Resolutions Archive
Search Resolutions from January 2010 through April 2022
Name | Description | Download |
Resolution 2022-157 | Resolution Approving an Easement to the City of Minneapolis for Portion of 8Th Avenue NE as City Right-Of-Way at the Easterly Section of the Plymouth Avenue Bridge, Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-156 | Resolution Authorizing the Reconsideration of Resolution 2021-249 Related to the Hiawatha Golf Course Area Master Plan and Directing Staff to Organize a Public Hearing Before the Planning Committee of the Board of Commissioners on April 20, 2022 | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolution 2022-155 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Hall Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-154 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Farwell Park Phase 1 Improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-153 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 and No. 5 with TMG Construction, Inc., Contract No. MP-0000001388, for the Mary Merrill Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters Building Human Resources Office Rehabilitation Project in the Total Amount of $29,804.65 for a New Contract Total of $426,748.05 and Transfer to the Project $30,000.00 from the Mary Merrill Headquarters Building Reserve Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-152 | Resolution to Approve the Submission of an Application for Federal Transportation Funds through Metropolitan Council's 2022 Regional Solicitation Program and Authorizing the Commitment of Local Funds to Provide the Required Match for Federal Funding for the East Bank Trail Connections Project, Part of the Above the Falls Regional Park and Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-151 | Resolution Approving a Subsequent Cooperative Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission, and the City of Minneapolis for the Construction of the Park Elements and the City Elements and the Commission’s Reimbursement to the MPRB and the City for Said Construction of the Water Quality Improvements Project at Bryn Mawr Meadows Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-150 | Resolution Approving a Three Year Contract, with Two One-Year Options to Extend, with the Active Network, LLC, for Recreation Management Software Services with a Total Contract Amount of $750,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-148 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 6 to the Active Network, LLC Contract, Extending the Term to May 31, 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-147 | Resolution Approving Change Order #17 to Contract No. COM0001440 with Preferred Electric Related to the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $13,659.30 for a Total Contract of $864,007.30 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-146 | Resolution Approving Amendment to Contract #COM0003585 with Horizon Commercial Pool Supply for an Amount of $325,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $650,000.00 through April 30, 2023 | pdf (831 kB) |
Resolution 2022-145 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement COM3153 with Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Related to Construction Administration Services for the Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park in the Amount of $221,400.00 for a New Contract Total of $824,225.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-144 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year-Ending December 31, 2021 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (523 kB) |
Resolution 2022-143 | Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Police Officer's Federation of Minneapolis from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-142 | Resolution Approving the Professional Services Agreement with Revolutionary Sports to Provide Sports Specific Instructional Programming in Recreation Centers for 70% of Gross Revenues, Up to $750,000, for the Period of April 1St, 2022, to December 31, 2024, with Funding through the General Fund Recreation Centers and Programs Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-141 | Resolution Approving Contracts for the Purchase of Trees as Requested Per B.E. No 1854 at an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,000,000 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-140 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis Related to Land Transfers Associated with the Hennepin County Osseo Road Reconstruction Project Within and Adjacent to Victory Memorial Parkway Regional Trail | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-139 | Resolution Concurring with the De Minimis Finding by the Federal Highway Administration Related to the Osseo Road Reconstruction Project Adjacent to and Within Victory Memorial Parkway Regional Trail | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-138 | Resolution Entering into a Subrecipient Agreement with City of Minneapolis to Receive Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in the Amount Not to Exceed $3,267,400 to Provide Youth Program Services to Disproportionately Impacted Communities During the Period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-137 | Resolution Approving Change Order #10 to Contract No. COM0001439 with Northland Mechanical Contractors Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $2,202.00 for a New Contract Total of $551,542.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-136 | Resolution Approving Amendment #5 to Construction Manager as Agent Services Agreement No. COM0001186 with H+U Construction (Formerly Wenck Construction, Inc.) Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $38,750 for a New Contract Total of $1,146,929 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-135 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement #COM-2418 with Ten X Ten Related to Adding a Water Quality Scope of Service to the Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles Master Plan Project in the Amount of $49,125 for a New Contract Total of $388,382 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-134 | Resolution Approving Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM0003660 With BTR Architects Related to Design Services for Spark’d Studios in the Amount of $120,510 For a New Contract Total of $252,510 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-133 | Resolution Approving the Policy Issues for the 2022 State Legislative Agenda of theMinneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-132 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 5 to the Active Network, LLC Contract, Extending the Term to March 31, 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-131 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM0001517 With Perkins+Will Related to Design Services for Upper Harbor Terminal In the Amount of $503,005.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,948,605.00 | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2022-130 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement COM0003807 with CH Consulting Group for the Preparation of Additional Facility Emergency Action Plans In the Amount of $40,000 for a New Contract Total of $188,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-129 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM-0003938 With Snow Kreilich Architects Related to Design Services for Graco Park In the Amount of $60,240 for a New Contract Total of $395,776 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-128 | Resolution Authorizing the Use of Omnia Contract No. 2017001134 with Game Time C/O Minnesota-Wisconsin Playground in the Amount of $323,822.82 to Furnish and Construct the Playground Improvements at Pearl Park Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 4% Construction Contingency Up to $12,952.91 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-127 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species 2022 Inspection Rules, Authorizing the Superintendent to Implement These Rules from May 01, 2022 to December 01, 2022, and Approving and Directing Staff to Implement the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group Recommendations for 2022 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-126 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Lockridge, Grindal, Nauen P.L.L.P. Up to $175,0000 to Provide Legal Advice in Areas of Employment Law and Investigative Services through December 31, 2022 | pdf (883 kB) |
Resolution 2022-125 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa for Environmental Stewardship and Youth Employment Projects from March 1, 2022 to March 1, 2023 in the Amount of $203,040 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-124 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with FIHAN Design+Architecture LLC to Provide Concept and Schematic Design Services for the North Commons Park Phase 1 Improvements for a Fee Not to Exceed $881,524.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-123 | Resolution Approving Temporary Occupancy Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 for a City of Minneapolis Project to Improve Pedestrian Signals and Ramps at Multiple Locations, Impacting Parkland at Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail, and Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-122 | Resolution Amending the Loring Park Portion of the Downtown Service Area Master Plan, the Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park Master Plan, and the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan to Allow for the Implementation of Pickleball Courts | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2022-121 | Resolution Accepting the Conveyance of Market Square from Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority According to the Terms of the Parkland Dedication and Operating Agreement for the Lake and Hiawatha Development Project and Approving an Assignment of Rights in the Lease Agreement Between the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Metropolitan Council | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-120 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis Division of Water Treatment and Distribution Services for the Provision of Combination Drinking Fountains/Bottle Fillers at Minneapolis Recreation Centers and Other Park Facilities | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-119 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Blackstone Contractors, LLC Under Contract No. COM0002563 for the Playground Improvements at Cleveland Park in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-118 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Veit & Company, Inc. for the Folwell Park Improvements Project, Contract No. COM1906, in the Amount of $898.75 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-117 | Resolution Designating the Park Dedication Fee Account as the Dibble-Hornstein Park Dedication Fee Account | pdf (772 kB) |
Resolution 2022-116 | Resolution Approving a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement by and Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, United Properties, and the City of Minneapolis for Application of the “Private Land Maintained for Public Use” Parkland Dedication Option to the Nordic at 729 Washington Avenue North, as Part of the Implementation of the 8Th Avenue Streamscape in the North Loop of Minneapolis, and Refunding $66,924.00 in Park Dedication Fees Previously Paid by United Properties | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-115 | Resolution Approving Temporary Occupancy Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 for the Rehabilitation of the Stone Arch Bridge Within Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-114 | Resolution Approving Installation of a Public Art Mural by Lili Payne Lennox at the South Beach of Cedar Lake Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Artwork with the Cedar-lsles-Dean Neighborhood Association | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-113 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Painter Park Phase 1 Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-112 | Resolution Making Additional Recommendations of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to the City Charter Commission on Redistricting of Park Districts | pdf (893 kB) |
Resolution 2022-111 | Resolution Approving a Construction Permit for the Metropolitan Council Related to the Construction of a Tunnel at the Kenilworth Corridor, a Part of the Southwest Light Rail Transit/Green Line Extension Project, and Permitting the Closure of Portions of Cedar Lake Parkway to Facilitate Timely Construction of the Tunnel | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-110 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, City of Minneapolis, and Friends of the Falls Regarding a Cooperative Effort to Define Acquisition, Ownership, Development, and Operation of Certain Properties Associated with the Upper Saint Anthony Lock and Dam and Adjacent to the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2022-109 | Resolution Honoring Patricia Torres Ray for Her Sixteen Years of Legislative Service in the Minnesota State Senate | pdf (519 kB) |
Resolution 2022-108 | Resolution Honoring Jim Davnie for His Twenty-Two Years of Legislative Service in the Minnesota State House | pdf (479 kB) |
Resolution 2022-107 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Huot Construction and Services, Inc., For the Roof Replacement Project at the Logan Recreation Center, Contract No. COM0002773, In the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (932 kB) |
Resolution 2022-106 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Killmer Electric Co, Inc. for Phase 2 Field and Pedestrian Lighting Improvements at Elliot Park, Contract No. COM1929, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-105 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 5 to License Agreement L-304 with State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, for Office Space for Minnesota State Patrol at MPRB Headquarters Building, 2117 West River Road | pdf (1000 kB) |
Resolution 2022-104 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ebert Construction for a Base Bid Amount of $2,043,000.00 and Accepting Add Alternates #1 through #3 in an Amount of $56,250.00 for a Total Contract Amount of $2,099,250.00 for Park Improvements at Father Hennepin Bluff Park, Bid Event MPLMN #1701, Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $209,925.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, and Authorizing the Transfer of $500,000 from the Regional Park Operations and Maintenance Matching Fund to Support Completion of the Improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2022-103 | Resolution Approving Capital Improvement Grant Award Amendment #4 from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Extending the Grant Deadline for the Design and Construction of Innovative Stormwater Management Practices as Part of the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Construction | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2022-102 | Resolution Approving Amendment 1 of the Scope of Services of a Five-Year Contract with Cale America, Inc. Dba Flowbird for Enterprise Parking Operations Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for Initial Configuration and Installation of the Parking Payment Kiosks | pdf (877 kB) |
Resolution 2022-101 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Recuro Health, Inc. to Provide a Platform for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Employees to Provide Proof of COVID-19 Vaccinations and Upload Testing Results in the Amount Not to Exceed $7,500.00 for the Period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 | pdf (979 kB) |
