All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Sheriff-Coroner: Approve agreement with U. S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration to provide law enforcement services relating to the eradication and suppression of illicit marijuana, and authorize Chair to execute.
Sheriff-Coroner: Approve Medi-Cal County Inmate Program (MCIP) participation agreement #23-MCIPYUBA-58, and (MCIP) administrative services agreement #23-30061, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Approve and award the 2023 Yuba County Park and Landscape Maintenance Agreement to Elite Service Experts, for park and landscape maintenance from April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2025, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Award contract to ECORP Consulting, Inc., for the Environmental review for the CDBG-DR Roadside Fuel Reduction Project, and authorize Chair to execute.
Probation: Approve amendment No.1 to the agreement with Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc/TREMCO Roofing and Building Maintenance extending the term date to May 31, 2023 for façade and roof repair services at Juvenile Rehabilitation Campus, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Authorize budget adjustment request transfer form in the amount of $145,000. to the following appropriations of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Homeless Emergency Shelter Planning grant funding to fiscal year 2022-2023 budget.
Administrative Services: Approve amendment No.1 to the agreement with 3QC, Inc., for commissioning authority services for the Medical and Mental Health Facility, and authorize Chair to execute.
Administrative Services: Approve professional services agreement with Business Fulfillment Services, Inc., dba Visual Impact Signs, to design and build a electronic message board monument at the Packard Facility, and authorize Chair to execute.
Human Resources: Adopt resolutions amending Classification System - Basic Salary/Hourly Schedule; and amending Department Position Allocation Schedule as it relates to County Counsel's Office, effective April 1, 2023.
Community Development and Services: Approve agreement with R&F Engineering for Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project, and authorize Chair to execute.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Approve meeting minutes of March 14, 2023.
Present certificate of recognition to Yuba County Assessor's Office. (No background information) (Five minute estimate)
Receive presentation from City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville. (No background information) (15 minute estimate)
Receive presentation from Child Care Planning Council of Yuba and Sutter Counties regarding 2022 activities and accomplishments. (Ten minute estimate)
Receive Code Enforcement Department Update. (No background information) (30 minute estimate)
Human Resources: Adopt resolution authorizing Human Resources Director to sign the scope of work agreement with TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing Inc., relating to ScholarShare 529 Plan, a voluntary benefit for Yuba County employees, and to execute any and all related documents upon review and approval of County Counsel. (Five minute estimate)
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution making a finding of public benefit pursuant to Government Code 25539.4, and approving Regulatory Agreement, Rehabilitation Funding Agreement, Development Agreement, Rider to the Development Agreement, and Escrow Instructions,for the Habitat for Humanity Yuba/Sutter, Inc. Prosperity Village Rehabilitation Project, and authorizing Chair to execute. (Five minute estimate)
If you challenge in court the action or decision of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors regarding a zoning, planning, land use or environmental protection matter made at any hearing described in this notice, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at such hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the Yuba County Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, such hearing. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per individual or group.
Community Development and Services: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce ordinance repealing and re-enacting Chapter 8.50 of Title VIII Regarding New Bullards Bar Recreation Area. (Roll Call Vote) (Five minute estimate)
CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) - In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation, United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio Case No. 1:17-MD-2804.
PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1) - County Counsel
PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1) - County Administrator