All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Board of Supervisors: Approve re-appointment of Kuldip Atwal to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 2 as a Representative with a term ending September 7, 2026.
Health and Human Services: Approve agreement with Yuba Community College for the Independent Living Program (ILP), for the term of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute.
Health and Human Services: Approve agreement with Yuba Community College for the Foster Care Education (FCE) Program, for the term of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute.
Sheriff-Coroner: Approve amendments No. 1 to the professional service agreements with Sutter Circuits, and Sutter Buttes Communication, for law enforcement vehicle equipment installation services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Probation: Approve memorandum of understanding with Butte County for the provision of male community re-entry program coordination of services for the term July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, and authorize Chair to execute.
Clerk-Recorder/Elections: Approve agreement with Metropolitan Van and Storage, for election transportation and storage services, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Approve five-year lease agreement with Alex Scholey, Hangar No. 67, at the Yuba County Airport, and authorize Chair to execute.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Approve meeting minutes of August 8, 2023 and budget meeting minutes of August 8, 2023.
Health and Human Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Health and Human Services Director to accept funds allocated by the California Department of Public Health, for the Immunization Local Assistance Grant for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027 and to execute any and all necessary documents upon review and approval of County Counsel and Risk Management.
Board of Supervisors: Approve appointment of Dale Whitmore to Historic Resources Commission as a District 2 Representative to a term ending January 6, 2025.
Present certificate of recognition to Sean Pirtle. (No background information) (Five minute estimate)
Receive introductory presentation and update from Yuba-Sutter Transit. (No background information) (15 minute estimate)
Receive update from Homeless Consortium. (No background information) (15 minute estimate)
Receive update from Clerk Recorder/Elections. (No background information) (20 minute estimate)
Administrative Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Administrative Services request to dispose of records per Government Code § 26202, §25101, Code of Civil Procedure §337, and Resolution No. 2015-79. (Five minute estimate) (4/5 vote required)
Health and Human Services: Approve agreements with Children’s Home Society of California for the Emergency Child Care Bridge Program, and the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Child Care Services for the term of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
County Administrator: Approve employment agreement with Matt Ricardy as Chief Probation Officer with an effective date of September 1, 2023, and authorize Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
The Board may direct any item of informational correspondence to a department head for appropriate action.
Receive independent audit of financial records for Browns Valley Irrigation District for calendar year ending December 31, 2022.
Letter from James A. Wawrzyniak Jr. regarding California Municipal Finances Authority Community Facilities District No. 2023-13