Resolution 2022-100 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to G. Urban Companies, Inc. in the Amount of $168,700.00 for the Site Improvements Project at the Minnehaha Park Refectory Building, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #1755, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, And Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $16,870.00 For Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-382 | Resolution Amending Resolution 2021-367 Resolution Adopting the 2022 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget to Provide an Effective Date for the Implementation of Youth Programming, Youth Sports, and Rec Plus Fee Structure Changes | pdf (469 kB) |
Resolution 2021-381 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into an Agreement for a Lease with Reef Parking (Landlord) with Such Leased Premises Located Generally at Government Center Ramp, 415 South 5Th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-380 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement with the Minnesota Wild for a Dryland Training Center at Northeast Ice Arena in the Amount of $75,000 | pdf (878 kB) |
Resolution 2021-379 | Honoring LaTrisha Vetaw For Her Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (918 kB) |
Resolution 2021-378 | Honoring Kale Severson For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (812 kB) |
Resolution 2021-377 | Honoring Chris Meyer For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (979 kB) |
Resolution 2021-376 | Honoring Ak Hassan For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (670 kB) |
Resolution 2021-375 | Honoring Londel French For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (792 kB) |
Resolution 2021-374 | Honoring Jono Cowgill For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (998 kB) |
Resolution 2021-373 | Honoring Brad Bourn For His Years of Dedicated Service as Park Board Commissioner | pdf (800 kB) |
Resolution 2021-372 | Resolution Awarding a Boiler Contract to Nasseff Mechanical Contractors in the Amount of $492,328.80 to Perform Required Inspections at Each Site (11 Total), Provide Routine Services During the Inspection and Provide Call-Out Services to Each Site as Requested, in an Amount Not to Exceed $492,328.80 Per Bid Event No. 1812, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department for a Period Three Years Beginning in January 2022 through December 31, 2024 | pdf (979 kB) |
Resolution 2021-371 | Resolution Amending Resolution 2021-312 Reaffirming the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Participation in the City of Minneapolis Hardship Deferral Program for Special Assessments and to Provide Additional Support for Property Owners Experiencing Hardship to Include Administrative Authority for the Superintendent or His Designee to Administer Said Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-370 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Blackstone Contractors, LLC Under Po. No. 783456 for the Playground Improvements at Farview Park in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-369 | Resolution Approving Change Orders #11 & #12 to Contract No. COM0001615 with Thelen Heating and Roofing Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amounts of $337.00 and $1,823.00, Respectively, For a New Contract Total of $498,912.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-368 | Resolution Revoking All Permissions for Use of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Parkland Immediately Adjacent to Water Bodies Upon Sale, Transfer of Ownership, or Other Conveyance of a Property | pdf (1014 kB) |
Resolution 2021-367 | Resolution Adopting the 2022 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-366 | Resolution Setting the 2022 Tax Levy for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (824 kB) |
Resolution 2021-365 | Resolution Adopting the 2022 Park Museum Budget | pdf (548 kB) |
Resolution 2021-364 | Resolution Setting the 2022 Tax Levy for the Park Museum Fund | pdf (465 kB) |
Resolution 2021-363 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $11,500,000 for Certain Purposes Other Than the Purchase of Public Utilities | pdf (917 kB) |
Resolution 2021-362 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $800,000 the Proceeds of Which Are to be Used for the Diseased Tree Removal Program | pdf (781 kB) |
Resolution 2021-361 | Resolution Authorizing Staff to Proceed with a Pilot Project as Initial Implementation of the Draft 'ParkedWay' Toolkit at Intersections Along West River Parkway Between 4Th Avenue North and Plymouth Avenue | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-360 | Resolution Approving a Concept Plan for Phase 1 Improvements and an Agreement with Minneapolis Public Schools Regarding Existing Facilities at Keewaydin Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-359 | Resolution Revising the Wage Freeze for All Positions in the Appointed Employee Group for the Period of June 4, 2020 through December 31, 2021 to Allow for a 1.5% Wage Increase Retroactive to July 1, 2020, a 1.5% Wage Increase Retroactive to January 1, 2021, and a 1.5% Wage Increase Retroactive to July 1, 2021 Consistent with Represented and Non-Represented Positions During the Same Time Period | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-358 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Urban Companies for the Bde Maka Ska Drinking Fountain and Utility Disconnect Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Contract No. COM1800, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (892 kB) |
Resolution 2021-357 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to Provide Design, Construction Documentation, and Construction Administration Services for the 26Th Avenue North Overlook to Orvin "Ole" Olson Park Trail Connection Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $412,135.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-356 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with Global Specialty Contractors Inc., Contract COM0003120, for Replacement of the Seven Pools Fountain at Thomas Lowry Park in the Amount of $223,107.99 for a New Contract Total of $1,222,877.99 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-355 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees From Private Properties During 2019 through 2021 | pdf (907 kB) |
Resolution 2021-354 | Resolution Approving the Park Concept Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal Site, Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2021-353 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed Citizen Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Jordan Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-352 | Resolution Placing into Nomination the Name "Bridal Veil Gardens" for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Property Known as the Towerside Site and Initiating the Formal Park Naming Process as Required Under Policy | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-351 | Resolution Authorizing an Additional Allocation of $234,805 to Shafer-Richardson from Future Park Dedication Fees Paid in the North Loop Neighborhood Area for Improvement of the North Loop Park Site | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-350 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Agreement Between Hennepin County and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for Cost Participation in Design Engineering of a Segment of the East Bank Trail on Main Street Between 1St Avenue NE and Hennepin Avenue NE, a Part of the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-349 | Resolution Approving One-Year Contracts Effective January 1, 2022 with Rice, Walther, and Mosley LLP in the Amount Not to Exceed $85,000 and Tom Workman in the Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 for Lobbyist Services | pdf (815 kB) |
Resolution 2021-348 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Third Quarter, 2021 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (580 kB) |
Resolution 2021-347 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Sunram Construction, Inc. for Phelps Field Park Site Improvements, Contract No. COM0002526, in the Amount of $14,378.08 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-346 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., Linder Contract No. COM4112 for Site Improvements for the Kenny Park Playground Improvement Project in the Amount of $20,200.50 for a New Contract Total of $310,199.67 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-345 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Sixty (60) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning No Sooner Than November 22, 2021, for the Draft Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Land Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-342 | Resolution Approving the Bryn Mawr Meadows Park Concept Plan Within the North Service Area | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2021-341 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis for the Establishment of Intent to Enter into a Formal Maintenance and Operating Agreement for the Water Quality Improvements Project at Bryn Mawr Meadows Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-340 | Resolution Placing into Nomination the Name "Midtown Park" for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Property Known as the Cepro Site, and Initiating the Formal Park Naming Process as Required Under Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-339 | Resolution Approving the Renaming of Carl W. Kroening Interpretive Center to Become the Carl W. Kroening Nature Center | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-338 | Resolution Adopting the 2022 Federal Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (504 kB) |
Resolution 2021-337 | Resolution Approving the 2022 Draft State Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-336 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with JPMI Construction Company, COM 0003154, for the Mechanical Equipment Replacement Project at the Farview Park Recreation Center in the Amount of $15,752.89 for a New Contract Total of $314,995.44 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-335 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Veit & Company, Inc. for the Scherer / Halls Island Reconstruction Project, Contract No. C-42971, in the Amount of $40,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-334 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement COM3279 with Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Related to Design Services for the Northeast Athletic Fields Park Improvement Project in the Amount of $24,700.00 for a New Contract Total of $167,600.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-333 | Resolution Accepting a 2021 Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $150,000.00 for Adventure Play Area Improvements at Keewaydin Park | pdf (897 kB) |
Resolution 2021-332 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees from Private Property During 2019 through 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-331 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grants through the 2022 Hennepin Youth Sports Program Facility Grant Program, Up to the Amount of $300,000 Each for All-Wheel Skills Area at Folwell Park, Multi-Sport Court at Whittier Park and Minnesota American Indian Culture Center | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-330 | Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Outdoor Hockey Rink and Refrigeration System from Custom Ice, Inc. in the Amount of $310,800 through Bid Event ID #1635 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division, Department of Civil Rights and Final Hennepin County Board Approval of Hennepin Youth Sports Program Grant Award of $300,000 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $31,800 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project, for Installation on the Urban Venture Fields | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-329 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Huot Construction and Services, Inc., For the Gym Exterior Renovation Project at the Farview Recreation Center, Contract No. COM0002394, In the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (930 kB) |
Resolution 2021-328 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM-2418 with Ten X Ten LLC Related to the Master Plan for Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, in the Amount of $39,257 for a New Contract Total of $339,257 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-327 | Resolution Amending Section 14 of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Rules of the Board to Establish the Procedure for Notifying the President or Secretary of Intended Absences Prior to a Board Meeting | pdf (902 kB) |
Resolution 2021-326 | Resolution Authorizing Creation of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Masjid Salaam Cultural Center and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Relating to Land Swap Use or Disposition of Parkland in the Vicinity of St. Anthony Parkway and Central Avenue NE | pdf (946 kB) |
Resolution 2021-325 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to the Terms of the Agreement Reached by the Parties on September 17, 2021 to Settle the Lawsuit Janice S. Hodge V. Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Calvin Pham, Court File No. 21-CV-0997 (WMW/TNL) | pdf (593 kB) |
Resolution 2021-324 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on October 6, 2021 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (667 kB) |
Resolution 2021-323 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on October 6, 2021 for Injuries Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (669 kB) |
Resolution 2021-322 | Resolution Approving a Stewardship Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Community Clay Courts for Regular and Seasonal Maintenance of Clay-Surfaced Tennis Courts at Waveland Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-321 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with G. Urban Companies, Inc., Contract No. COM0004165, for the Full Depth Rehabilitation at Beard’s Plaisance Park Tennis Court, in the Total Amount of $269,500.00 for a New Contract Total of $ 476,300.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-320 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with Minnesota Wisconsin Playground D/B/A GameTime Under Contract No. COM0003435 for Shade Structures and Additional Playground Equipment for the Armatage Park Playground Improvement Project in the Amount of $27,645.21 for a New Contract Total of $275,365.97 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-319 | Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Donation Agreement with the Graco Foundation Extending the Deadline for Completion of Park Improvements for Graco Park, a Part of the Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-318 | Resolution Approving Use of 2021 Capital Project Contingency Funds in the Amount Up to $75,674.47 for The Tennis Courts Renovation Project at Loring Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-317 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Friends of Loring Park Regarding Tennis Courts Renovation at Loring Park | pdf (903 kB) |
