All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and can be enacted in one motion.
Health and Human Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Health and Human Services Director to apply to California Department of Public Health for the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health grant funds for fiscal year 2022-23, and to execute any and all related documents upon review and approval of County Counsel.
Health and Human Services: Adopt resolution authorizing Health and Human Services Director to receive allocated funds from the California Department of Public Health, through its Tuberculosis Control Branch, for the Real-Time Allotment funding for fiscal year 2022-23, and to execute any and all related documents upon review and approval of County Counsel.
Clerk of the Board: Reappoint Jared Hastey to the Law Library Board of Trustees as an At-Large Representative with a term ending January 23, 2024.
Board of Supervisors: Reappoint Albert DelBono to Brownsville Cemetery District as a Director to a term ending February 10, 2027.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: Approve special meeting minutes of January 3, 2023 and meeting minutes of January 10, 2023.
Health and Human Services: Approve agreements with Midvalley Recovery Facilities Inc., dba Pathways, Progress House Inc. and Yolo Wayfarer Center Christian Mission dba Walter's House dba Fourth and Hope, for Child and Adult Protective Services (CAPS), Public Health, and California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) clients, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development Services: Approve application for a floodplain development variance for an agricultural storage building at 10045 Highway 70, APN 005-030-032 per Yuba County Ordinance 10.30.090.
Community Development and Services: Adopt resolution of support for annexation of Rio Del Oro Villages 17 thru 20 into County Service Area No. 66 (CSA 66), and approval to amend sphere of influence of County Service Area 66.
Board of Supervisors: Appoint Janice O'Brien to Yuba County Community Services Commission as District Five Representative with a term ending January 4, 2027.
Administrative Services: Approve Contract Change Order 6 for the Tri-County Juvenile Rehabilitation Facility Project, and authorize Chair to execute.
Health and Human Services: Approve amendment No. 1 to the service agreement with Agiloft, Inc., for the purchase of three (3) additional Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) user subscriptions, and authorize the Chair to execute.
Health and Human Services: Approve purchase of Disaster Trailer for supplies; authorize budget transfer from account number 106-4700-441-01 (Salaries-Regular) of $20,000 to account number 100-4700-441-63-00 (Health-Equipment).
County Administrator: Adopt resolution reversing a portion of the property tax revenue exchange pertaining to an exchange of tax revenue between Reclamation District 817 (RD 817) and Reclamation District 2103 (RD2103) – annexation of 3,226 acres back to RD 817 and detachment of 3,226 acres from RD 2103 (LAFCO FILE 2022-0010).
Health and Human Services: Approve and authorize Health and Human Services Director to execute amendment No. 1 to the grant agreement with County Medical Services Program (CMSP) Governing Board per Resolution No. 2019-133 for the Local Indigent Care Needs (LICN) Grant Program.
Administrative Services: Adopt resolution to ratify execution of service agreement with AT&T Calnet for infrastructure upgrades, and authorize purchasing agent to execute any and all subsequent forms, upon review and approval of County Counsel.
Health and Human Services: Approve amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for Medi-Cal Privacy and Security, and authorize Chair to execute.
Community Development and Services: Adopt Written Findings and Order after hearing approving Appeal Item 668/2022, Planned Sign Permit Program PSPP2022-0001 - Nick's Billboard.
If you challenge in court the action or decision of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors regarding a zoning, planning, land use or environmental protection matter made at any hearing described in this notice, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at such hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the Yuba County Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, such hearing. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per individual or group.
Community Development and Services: Ordinance - Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 10.12 expedited permit process for electric vehicle charging stations of the Yuba County Ordinance Code. (15 minute estimate) (Roll Call Vote)
If a party to a hearing before the Yuba County Board of Supervisors seeks to challenge in court a decision of the Board, pursuant to Yuba County Ordinance Code §1.16.070 and California Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6, any application for judicial review of such decision must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the 90th day following the date on which the Board decision was made.
Community Development and Services: Public Hearing - Cost Accounting Hearing to determine administrative and abatement costs and penalties to be assessed against property located at 1781 Eighth Avenue, Olivehurst, CA, 95961 and to authorize a special tax assessment and abatement lien. (15 minute estimate) (Roll Call Vote)