Meeting details
County Commission Regular Meeting
Held at: Commission Chambers
Thursday, 06/09/2022
Begin: 9:00 AM
Public Hearings: (9:05 am)
CA Consent Agenda:
Request approval of Accounts Payable Bills Lists BL#44, BL#45, BL#46, and BL#47.
Request approval of Resolution #06-09-22/110-50 Budget Adjustments - Operating Expenses, Wildland Fire Reimbursement, and Grant
Request approval of Resolution #06-09-22/110-53 approving the Subdivision Administrative Fees for 2022/23.
Request approval of Financial Reports for Quarter Ending March 31, 2022.
Request approval of Amendment 2 to CYFD Agreement for Juvenile Justice System Grant FY2022-2023
Request approval to award RFP 22-016 Auditor Service Contract, to Kriegel/Gray/Shaw & Co.,PC. This is one year contract with the option to renew for an additional year not to exceed a total of two (2) years.
The amount of the contract is for( $53,225.00) including all taxes. per year. Total cost for two (2) years is ($106,450.00).
The amount of the contract is for( $53,225.00) including all taxes. per year. Total cost for two (2) years is ($106,450.00).
Request approval for fire departments to apply for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program through FEMA.
Request approval of the renewal of premium and coverage summary for both the Worker's Compensation and AD&D for the volunteer fire departments.
Scheduled Citizen Communications:
Unscheduled Citizen Communications: (Limited to 3 Minutes)
The issues raised during "Unscheduled Citizen Communication" are not action items and shall not be entitled to decision making by the Otero County Commission at the meeting where they are first raised. These items must pertain to County business, which cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
New Business:
Request approval of Resolution #06-09-22/110-51 Updating the Travel and Per Diem Rates for FY23.
Request approval of Resolution #06-09-22/110-52 Presentation and Approval of the FY2021 Financial Audit.
Request approval for R.B. Nichols, County Attorney to draft a cease and desist order against the USFS water enclosures currently being built. Grounds and standing to be provided thru the US Supreme Court Decision.
Request approval to hand counting all ballots cast inside the Dominion Voting System to verify vote count of machine after the June 7th primary.
Request approval to remove all election ballot drop boxes from the public square in an attempt to secure our election in 2022.
Request approval to discontinue the use of Dominion Voting Machines before the 2022 General Election.
Request approval of the negotiated Union contract between Otero County and New Mexico Coalition of Public Safety Officers.