Resolution 2021-316 | Resolution Approving the Adjusted 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan Guaranteed Minimum Annual Amount for 2022 through 2026 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-315 | Resolution Approving COVID-19 Testing and Proof of Vaccination Policy to be Implemented in Alignment with the City of Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-314 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Chapter 9, Section 52 of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Relating to Parkway Speed Limit and Establishing a Speed Limit of 20 Miles Per Hour | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-313 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Amongst the City of Minneapolis, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, the City of St. Paul, the Metropolitan Council and the Regents of the University of Minnesota to Solicit and Procure Vendors Capable of Providing Shared Mobility Within All the Parties’ Respective Jurisdictional Boundaries. | pdf (1009 kB) |
Resolution 2021-312 | Resolution Reaffirming the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Participation in the City of Minneapolis Hardship Deferral Program for Special Assessments and to Provide Additional Support for Property Owners Experiencing Hardship | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-310 | Resolution Concurring with the Federal Transit Authority's De Minimis Finding Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 for the B Line Bus Rapid Transit Project Adjacent to and Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-309 | Resolution Approving Parks for All, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2021 Comprehensive Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2021-308 | Resolution Accepting Three Grants from the Metropolitan Council Regional Park System Equity Grant Program for a Total of $390,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-307 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Sunram Construction, Inc. for Cart Path Improvements at Theodore Wirth Golf Course, Contract No. COM 0002576, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-306 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement #COM984 with Perkins + Will Related to Predesign Services for Cedar-Riverside Recreation Centers Predesign in the Amount of $42,500.00 for a New Contract Total of $306,450.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-305 | Resolution Accepting a Hennepin County Environmental Response Fund (ERF) Grant Award in the Amount of $274,199.00 for Clean-Up of Contaminated Soils in Northeast Athletic Field Park | pdf (828 kB) |
Resolution 2021-304 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $204,863.87 from Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119795 for the Playground Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $20,486.39 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-303 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Chapter 16 - 20-YEAR NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PLAN | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-302 | Resolution Approving Use of 2021 Capital Project Contingency Funds in the Amount Up to $69,806 for The Clay Tennis Court Improvements at Waveland Triangle Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-301 | Resolution Approving New Lease Agreement with Latowski LLC Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Units #8, #10, and #19, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective October 1, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-300 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 106.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2115 East Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at Lake of the Isles Parkway Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and the Collection of Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-299 | Resolution Granting Local Approval to Laws of Minnesota 2021, Chapter 5, Article 5, Section 127, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §645.021, Subdivisions 2 and 3, Related to a Reduction in Parkway Speed Limits | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-297 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement C-43750 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Related to Construction Administration Services for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements in the Amount of $14,300.00 for a New Contract Total of $328,742.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-296 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with JPMI Construction Company, COM 0003119, for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at the Bryant Square Recreation Center in the Amount of $18,296.46 for a New Contract Total of $291,006.69 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-295 | Resolution Approving the Opening of a Minimum 45-Day Comment Period for the Upper Harbor Terminal Park Concept Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-294 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Allied Blacktop Company., in the Amount of $385,424.56 for the 2021 Regional Trails Crack Sealing + Seal Coating Rehabilitation Project, (Bid Event 1657), Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of an 8% Construction Contingency Up to $30,833.96 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-293 | Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Outdoor Hockey Rink and Refrigeration System from Custom Ice, Inc. in the Amount of $310,800 through Bid Event ID #1635 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $31,800 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project, for Installation on the Urban Venture Fields | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-292 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $255,000.00 from St. Croix Recreation Fun Playgrounds, Inc., Local Vendor for BCI Burke, through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119803 for the Playground Improvement Project at Van Cleve Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $12,750.00 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-291 | Resolution Directing Staff to Prepare a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, the City of Minneapolis, the Friends of the Falls, and Other Stakeholders Regarding a Cooperative Effort to Define Acquisition, Ownership, Development, and Operation of Certain Properties Associated with the Upper Saint Anthony Lock and Dam and Adjacent to the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park and to Return Such Memorandum of Understanding to the Board of Commissioners for Its Consideration on or Before Its Regular Meeting of September 15, 2021 | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2021-290 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with City of Skate for Fundraising and Activities Related to the Implementation and Promotion of Skateboarding Facilities Within the Minneapolis Park System and Approving a Letter of Agreement Supporting Implementation and Management of a Pop-Up Skate Facility at Bde Maka Ska Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-289 | Resolution Approving the 2021 Purchasing Card Agreement Between the City of Minneapolis Finance & Property Services Department and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (978 kB) |
Resolution 2021-288 | Resolution Approving License Agreement with Metropolitan Council for a Bus Shelter at Van Cleve Park | pdf (967 kB) |
Resolution 2021-287 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 291.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2424 West Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at Lake of the Isles Parkway Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and the Collection of Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-286 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easements to City of Minneapolis for Storm Sewer Project at Mill Ruins Park Located Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-285 | Resolution Approving the Playground Concept Plan for Northeast Athletic Field Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-284 | Resolution Approving the Playground Concept Plan for Pearl Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-283 | Resolution Accepting the Donation of 250 Laptops from Comcast to Advance Digital Equity in Minneapolis Parks and to Help Keep the Community Connected with Both Workforce Development and Education | pdf (793 kB) |
Resolution 2021-282 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement COM0002892 with NAC Mechanical & Electrical Services Related to the Maintenance and Repairs Contract in the Amount of $649,981.00, Previously Approved Under Contract #COMOO01941 Which was Inadvertently Closed, Thereby Transferring Funds Under Contract #COM0001941 to Contract #COM0002892 Correcting the Record | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-281 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 with Meisinger Construction Company, Inc., COM 0003791, for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at the Audubon ecreation Center in the Amount of $29,001.00 for a New Contract Total of $353,943.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-280 | Resolution Authorizing Placement of the Property, Boiler & Machinery and Certified Terrorism Insurance Coverage with the Travelers Insurance for a Cost of $200,445 for the Period September 1, 2021 to September 1, 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-279 | Resolution Approving a Five (5) Year Contract with Verizon for Fleet Telematic Management System Hardware and Software for a Total Expenditure Not to Exceed $320,000 Using Sourcewell Contract 020221 Pending a Joint Powers Letter from the City of Minneapolis Finance Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-278 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Second Quarter, 2021 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (552 kB) |
Resolution 2021-277 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on August 18, 2021 for an Injury Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (664 kB) |
Resolution 2021-276 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with Sheehy Construction Company, Contract No. COM1922, for the 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement in the Amount of $1,893.27 for a New Contract Total of $1,446,625.77, and Amending the 2021 Capital Improvement Program to Allocate $1,893.27 for Additional Construction Contingency from the Above the Falls Regional Park Funds | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-275 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 272.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 3748 West Bde Maka Ska Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at West Bde Maka Ska Parkway Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-274 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Van Cleve Park Playground Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-273 | Resolution Approving a Five Year Contract with Univerus, Inc. for Hosted Recreation Management Software, Maintenance and Related Services for a Total Contract Amount Not to Exceed the Amount of $125,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-272 | Resolution Approving a Five Year Contract with Arux Software, Inc. for Hosted Recreation Management Software, Maintenance and Related Services for a Total Contract Amount Not to Exceed the Amount of $125,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-271 | Resolution Receiving and Filing as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board the Annual Financial Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 | pdf (743 kB) |
Resolution 2021-270 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout to Ebert Construction Company, Inc., for the Painter Recreation Center Building Improvements Project at Painter Park, Contract No. C-44324 | pdf (943 kB) |
Resolution 2021-269 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Contract with Cale America, Inc., Dba Flowbird, for Enterprise Parking Operations Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for a Total Contract Amount of $860,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-268 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ebert Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $1,252,300.00 for the Meadowbrook Golf Course Clubhouse Reconstruction Project, Per Bid Event ID #1600, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $125,230.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-267 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a 2021 Proposal Which is Funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Administered by the National Park Service for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership for Up to $1,300,000 for Willard Park Acquisition and Revitalization | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-266 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on August 4, 2021 for an Injury Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (658 kB) |
Resolution 2021-265 | Resolution to Approve of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Metropolitan Council to Complete a Preservation Plan for Parkland Within the Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles Master Plan Area of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-264 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 103.00 Square Feet of Land Leading from the Subject Property at 8 Park Lane to the Kenilworth Channel Located Between Cedar Lake and Lake of the Isles Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-263 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 99.00 Square Feet of Land Leading from the Subject Property at 6 Park Lane to the Kenilworth Channel Located Between Cedar Lake and Lake of the Isles Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-262 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 103.00 Square Feet of Land Leading from the Subject Property at 4 Park Lane to the Kenilworth Channel Located Between Cedar Lake and Lake of the Isles Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-261 | Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with the City of Minneapolis that Realigns a Sanitary Sewer Line Easement Within Bryn Mawr Meadows Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-260 | Resolution Granting Access and Utility Agreement to CenterPoint Energy for an Underground Natural Gas Line Within Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with the License | pdf (850 kB) |
Resolution 2021-259 | Resolution Amending License Agreement with Nice Ride Minnesota Related to the Bike Share Program and Stations Extending the Term by 90 Days to Expire on November 1, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-258 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $289,999.17 from Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119795 for the Playground Improvement Project at Kenny Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $14,499.96 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-257 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 3 for Professional Services Agreement #042470 with Revolutionary Sports Related to the Provision of Children's Fundamental Sports Program Instruction in the Amount of $130,000 for a New Contract Total of $730,000 | pdf (909 kB) |
