's Medical Services (CMS) program for guidelines for fiscal year 2023-24, which includes California Children Services (CCS) and Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care (HCPCFC), and authorize the Chair to execute certification statement.
Administrative Services: Approve agreement with Planet Technologies, Inc. for information technology engineering services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Administrative Services: Approve release of request for proposals to acquire a maintenance agreement for uninterruptable power supply units, and authorize Administrative Services to distribute.
Administrative Services: Accept Yuba County Animal Care Services emergency generator project as complete, and authorize Director of Administrative Services to sign and record Notice of Completion.
Administrative Services: Accept Design-Build Air Handler Unit Replacement Project at the Yuba County Jail as complete, and authorize Director of Administrative Services to sign and record Notice of Completion.
Administrative Services: Accept Yuba County Pre-Fabricated Shop Installation Project for Day Reporting Center as complete, and authorize Director of Administrative Services to sign and record Notice of Completion.
Administrative Services: Accept Yuba County Courthouse Chiller and Cooling Tower Improvements as complete and authorize Director of Administrative Services to sign and record Notice of Completion.
Administrative Services: Approve release of request for proposals for the Infectious Disease and Emergency Response Project, and authorize Administrative Services to distribute.
Administrative Services: Declare surplus items as fully depreciated and authorize Auditor-Controller to remove from Capital Asset Listing pursuant to Ordinance Title 2 Sections 2.50.060.
Community Development and Services: Approve agreement with Fehr & Peers,for professional engineering services for the Yuba Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan Project, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Approve release of request for proposals to develop the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report and authorize Community Development and Services Director to distribute.
Administrative Services: Approve agreement with ACCO Engineered Systems for Government Center Information Technology Services Lab remodel, and authorize Chair to execute.
Auditor-Controller: Approve agreement with Koa Hills Consulting for the Historical Access Database to maintain access to historical financial records, and authorize Chair to execute.
All matter listed under County Departments are action items which will be considered and voted on separately
Health and Human Services: Approve agreement with Peach Tree Healthcare for behavioral health and substance use disorder assessments and therapeutic treatment services for the term of January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026, and authorize the Chair to execute. (10 minute estimate).
Community Development and Services: Approve fee credit and reimbursement agreement with LGI Homes, Inc. for drainage facilities at the Goldfields Ranch development, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Treasurer/Tax Collector or Treasury/Tax Manager to approve agreements with Heartland Payment Systems, and Authorize.Net, for credit card processing for parks reservations; and delegate authority to Community Development and Services Director, or designee, to conduct all negotiations in conjunction with Treasurer/Tax Collector and Auditor-Controller, and to execute any and all necessary documents, upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management. (Five minute estimate)
The Board may direct any item of informational correspondence to a department head for appropriate action.
Received letter from Kathleen Miller regarding AT&T applications to the California Public Utilities Commission.
Received two notices from the California State Water Resource Control Board regarding petition on changes in water rights for the Delta Conveyance Project and abridged notice of public hearing on proposed Sites Reservoir Project.