Meeting details
County Commission Regular Meeting
Held at: Commission Chambers
Thursday, 11/09/2023
Begin: 9:00 AM
Public Hearings: (9:05 am)
CA Consent Agenda:
Request approval of Account Payable Bills Lists BL#14, BL#14A, BL#15, BL#16, BL#17, and BL#17A.
Request Approval of Healthcare Assistance Claims and Disposition Claims for November 2023.
Request Approval of Property Liens for Reimbursement of Unclaimed Decedent Disposition Services for November 2023.
Request approval of October 12, 2023 County Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
Request approval of Resolution #11-09-23/112-17 Budget Adjustments - November 2023
Request approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Otero County and the Southeastern New Mexico Econimic Development District/Council of Governments to act as fiscal agent for grant agreement #23-H3088 to purchase and equip Sheriff's Office vehicles in the amount of $323,000.00.
Request approval to purchase a new laptop for Trent Parker, Otero County Project Manager, not to exceed $1500.00.
Request approval to reclassify a Transfer Station Attendant to Administrative Assistant.
Request approval to reclassify a second Communication Officer position to a National Crime Information Center Assistant.
Request approval to reclassify two part time Maintenance Custodian to one full time Mainteneance Custodian.
Scheduled Citizen Communications:
Ashly Dalton will present on insurance coverage, emergency planning and forest clean up.
Kelly Lynch and Michael Guitierrez with the Flickinger Center for Performing Arts would like to discuss the Community Funding and it's intended use.
Unscheduled Citizen Communications: (Limited to 3 Minutes)
The issues raised during "Unscheduled Citizen Communication" are not action items and shall not be entitled to decision making by the Otero County Commission at the meeting where they are first raised. These items must pertain to County business, which cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
New Business:
Request the Board of County Commissioners select an option to improve the Weed Convenience Center.