Resolution 2021-256 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract with G. Urban Companies, Inc. in the Amount of $188,000.00 Providing Full Depth Tennis or Basketball Court Removal and Replacement Project at Two Parks (Elliot Park and Bryant Square), Per Bid Event ID #1475, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $18,800.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract” in an Amount Not to Exceed $206,800.00 for the Period of July 21, 2021 to December 31, 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-255 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $344,996.26 from Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119795 for the Playground Improvement Project at Loring Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-254 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement COM3153 with Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. Related to Design Services for the Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park in the Amount of $385,930.00 for a New Contract Total of $602,825.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-253 | Resolution Approving a Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Use of Drones Policy | pdf (774 kB) |
Resolution 2021-252 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation Set the Maximum Property Tax Levy for the 2022 Budget at an Estimated Amount of $75,777,000, an Increase of 7.75 Percent | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-251 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 10 with L.S. Black Constructors, Inc., Contract No. COM1403, for the Phase 1 Improvements Project at Currie Park, in the Amount of $25,310.04 for a New Contract Total of $3,076,149.52 and Authorizing the Transfer of $130,000.00 from the 2021 NPP20 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-250 | Resolution Suspending Board Policy and Procedure and Naming the Clubhouse at Hiawatha Golf Course and Any Replacement of the Clubhouse at Hiawatha Golf Course to be the Solomon Hughes Clubhouse | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-249 | Resolution Approving the Hiawatha Golf Course Area Master Plan and Its Amendment to the Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2021-247 | Resolution Approving the Cedar-Riverside Recreation Center Predesign | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-246 | Resolution Approving the Playground Concept Plan for Kenny Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-245 | Resolution Approving Capital Improvement Grant Award Amendment #3 from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Extending the Grant Deadline for the Design and Construction of Innovative Stormwater Management Practices as Part of the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Construction | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-243 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Blackstone Contractors, LLC for the Plank Road Trail Project at Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Contract No. COM0001075, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (965 kB) |
Resolution 2021-242 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Ebert Construction Company, Inc., for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at Farview and Matthews Parks Recreation Centers, Contract No. COM0001705, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (950 kB) |
Resolution 2021-241 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Versacon, Inc., for the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project at Lyndale Farmstead Park, Contract No. COM0001402, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-240 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to JPMI Construction Company for the Wirth Chalet Water Intrusion Remediation Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Contract No. COM0000909, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1011 kB) |
Resolution 2021-239 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to Provide Design, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration Services for Bryn Mawr Meadows Park for a Fee Not to Exceed $372,950.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-238 | Resolution Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement to Use State of Minnesota CPV Contract ReleaseT-674(5) with Lumen Technologies in the Amount of $650,000 to Provide Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board through 12/31/2026 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-237 | Resolution Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement to Use State of Minnesota CPV Contract ReleaseT-674(5) with Comcast Business Communications, LLC. in the Amount of $1,125,000 to Provide Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board through 12/31/2026 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-236 | Resolution Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement to Use State of Minnesota CPV Contract Release W-215(5) with Verizon Wireless in the Amount of $925,000 for Providing Mobile Devices and Mobile Data and Cellular Services through 12/31/2024 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-234 | Resolution Changing All Current User Aquatic Fees Associated with North Commons Water Park from Their Current Level to $0.00 | pdf (320 kB) |
Resolution 2021-233 | Resolution Allocating $150,000 of General Fund Excess Fund Balance Towards the Street Reach Program and $150,000 for the Teen Teamworks Program for a Total Allocation of $300,000 of General Fund Excess Fund Balance | pdf (622 kB) |
Resolution 2021-232 | Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission, the City of Minneapolis, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Regarding the Implementation of Water Quality Infrastructure Improvements, Including Stormwater Best Management Practices, for the Benefit of All Parties in and Near Bryn Mawr Meadows Park and Within the Bassett Creek Watershed and the City of Minneapolis and in Alignment with MPRB Policy and the Approved North Service Area Master Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2021-231 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Green Minneapolis to Collaborate on the Establishment of a Carbon Offset Program and Its Initial Funding as a Means of Expanding and Perpetuating Minneapolis’ Urban Forest and Public Tree Canopy | pdf (1 MB) |
Park&Recreation Board | Resolution Authorizing the Use of $175,989 from the 2021 General Fund Budget Appropriation for Capital Outlay for the Acquisition and Improvement of a Park Site in the North Loop Neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-229 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sunram Construction Inc. in the Amount of $387,638.00 for the St Anthony Parkway Trail Improvements, Per Bid Event ID #1499, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $38,764.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-228 | Resolution Amending the 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (632 kB) |
Resolution 2021-227 | Resolution Approving an Increase to the Spending Authority for Lease Agreement #C96-15053 with Pillsbury United Communities in the Amount of $ 252,000 for a New Contract Total of $ 1,052,000 | pdf (801 kB) |
Resolution 2021-226 | Resolution Approving One Year Contract for Golf Course Dirt, Sand, Seed, Fertilizer, and Plant Protection Products to be Used at All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Golf Courses in the Amount of $294,475.26 with Funding from the Golf Operations Budget | pdf (804 kB) |
Resolution 2021-225 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Service Agreement with NAC Mechanical and Electrical Services in the Amount of $340,000 for a New Total of $649,981 for HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services through 2023 | pdf (766 kB) |
Resolution 2021-224 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on June 2, 2021 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (653 kB) |
Resolution 2021-223 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 26.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2833 East Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at Lake of the Isles Parkway Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and the Collection of Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-222 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 3,724 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2025 East River Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at East River Parkway Within Mississippi Gorge Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-221 | Resolution Officially Acknowledging the Celebration of the Historic Juneteenth and Approving it as a Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Paid Holiday | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-217 | Resolution Approving the Refectory Rebuild Concept Plan at Bde Maka Ska Park Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-216 | Resolution Approving Two, One-Year License Agreements with Bird and Lyft, Respectively for the Authorization to Place Equipment for and Permit Use of Shared Low Power Vehicles Throughout the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-215 | Resolution Approving a Fundraising Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Phelps Activities Council Intended to Support Conversion of a Natural Turf Field to an Artificial Turf Field at Phelps Field Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-214 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit, in Priority Order, Park Infrastructure Climate Change Resiliency Project (Up to $12 Million); North Commons Regional Vision, Part 2 Funding ($6 Million); Grand Rounds Missing Link Implementation ($12.3 Million); and Water Works Riverside Phase ($5 Million); for a Total of Up to $35.3 Million to Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) for the 2022 State of Minnesota (State) Capital Budget | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-213 | Resolution Directing Staff on the Path Forward for Pesticide Policy | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-212 | Resolution Approving an Amended Fundraising Agreement with the Voices of the Roses, a Non-Profit Corporation Without 501(C)3 Designation with a Fiscal Sponsor Agent in Minneapolis Parks Foundation, an Incorporated Non-Profit with 501(C)3 Organization, for Fundraising Related to the Lyndale Park Rose Garden | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-211 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Snow Kreilich Architects to Provide Architectural Design Services for Graco Park and Scherer Addition Lot 2 for a Fee Not to Exceed $335,536.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-210 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Barr Engineering Company, Inc. to Provide Civil Engineering Services for Graco Park and Scherer Addition Lot 2 for a Fee Not to Exceed $433,960 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-209 | Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Post No. 1 of the American Legion of the City of Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-208 | Resolution Approving Amended Policies and Guidelines Governing Use of the Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-207 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 of the Exclusive Rights Agreement with the City of Minneapolis and the Development Team Led by United Properties for Collaborative Efforts Related to Creating a Coordinated Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-205 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Minnesota Native Landscapes, Inc. in the Amount of $810,755.00 for the Kenilworth Channel Naturalization and Shoreline Stabilization Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park Per Bid Event No. MPLN 1440, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $81,075.50 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Further Authorizing the Transfer of $235,000.00 from the Regional Park Operations and Maintenance Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-204 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Agreement with the University of Minnesota Related to Future Encroachments Onto East River Parkway at Fraser Hall, 106 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-203 | Resolution Approving Agreement with the Logan Park Neighborhood Association for Fundraising, Implementation, and Donation of the Logan Park Pavilion to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-202 | Resolution Approving the Refectory Rebuild Concept Plan at Bde Maka Ska Park Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-201 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Loring Park Playground Improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-200 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and DeLaSalle High School for the Construction and Donation of Tennis Courts at Loring Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-199 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Police Officers' Federation of Minneapolis to Address Changes in Event Staffing Directed by the Board of Commissioners on June 3, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-198 | Resolution Approving the Release Agreement for Compromise Settlement for the Bde Maka Ska Property Loss Claim with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, Policy Number DXJ80990176, Claim Number 005-19-359742 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-197 | Resolution Approving Change Orders #8 & 9 to Contract No. COM0001615 with Thelen Heating and Roofing Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amounts of $544 and $1061, Respectively, for a New Contract Total of $497,031.10 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-196 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, Contract No. 010521-LSI, with Landscape Structures Inc., in the Amount of $389,923.11 to Furnish and Construct Splash Pad Improvements at Phelps Park, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $19,496.16 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-195 | Resolution Terminating Any and All Space Sharing Agreements with the Minnesota State Patrol for the Use of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Property and Facilities Located at 2117 West River Road North | pdf (192 kB) |
Resolution 2021-194 | Resolution Directing the Development of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Green Minneapolis to Establish a Partnership to Plan, Fund, and Implement an Urban Tree Carbon Offset Program that Does Not Impact Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Current Funding for Its’ Other Programs and Supporting Green Minneapolis’ $2,250,000 Proposal to the City of Minneapolis Office of Sustainability to Fund a One-Year Pilot Program | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-193 | Resolution Approving Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities Leasing the Phelps Park Center Building at 701 East 39Th Street Allowing for Donation of Improvements to the Gymnasium and Permitting Up to 250 Additional Hours of Public Access Annually to the Phelps Park Center Building | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-192 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Kenny Parent Foundation Regarding Playground Equipment and Installation at Kenny Park | pdf (862 kB) |
Resolution 2021-191 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to G. Urban Companies, Inc. in the Amount of $247,000.00 for the Site Improvements at Stewart Park Project, City of Minneapolis ESupplier Bid Event Number MPLMN-0000001454, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $12,350.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing the Use of 2021 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Funds in the Amount of $37,240.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-188 | Resolution Granting a Temporary Construction Easement to Metropolitan Council for the D-Line Bus Rapid Transit Project Adjacent to George Todd Park. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-187 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Agreement with Metropolitan Council for Metro Transit's Use of a Paved Area at George Todd Park as a Layover/Turnaround | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-186 | Resolution Authorizing a Phillips Aquatic Center Shared Use Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Which Defines MPS’ Annual Use and the that MPS Shall Pay $150,000 Per Year for 2021 - 2024 | pdf (750 kB) |
Resolution 2021-185 | Resolution Approving a Second Five-Year Contract Extension with Bread & Pickle, LLC for Concession Operations to be Performed at Lake Harriet Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Expiring on December 31, 2025 | pdf (875 kB) |
Resolution 2021-184 | Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with Midwest Skateboarding Alliance for Planning and Fundraising Activities Related to the Breakroom Skateboard Zone | pdf (957 kB) |
Resolution 2021-183 | Resolution Approving Contract #COM0003585 with Horizon Commercial Pool Supply for an Annual Expenditure Not to Exceed $325,000 Per Year for Providing Pool and Chemical Services, Pending City of Minneapolis Procurement Approval, for the Period April 30, 2021 through April 30, 2023 | pdf (856 kB) |
Resolution 2021-182 | Resolution Approving the Professional Services Agreement with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) to Fund the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Mississippi River Green Team from May 1, 2021 to May 1, 2022 for Up to $37,790 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-181 | Resolution Affirming the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Participation in the Midtown Community Works Partnership and Acknowledging the Entity's Name Change to Lake Street-Greenway Partnership | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-180 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State of Minnesota Contract No. 144394 with Pathfinder Trail Building LLC Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division, in the Amount of $216,150.00 to Furnish and Construct the Park Improvements at Perkins Hill Park, and Further Authorizing the Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $21,615.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-179 | Resolution Approving a Shared Use Agreement Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and Fort Snelling Leased Housing Associates I, LLLP (FSLHA) to Allow the MPRB to Connect to and Discharge into the Private Sewer System Owned and Operated by FSLHA Located at Fort Snelling State Park and the Upper Post of Fort Snelling State Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-178 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to TMG Construction Inc. in the Amount of $382,528.00 for the Mary Merrill Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters Building Human Resources Office Rehabilitation Project, City of Minneapolis ESupplier Bid Event Number MPLMN-0000001388, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $19,126.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-177 | Resolution Directing Staff to Review and Update Existing Policies to Incorporate a Consistent Approach for Addressing Conflicts of Interest, Upholding Ethics, and Ensuring Productive Work Environments in Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Community Advisory Committees, Commissions and Boards | pdf (824 kB) |
Resolution 2021-175 | Resolution Approving Installation of Three Public Art Murals by Creatives After Curfew on Buildings in Beltrami, Logan, and Northeast Parks and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Artwork with the Beltrami, Logan, and Northeast Park Neighborhood Organizations | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-174 | Resolution Authorizing Traffic Control Modifications at the Intersection of Plymouth Avenue North and Theodore Wirth Parkway Facilitating Pedestrian Crossings and Access Along Plymouth Avenue Accessing Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-173 | Resolution Authorizing Entering into Limited Use Permit No. 2789-0236 with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to Operate and Maintain a Trail Serving Cedar Lake Regional Trail and Bryn Mawr Meadows Park that Lies Within the Right-Of-Way of Interstate 394. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-172 | Resolution Approving a One-Year Contract Effective April 22, 2021 with Primacy Strategy Group in the Amount Not to Exceed $10,000 for Lobbyist Services | pdf (723 kB) |
Resolution 2021-171 | Resolution Approving the 2021 Federal Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (595 kB) |
Resolution 2021-170 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Golden Valley Regarding Cooperation and Collaboration to Resolve Issues in Portions of Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-169 | Resolution Opening Parkways for People Walking, Rolling, and Biking, Including Portions of James I. Rice (West River) Parkway in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park (From 4Th Avenue N to 11Th Avenue S) and Portions of Lake Harriet Parkway in Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park (From W Minnehaha Parkway to W 43Rd Street) through May 31, 2021 | pdf (678 kB) |
Resolution 2021-168 | Resolution Approving a Cooperative Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Corcoran Neighborhood Organization, and Juxtaposition Arts for the Development, Design, Installation, Ownership, and Maintenance of Public Art at Market Square, a Parkland Dedication as a Completed Neighborhood Park in the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-167 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2020-167 Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 15.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 3030 West River Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at West River Parkway Within Mississippi Gorge Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-166 | Resolution Amending the Professional Services Agreement C-42680 with Data Transfer Solutions, LLC. to Increase the Contract Amount by $200,000 for a New Contract Total of $1,000,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-165 | Resolution Approving State of Minnesota Pricing Contract for Diesel and Fuel Services for an Annual Cost Not to Exceed the Amount of $250,000.00 to Mansfield Energy Corporation to Furnish and Deliver Diesel Fuel and Oil Products to MPRB Owned Gas Tanks for the Period February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022, Pending City Purchasing Approval | pdf (782 kB) |
Resolution 2021-164 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Meisinger Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $298,400 for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at the Audubon Recreation Center, Under Bid Event ID #1395, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $29,840 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-163 | Resolution Accepting a Grant Award from Youthprise in the Amount of $259,000 for the Period of 2021 to 2023 to Expand the Reach and Effectiveness of Existing Culturally Relevant Street Outreach, Provide Mentoring, and Engage Youth in Developing Their Own Solutions to Address Violent Crime | pdf (900 kB) |
Resolution 2021-162 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year-Ending December 31, 2020 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (550 kB) |
Resolution 2021-161 | Resolution Approving Installation of Public Art Mural by Artist Jendayi Berry on the Outdoor Basketball Court at Phelps Park and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Artwork with the Elevate Foundation | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-160 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grant Funds through the 2021 Skate Park Grant Program for Skate Park Improvements at Central Gym/Park Located at 3400 4Th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-159 | Resolution Approving of the Interpretive Signage Agreement with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization for Installation and Maintenance of Interpretive Signage at the Skate Plaza at Elliot Park | pdf (1014 kB) |
Resolution 2021-158 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Dickman Park Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-157 | Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Purchase Agreement with BC Properties LLC for the Acquisition of a Park Site in the North Loop Neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota for $2,101,567, Including Base Park Improvements | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-156 | Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3279 Effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (760 kB) |
Resolution 2021-155 | Resolution Revising the Wage Freeze for All Positions in the Non-Represented Employee Group for the Period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 to Allow for a 1.5% Wage Increase Retroactive to January 1, 2021 and Reinstate the 1.5% Wage Increase on July 1, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-154 | Resolution Authorizing Enrollment of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Eligible Recreation Centers into Xcel Energy’s Windsource Program for 4,078,609 KWh at a Cost of Approximately $32,628.87 Per Year | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-153 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State of MN CPV Contract No. 119795 with Landscape Structures (Flagship Recreation) in the Amount of $224,685.58 to Furnish and Construct the Playground Improvements at Linden Hills Park Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $11,243.25 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-152 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2021-152 Resolution Approving Creation of a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement with Bryn Mawr Development, LLC and Swervo Development Corporation and the City of Minneapolis for Application of the “Private Land Maintained for Public Use” Parkland Dedication Option to the “Wirth on the Woods,” Proposed at 2800 Wayzata Boulevard | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2021-151 | Resolution Approving Temporary Occupancy Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 for the Queen Avenue Bicycle Boulevard, Portions of Which Are Within Cleveland Park and Willard Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-150 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Marcy Park Site Improvements - Phase 1 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-149 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a 2022 Proposal to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) for Five Projects | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-148 | Resolution Approving the Acceptance of Additional Fundraising by the Friends of Thomas Lowry Park Intended to Further Support Park Improvements Associated with the Seven Pools Rehabilitation Project, a Feature of Thomas Lowry Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-147 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa for Environmental Stewardship and Youth Employment Projects from April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 in the Amount of $203,040 | pdf (875 kB) |
Resolution 2021-146 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Omnia Contract No. 2017001134 with GameTime C/O Minnesota Wisconsin Playground in the Amount of $247,720.76 to Furnish and Construct Playground Improvements at Armatage Park Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $12,386.04 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-145 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Rachel Contracting, Inc., Contract No. C-43993, for Sheridan Memorial Park Soil Remediation Project, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (920 kB) |
Resolution 2021-144 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Standard Contracting Inc. for the Shoreline Enhancements at Lake Nokomis Project, Contract No. CCOM0001014, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-143 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Max Steininger, Inc. for the Central Gym Park Phase 1 Improvements Project, Contract No. C-43859, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-142 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Blackstone Contractors, LLC Contract No. C-44172, for Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-141 | Resolution Approving Change Order #7 to Contract No. COM0001615 with Thelen Heating and Roofing Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $567 for a New Contract Total of $495,426,100 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-140 | Resolution Approving Amendment #4 to Construction Manager as Agent Services Agreement No. COM0001186 with H+U Construction (Formerly Wenck Construction, Inc.) Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $53,847 for a New Contract Total of $1,108,179 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-139 | Resolution Approving a Services Agreement with Hennepin County, on Behalf of the Hennepin County Environmental Services, for Wetland Health Evaluation Program Services Effective April 1, 2021 to December 21, 2023 in the Amount of $18,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-138 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species 2021 Inspection Rules, Authorizing the Superintendent to Implement These Rules from May 01, 2021 to December 01, 2021, and Approving and Directing Staff to Implement the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group Recommendations for 2021 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-137 | Resolution Approving an Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement Between the State of Minnesota, Acting through Its Commissioner of Natural Resources, County of Hennepin, Acting through Its Department of Community Works, National Park Service, Acting through the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and the Minnesota Historical Society for Properties at Fort Snelling in Hennepin County, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-136 | Resolution Approving the Hiawatha Golf Course Area Master Plan and Its Amendment to the Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2021-135 | Resolution Approving Amended Use of Alcohol in the Parks Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-134 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with LiveBarn to Provide Streaming Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Ice Arenas for a Five Year Period Beginning March 4, 2021 with Payment of 30% of Gross Revenue to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (956 kB) |
Resolution 2021-133 | Resolution Approving the Transfer of $1,836,590.34 from the 2020 Self-Insurance Fund to the Capital Projects Fund to Closeout and Finalize the West River Road Slope Stabilization Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-132 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Devol Trotman, Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #16, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective March 15, 2021 at the Rate of $1,100 Per Month Gross, Including Utilities and Taxes | pdf (977 kB) |
Resolution 2021-131 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Frances Priya Anczarski, Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #11, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective March 15, 2021 | pdf (990 kB) |
Resolution 2021-130 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) 5800 Multi Pro Sprayer with Attachments, Two (2) Reelmaster 3555-D Fairway Mower with Attachments, Two (2) Pro Force Debris Blowers, One (1) Sand Pro 5040 with Attachments, Three (3) Propass Wireless Top Dressers and One (1) Greensmaster Electric Triflex 3370 from MTI Distributing, in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures, Total Expenditure of $325,160.47 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-129 | Resolution Approving Change Order #9 to Contract No. COM0001439 with Northland Mechanical Contractors Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $26,945.44 for a New Contract Total of $549,340.44 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-128 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Funding Agreement in the Amount of $31,000 for Calendar Year 2021 with the Minnesota Historical Society and the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board for Interpretive Planning and Implementation in the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Interpretative Zone | pdf (884 kB) |
Resolution 2021-127 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Contract with Parallel Technologies, Inc. in the Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 for Furnishing and Delivering Security Systems, Camera Systems, Door Access Systems, and Ancillary Security Related Systems. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-126 | Resolution Approving Contracts for the Purchase of Trees as Requested Per B.E. No 1298 at an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,000,000 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-125 | Resolution Approving State of Minnesota Pricing Contract for Professional Services for an Annual Cost Not to Exceed Expenditure of $480,000.00 to Biffs, Inc. to Furnish, Deliver and Service Portable Restrooms and Sinks, for the Period February 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, with the Option to Extend for Twenty-Four Months, Pending City Purchasing Approval | pdf (853 kB) |
Resolution 2021-124 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) 938M Caterpillar Wheel Loader with Attachments for a Total Expenditure of $226,760.00 from State of Minnesota Contract #171599 Release L-331(5) with Ziegler Cat Pending a Joint Powers Letter from the City of Minneapolis Finance Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-123 | Resolution Approving Contracts for an Estimated $625,000 for Tree Removal and Estimated $875,000 for Stump Grinding for an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,500,000 for the Period Ending March 31, 2022, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-122 | Resolution Replacing Resolution 2020-253 and Resolution 2020-267 Pertaining to Encampments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-121 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Linden Hills Park Playground Rehabilitation | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-120 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) #C-43844 with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) Acknowledging Unrecognized Invoicing Related to the Development of the Southwest Service Area Master Plan Project in the Amount of $5,689, for a New Contract Total of $309,339.93 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-119 | Resolution Amending Section 16 of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Rules of the Board to Establish the Procedure for Submitting Amendments Prior to a Board Meeting | pdf (622 kB) |
Resolution 2021-118 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Live Barn to Provide Streaming Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Ice Arenas for a Five Year Period Beginning January 26, 2021 with Payment of 30% of Gross Revenue to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (916 kB) |
Resolution 2021-117 | Resolution to Amend the 2021 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board General Fund and Internal Service Fund Budgets | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-116 | Resolution Approving the Use of Up to $2,820,973 of General Fund Excess Fund Balance for One-Time Specific Uses | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-115 | Resolution Transferring Operations and Maintenance Lottery Proceeds in the Amount of $543,632.62 from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund to be Used for Regional Park Projects and to Amend the 2021 Capital Improvement Program Due to the Improved Condition of the General Fund and the Funds No Longer Being Needed for 2020 Regional Park Operations | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-114 | Resolution Accepting and Approving the Revised Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Financial Management Policies Effective February 3, 2021 | pdf (968 kB) |
Resolution 2021-113 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Armatage Park Playground Rehabilitation | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2021-112 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to JPMI Construction Company for the Exterior Renovation Project - Luxton Recreation Center, Contract No. COM0001284, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (912 kB) |
Resolution 2021-111 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement #COM984 with Perkins + Will Related to Predesign Services for Cedar-Riverside Recreation Centers Predesign in the Amount of $9,500.00 for a New Contract Total of $263,950.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-110 | Resolution Approving the 2021 Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (585 kB) |
Resolution 2021-109 | Resolution Approving One-Year Contracts Effective January 1, 2021 with Rice, Walther, and Mosley LLP in the Amount Not to Exceed $85,000 and Tom Workman in the Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 for Lobbyist Services | pdf (832 kB) |
Resolution 2021-108 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Simon Christenson Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #9, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective February 1, 2021 | pdf (939 kB) |
Resolution 2021-107 | Resolution Extending and Revising the Direction to the Deputy Superintendent or Their Designee to Work with Tenants that Lease Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Property that Are Experiencing Hardship Due to COVID-19 Pandemic to Provide Relief from Required Lease Payments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-106 | Resolution Approving a Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in the Amount of $330,000.00 for the Cedar-Riverside Recreation Center Project | pdf (1008 kB) |
Resolution 2021-105 | Resolution to Approve an Agreement with Marco, LLC Not to Exceed Amount of $300,000 for the Five-Year Period of January 15, 2021 to January 15, 2024 for the Implementation, Support and Maintenance of Managed Print Services Equipment and Software | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-104 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with HKGi to Provide Community Engagement Support, Design Development, Bidding, Construction Document, and Construction Administration Services for the Northeast Athletic Field Improvements Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $142,900.00. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-103 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, District Council, Local Union No. 3279, AFL-CIO | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2021-102 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement Reached in Mediation on December 10, 2020 to Settle the Lawsuit Kim Marie Pogue V. Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Hayden James Goettl, Court File No. 27-CV-19-19703 | pdf (590 kB) |
Resolution 2021-101 | Resolution Approving the Severance Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on January 6, 2021 | pdf (464 kB) |
Resolution 2021-100 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on January 6, 2021 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (646 kB) |
Resolution 2020-365 | Resolution Directing Staff to Bring Certain Budget Adjustment Actions Forward on or Before the January 20, 2021 Board Meeting | pdf (502 kB) |
Resolution 2020-364 | Resolution Approving a Concessions Agreement with the Sioux Chef, LLC to Operate as the Food and Catering Vendor at Water Works in Mill Ruins Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-362 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2020-362 Resolution Reinstating the 2020 General Fund and Enterprise Fund Internal Transfers and Internal Loan Repayments Due to the Improved Financial Condition of Both Funds | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-361 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to JB Vang Construction, LLC. for Selective Demolition Work at the Fuji Ya Building in Mill Ruins Park Within Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Contract No. C-42960, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-360 | Resolution Approving Change Order #6 to Contract No. COM0001405 with Building Restoration Corporation Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $28,111 for a New Contract Total of $960,962 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-359 | Resolution Approving Amendment #5 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-41161 with Damon Farber Associates Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $134,900 for a New Contract Total of $3,838,703.02 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-358 | Resolution Approving Amendment #3 to Construction Manager as Agent Services Agreement No. COM0001186 with H+U Construction (Formerly Wenck Construction; Inc.) Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $100,464 for a New Contract Total of $1,054,332 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-357 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 to the Construction Contract with Blackstone Contractors, LLC, for the Playground Improvements at Farview Park in the Amount of $9,519.00 for a New Contract Total of $209,221.00, and Authorizes the Use of $9,519.00 of 2020 NPP20 Capital Investment Contingency Funds | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-356 | Resolution Approving Purchase Order No. MPLMN-0000790662 with Twin City Tile and Marble Company Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $130,950 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-355 | Resolution Approving a Construction Cooperative Agreement Between Hennepin County and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Regarding Hennepin County Project (CP) 2111000 to Address Financial Responsibilities of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Related to the Reconstruction of a Segment of the Grand Rounds Multi-Use Trail, Estimated at $49,203.32, Compensation to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board from Hennepin County for Long-Term Tree Maintenance of a Not-To-Exceed Amount of $37,320.00, and to Memorialize Other Long-Term Care Responsibilities Associated with Specific Proposed Project Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-354 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees, District Council, Local Union No. 3279, AFL-CIO | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-352 | Resolution Adopting the 2021 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-351 | Resolution Setting the 2021 Tax Levy for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (901 kB) |
Resolution 2020-350 | Resolution Adopting the 2021 Park Museum Budget | pdf (561 kB) |
Resolution 2020-349 | Resolution Setting the 2021 Tax Levy for the Park Museum Fund | pdf (480 kB) |
Resolution 2020-348 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $10,500,000 for Certain Purposes Other Than the Purchase of Public Utilities | pdf (961 kB) |
Resolution 2020-347 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $300,000 the Proceeds of Which Are to be Used for the Diseased Tree Removal Program | pdf (802 kB) |
Resolution 2020-346 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Katrina Ann Benjegerdes, Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Unit 302, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a One Year Term at the Rate of $800 Per Month, Commencing January 1, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-345 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into an Agreement for a Lease with ABM Industry Groups, LLC. (ABM) with Consent and Permission of the City of Minneapolis, with Such Leased Property Located at the Jerry Haaf Municipal Ramp, 424 South 4Th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-344 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into an Agreement for a Lease with Reef Parking (Landlord) with Such Leased Premises Located Generally at Government Center Ramp, 415 South 5Th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-343 | Resolution Accepting Capital Improvement Grant Award Amendment #2 from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Extending the Grant Deadline for the Design and Construction of Innovative Stormwater Management Practices as Part of the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Construction | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-342 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. to Provide Concept and Schematic Design Services for the Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild Project Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park for a Fee Not to Exceed $216,895.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-341 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JPMI Construction Company in the Amount of $278,900 for the Mechanical Equipment Replacement Project at the Farview Park Recreation Center, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #1299, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $27,890 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-340 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on December 2, 2020 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-339 | Resolution Directing Staff to Prepare a Memorandum of Understanding Between the West Maka Ska Neighborhood Council and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Related to the Development of a Bird-Focused and Pollinator Garden and Associated Amenities, Proposed to be Located in the Northwest Portion of Bde Maka Ska Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-338 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Use Agreement with Urban Ventures Leadership Foundation and DinoMights Regarding Hockey Use of a Field at Property Owned by Urban Ventures | pdf (837 kB) |
Resolution 2020-337 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Contract with Urban Ventures Leadership Foundation for a New Covenant Regarding Hockey Use of the Artificial Turf Soccer Field at Property Owned by Urban Ventures | pdf (910 kB) |
Resolution 2020-336 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JPMI Construction Company in the Amount of $248,600 for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at the Bryant Square Recreation Center, Under Bid Event ID #1274, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $24,860 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-335 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to JL Theis, Inc., for The MPRB ADA Improvements - Accessible Routes at Multiple Parks Phase II Project, Contract No. COM0001285, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (992 kB) |
Resolution 2020-334 | Resolution Approving Change Order #6 to Contract No. COM0001615 with Thelen Heating and Roofing Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $1,932.00 for a New Contract Total of $494,859.10 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-333 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Third Quarter, 2020 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (546 kB) |
Resolution 2020-332 | Resolution Authorizing Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning No Sooner Than November 20, 2020, for the Draft Cedar-Riverside Recreation Center Predesign | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-331 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. in the Amount of $999,770.00 for the Replacement of the Seven Pools Fountain at Thomas Lowry Park, Bid Event MPLMN #1137, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $99,977.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Authorizing the Use of $250,000 Each Year, for a Total of $750,000.00 from the NPP20 Replace and Invest Construction Contingency Fund, for Years 2020 through 2022 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-330 | Resolution Adopting the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2020-329 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. in the Amount of $999,770.00 for the Replacement of the Seven Pools Fountain at Thomas Lowry Park, Bid Event MPLMN #1137, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $99,977.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Authorizing the Use of $250,000 Each Year, for a Total of $750,000.00 from the NPP20 Replace and Invest Construction Contingency Fund, for Years 2020 through 2022 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-328 | Resolution Approving a One (1) Year Contract Extension with Auto Truck Service Company for Vehicle Collision and Mechanical Repairs in the Amount of $125,000 | pdf (957 kB) |
Resolution 2020-327 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JL Theis, Inc. for a Total Contract Award of $301,628.50 for West River Parkway Trail and Wall Repair Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #1265, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Civil Right Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 8.3% Construction Contingency Up to $25,071.50 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-326 | Resolution Entering into a Subrecipient Agreement with City of Minneapolis to Receive Coronavirus Relief Funding in the Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 to Cover Costs Incurred Due to the Public Health Emergency with Respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) During the Period of March 1, 2020 through November 15, 2020 | pdf (891 kB) |
Resolution 2020-325 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Peterson Companies for the Peavey Park Phase 2 Improvements Project, Contract No. C-43724, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-324 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 Under a Construction Contract with Albrecht Company, for the North Mississippi Adventure Play and Trail Project at North Mississippi Regional Park in the Amount of $11,798.00 for a New Contract Total of $131,641.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-323 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement C-43750 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Related to Construction Administration Services for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements in the Amount of $22,991.00 for a New Contract Total of $314,442.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-322 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning on or After November 9, 2020, for Parks for All, the Draft Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2021 Comprehensive Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-321 | Resolution Revising the Wage Freeze for All Positions in the Non-Represented Employee Group for the Period of June 4, 2020 through December 31, 2021 to Allow for a 1.5% Wage Increase Retroactive to July 1, 2020 and Require Four Furlough Days in 2021; and Revising Agreements with American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees, District Council No. 5, Local Union No. 9, AFL-CIO, Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-320 | Resolution Commemorating the Legislative Service of Jeffrey Hayden to the Citizens of Minneapolis | pdf (743 kB) |
Resolution 2020-319 | Resolution that the Board Authorizes the Superintendent to Approve an Amended Version of the Cooperative Service Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Wildlife Services for Wildlife Damage Management Services from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023 in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-318 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grants through the 2021 Hennepin Youth Sports Program Facility Grant Program, Up to the Amount of $300,000 Each for Tennis Court Improvements at Waveland Triangle Park, Pending Approval of the South West Service Area Master Plan, and Bouldering Play Improvements at Keewaydin Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-317 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with GovernmentJobs.Com Inc. DBA NEOGOV for Online Applicant Management Software in an Amount Not to Exceed $44,011 for the Period of October 25, 2020 to October 24, 2023 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-316 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to S.M. Hentges and Sons for Minnehaha Parkway Trail Improvements Phase Two, Contract No. C-44114 , in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-315 | Resolution Approving the Recommended Redesign of Park Police Uniforms | pdf (834 kB) |
Resolution 2020-314 | Resolution Approving a Five-Year Contract with City of Minneapolis Fire Department for Fire Protection Services to be Performed at Fort Snelling State Park and the Upper Post of Fort Snelling State Park Properties Owned or Operated By the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-313 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with St. Anthony Real Estate Company Leasing Commercial Space at 3101 Pacific Street North, Unit 300A, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a One Year Term at the Rate of $142.50 Per Month, Commencing December 1, 2020 | pdf (975 kB) |
Resolution 2020-312 | Resolution Approving a New Lease Agreement with the Minneapolis Parks Foundation for Office Space on the Second Floor of the Longfellow House Within Minnehaha Regional Park, for the Period of January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021, with Two One-Year Extensions, at the Rate of $980.00 Per Month for the First Term | pdf (947 kB) |
Resolution 2020-311 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easements to Hennepin County and Metropolitan Council for Highway Safety Improvement Projects Adjacent to Peavey Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-310 | Resolution Adopting the Southwest Service Area Master Plan as Amended | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2020-309 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # COM0001788 with Nasseff Plumbing & Heating, Inc. to Perform Required Boiler Inspections at Ten Sites, Provide Routine Services During the Inspection and Provide Call-Out Services to Each Site as Requested in an Amount Not to Exceed $328,560.00 for an Increase of $225,000 in Addition to the Already Approved Annual Expenditures of $103,560 (MPRB Resolution 2019-365) through December 31, 2023 | pdf (896 kB) |
Resolution 2020-308 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) Tymco 600BAH Street Sweeper with Attachments for a Total Expenditure of $297,865.00 from State of Minnesota Contract # S-843(5), #175275 with Environmental Equipment Pending a Joint Powers Letter from the City of Minneapolis Finance Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-307 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement #043844 with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for Additional Services Required for Development of the Southwest Service Area Master Plan Project in the Amount of $43,650 for a New Contract Total of $303,650.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-306 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Blake School Regarding Security Camera Materials and Installation at the Parade Park Parking Lot | pdf (995 kB) |
Resolution 2020-305 | Resolution Approving Change Order #5 to Contract No. COM0001615 with Thelen Heating and Roofing Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $38,639.10 for a New Contract Total of $492,927.10 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-304 | Resolution Extending the Use of State of Minnesota Contract No. MNCPV#86182 with Parallel Technologies for Furnishing and Delivering Security Systems, Camera Systems, and Door Access Systems to December 31, 2020 and Increasing the Amount of the Contract by $400,000 for a New Contract Total of 1,150,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-303 | Resolution Approving a Cooperative Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the University of Minnesota for Tree Research and Outreach Lasting Five Years Starting in 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-302 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-301 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union Local No. 320 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-300 | Resolution Approving a Ratification of the Exclusive Rights Agreement, Including Expanded Language Related to the Second Amendment, with the City of Minneapolis and the Development Team Led by United Properties for Collaborative Efforts Related to Creating a Coordinated Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-299 | Resolution Granting a Board Variance to Safe Haven Encampment at Brackett Park to Permit the Encampment Until October 1, 2020Kett Park to Lawfully Operate the Encampment Until October 1St, 2020 | pdf (600 kB) |
Resolution 2020-298 | Resolution Directing the Superintendent to Dedicate Staff Time Toward Working with the City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County to Identify a Suitable Use for the Vacant Housing Unit at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Such as the Stable Homes Stables Schools Program | pdf (362 kB) |
Resolution 2020-297 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning September 7, 2020, for Parks for All, the Draft Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2021 Comprehensive Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-296 | Resolution Granting Easement to the City of Minneapolis for Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Storm Sewer Pipe and Amending Exhibits to Resolution 2020- 152 North Columbia Golf Course Stormwater BMPs Construction and Infrastructure Ownership Associated with the North Columbia Golf Course and Park Stormwater BMPs Project on the Northern Section of Columbia Golf Course Within the 1NE Watershed Located Within the City of Minneapolis | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-295 | Resolution to Receive and File as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board the Annual Financial Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 | pdf (744 kB) |
Resolution 2020-294 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees, District Council No. 5, Local Union No. 9, AFL-CIO | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-293 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Huot Construction and Services, Inc., in the Amount of $142,971.22 for the Roof Replacement Projects at the Cavell Park Restroom Building and the Loring Park Maintenance Building, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 1216, Pending Review by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $14,297 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-292 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Jamie Ross Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #3A, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective September 15, 2020 | pdf (972 kB) |
Resolution 2020-291 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #16, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of Six (6) Months, Effective September 15, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-290 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation Set the Maximum Property Tax Levy for the 2021 Budget at an Estimated Amount of $70,326,000, an Increase of 1.18 Percent, to be Allocated to the Park and Recreation Levy in the Amount of $68,911,000 and the Tree Preservation and Reforestation Levy in the Amount of $1,415,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-289 | Resolution Approving Operations and Maintenance Declaration for Green 4Th Street in the Towerside Innovation District, a Portion of Which is Within the Park Currently Referred to as Towerside Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-288 | Resolution Approving Temporary Occupancy Under Section 4(F) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 for the CSAH 5 (Franklin Ave) at Chicago Ave 2021 Highway Safety Improvement Project, a Portion of Which is Within Peavey Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-287 | Resolution Approving the Ecological System Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-286 | Resolution Authorizing Placement of the Property, Boiler & Machinery and Certified Terrorism Insurance Coverage with the Travelers Insurance for a Cost Not to Exceed $165,594 for the Period September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021 | pdf (847 kB) |
Resolution 2020-285 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to TMG Construction for Dugout Systems at Bossen Field Park, Contract No. COM 0000725 , in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-284 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 2 of the Professional Services Agreement # C-40244A with Loffler Companies, Inc. for Implementation, Support and Maintenance of Managed Print Services Equipment and Software in an Additional Amount $15,000 for a New Contract Total of $510,100 for the Adjusted Five Year Period of January 15, 2016 to January 15, 2021 | pdf (905 kB) |
Resolution 2020-283 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 1 to the Professional Services Agreement #C-41437 with Flowbird (Cale) America, Inc. for Ongoing Enterprise Parking Operations Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for a One-Year Extension, Modifying the Expiration of the Agreement from September 30, 2020 to September 30, 2021 | pdf (864 kB) |
Resolution 2020-282 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Service Agreement with NAC in the Amount of $49,981 for a New Total of $309,981 for HVAC Services at Gross Golf Course | pdf (747 kB) |
Resolution 2020-281 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Huot Construction and Services, Inc., in the Amount of $816,245.20 for the Roof Replacement Project at the Logan Recreation Center, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 1160, Pending Review by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Department of Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $81,624 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-280 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Second Quarter, 2020 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (547 kB) |
Resolution 2020-279 | Resolution Commemorating the Life and Accomplishments of Rochelle Berry Graves and Honoring Commissioner Berry Graves' Service to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (905 kB) |
Resolution 2020-278 | Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Public Schools | pdf (628 kB) |
Resolution 2020-276 | Resolution Approving Amendment #4 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-41161 with Damon Farber Associates Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $55,000 for a New Contract Total of $ 3,703,803.02 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-275 | Approving a Three Year Contract with Yamaha Golf and Utility Thru Wells Fargo Financial for Golf Cart Lease Services to be Performed at Seven Minneapolis Golf Courses in the Amount of $ $955,935.72 with Funding from the Enterprise Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-274 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Sheehy Construction Company for the ADA Improvements to Multiple Sites - Doors and Operators Project, Contract No. COM0000414, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (992 kB) |
Resolution 2020-273 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement #C-43749 with HKGi Related to the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan in the Amount of $43,500 for a New Contract Total of $394,625 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-272 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on August 5, 2020 for Injuries Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (656 kB) |
Resolution 2020-271 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 257.58 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 1726 Kenwood Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at Kenwood Parkway, Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment, and Approving a Temporary Construction Easement for Use of 400 Square Feet of Parkland Along Kenwood Parkway, Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Temporary Easement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-270 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2020-270 Second and Final Reading of Resolution to Repeal PB 2-21 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-269 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2020-269 Resolution Approving New Lease Agreement with Latowski LLC Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Units #8, #10 and #19, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective September 1, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-268 | Resolution Amending Sections D.1 and D.2 of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Rules of the Board to Require Commissioners, When Attending a Virtual Meeting of the Board, to Turn on Their Cameras While Speaking | pdf (757 kB) |
Resolution 2020-267 | Resolution Amending Adopted Resolution 2020-253 to Limit the Total Number Parks Available for Temporary Encampments and Provide Direction for the Design and Facilitation of Temporary Encampments in Parks that Supports the Health and Safety of Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Preserves Access to Recreation Features for Park Visitors | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-266 | Resolution Entering into an Agreement with Hennepin County to Receive Save the Summer Youth Programs Funding in the Amount Not to Exceed $800,000 that Will be Directed at Enabling Compliance with COVID-19 Public Health Precautions While Getting Children Within the Geographical Boundaries of Hennepin County Outdoors and Active During the Period of June 23, 2020 through December 30, 2020 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-265 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to JL Theis, Inc., for The MPRB ADA Improvements - Accessible Routes at Multiple Parks Project, Contract No. C-44113, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (981 kB) |
Resolution 2020-264 | Resolution Authorizing Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning July 31, 2020, for the Draft Hiawatha Golf Course Area Master Plan, an Amendment to the Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-263 | Resolution Amending Adopted Resolution 2020-253 to Define a Duration for the Board of Commissioners’ Declaration of Refuge Space in Minneapolis Parks Terminating on September 1, 2020, Limit the Number of Parks with Encampments to No Greater Than Ten Parks, and Reduce the Number of Tents to No More Than Ten Tents in Any Encampment in a Minneapolis Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-262 | Resolution Approving Comment Letter of Support for Transportation Action Plan | pdf (748 kB) |
Resolution 2020-261 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Access Agreement to Metropolitan Council for Placement of Piezometers on Dean Parkway and Lake of the Isles Park, Located in Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, in Support of Investigations Related to the Southwest Light Rail Transit Project, Extending the Term by Three Years | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-260 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Repealing Specific Ordinances of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances that Are Superseded by Minnesota State Law | pdf (901 kB) |
Resolution 2020-259 | Resolution Approving an Amend Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Background Check Policy and Procedure | pdf (729 kB) |
Resolution 2020-258 | Resolution Approving an Amended Fundraising Agreement with the Voices of the Roses, a Non-Profit Corporation Without 501(C)3 Designation with a Fiscal Sponsor Agent in People for Parks, an Incorporated Non-Profit with 501(C)3 Organization, for Fundraising Related to the Lyndale Park Rose Garden | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-257 | Resolution Commemorating the Life and Accomplishments of Vivian Mason and Honoring Commissioner Mason's Service to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (713 kB) |
Resolution 2020-256 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # PC-00251 with Biffs Inc. to Furnish, Deliver and Service Portable Restrooms in an Amount Not to Exceed $775,000.00 for a One-Time Increase of $500,000 in Addition to the Already Approved Annual Expenditures of $275,000 (MPRB Resolution 2017-337) through the End of March 2021 | pdf (738 kB) |
Resolution 2020-255 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Versacon, Inc., COM 0001402, for the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project at Lyndale Farmstead Park in the Amount of $21,550.00 for a New Contract Total of $954,096.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-254 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Minger Construction Company, Inc. for Water Service Replacement at Bossen Field Park, Contract No. COM 0000715, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-253 | Resolution Declaring the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board’s Commitment to Provide Refuge Space to People Currently Experiencing Homelessness While Continuing to Work with the State, County, City, Non-Profit Organizations and Other Interested Parties to Identify Long Term Housing Solutions for People at the Powderhorn Encampment and Others Throughout the City | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-252 | Resolution Directing Staff to Evaluate the Budgetary Impacts of Certain Potential Changes to Public Safety in the Minneapolis Park System by July 15 | pdf (490 kB) |
Resolution 2020-251 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Support the Courts Related to the Construction and Donation of the Morgan Avenue Tennis Courts, Located in Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-250 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Custom Builders, Inc. in the Amount of $631,706.00 for Elliot Park Phase 2 Skate Plaza Per Bid Event No. 961, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $63,170.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, and Amending the 2020 Capital Improvement Plan to Include $237,503.60 from the Elliot Park Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-249 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Sheehy Construction Company, Contract No. COM1922, for the 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement in the Amount of $133,259.72 for a New Contract Total of $1,444,732.50 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-248 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with JPMI Construction, Contract No. COM0000909, for the Wirth Chalet Water Intrusion Remediation Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, in the Total Amount of $17,123.00 for a New Contract Total of $389,046.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-247 | Resolution Granting Permanent Easement to the City of Minneapolis for Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Storm Sewer Pipe and Stormwater Basins Associated with the North Columbia Golf Course Stormwater BMPs Project on the Northern Section of Columbia Golf Course Within the 1NE Watershed Located Within the City of Minneapolis | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-246 | Resolution Approving the One-Time Reduction to General Fund and Enterprise Fund Internal Transfers and Internal Loan Repayments Due to the Financial Impacts Associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-245 | Resolution Approving the Acquisition of Seven (7) Ford F750 Chassis Awarded to the Low Bidder Pending Approval from the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division Not to Exceed a Total Expenditure of $490,000 in Accordance with Specifications | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-244 | Resolution Authorizing Three (3) One-Year Renewals with HireRight, Inc. (Formerly General Information Services) to Provide Background Screening Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount of $370,000.00 for the Period of June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-243 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Construction Results Corporation in the Amount of $679,240.00 for the North Mississippi Regional Park Improvements Project, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $33,962.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-242 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the Omnia Contract No. #2017001135 with Kompan, Inc. in the Amount of $217,616.48, to Furnish and Construct Playground Improvements at Farview Park and Amending the 2020 Capital Improvement Program to Direct $35,000.00 from the 2020 Capital Projects Contingency Fund to the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-241 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the Omnia Contract No. D9582H7 with Minnesota-Wisconsin Playground (GameTime) in the Amount of $257,287.80 to Furnish and Construct Playground Improvements at Cleveland Park and Amending the 2020 Capital Improvement Program to Direct $18,000.00 from the 2020 Capital Projects Contingency Fund to the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-240 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Omnia Contract No. D9582H7 with Minnesota-Wisconsin Playground (GameTime) in the Amount of $96,012.38 to Furnish and Construct the Playground Improvements at Holmes Park. Staff Further Recommends that the Board of Commissioners Amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Program to Include $88,600.00 in Parkland Dedication Funds from the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund to Support the Playground Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-239 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $150,954.00 for Cart Path Improvements at Theodore Wirth Golf Course Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #1098 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $15,095.40 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Allocating $80,549.40 from the Enterprise Fund to Support the Project Funding | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-238 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Park Construction Company for the Wirth Adventure and Welcome Center Site Work Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Contract C-42196, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-237 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2021 Budget Framework | pdf (860 kB) |
Resolution 2020-236 | Resolution Adopting a Wage Freeze for All Positions in the Appointed and Non-Represented Employee Groups for the Period June 4, 2020 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-234 | A Resolution Calling Upon the Minnesota State Legislature to Repeal the Stanek Law | pdf (396 kB) |
Resolution 2020-233 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Redesign Park Police Uniforms and Make a Recommendation to the Board of Commissioners | pdf (1019 kB) |
Resolution 2020-232 | Resolution Directing the Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Make Certain Changes Pertaining to Policing Within Minneapolis Parkland, Including Ceasing the Use of Minneapolis Police to Staff Park-Sanctioned Events, and Ceasing Park Police Response to Minneapolis Police Department Calls | pdf (552 kB) |
Resolution 2020-231 | Resolution Authorizing Approval of RFP2020-01 for an Estimated Annual Expenditure of $250,000 Per Year To Waste Management of MN, Inc. for Furnishing and Delivering Waste and Single Sort Recycling Collection and Processing Services, for the Period of June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023 With the Option to Extend for the Calendar Years 2024 and 2025 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-230 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Aune Fernandez Landscape Architecture to Provide Landscape Architectural Design Services for Graco Park and Scherer Addition Lot 2 for a Fee Not to Exceed $420,680.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-229 | Resolution Recommending Approval of Amendment #4 to Professional Services Agreement #042843 with Applied Ecological Services Related to Shoreline Enhancements at Lake Nokomis in the Amount of $4,246.11 for a New Contract Total of $101,652.11 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-228 | Resolution Authorizing Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning No Sooner Than June 5, 2020, for the Draft Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-227 | Resolution Directing Staff to Work with the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Wildlife Services (APHIS WS) to Amend the Cooperative Services Agreement for Wildlife Damage Management Services with the Following Language: Except as Necessary to Address an Immediate Risk to Human Health or Safety, USDA-APHIS-WS Shall Not Conduct Any Lethal Control of Wildlife Until All Feasible Non-Lethal Mitigation Measures to Address the Conflict Are Exhausted. USDA-APHIS-WS Will Provide to the MPRB a Biannual Report Summarizing | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-226 | Resolution Transferring Operations and Maintenance Lottery Proceeds in the Amount of $543,632.62 from the Special Revenue Fund to General Fund to be Available to Use for 2020 Regional Park Operations Due to the Financial Impacts Associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-225 | Resolution Approving the Return of $392,081 to the General Fund Excess Fund Balance to be Available to Use for 2020 Operations Due to the Financial Impacts Associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-224 | Resolution Approving the Park Components of the Coordinated Plan at the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-223 | Resolution Granting Storm Sewer Easements to the Blake School at 511 Kenwood Parkway, Located on Kenwood Parkway in Minneapolis | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-222 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed Citizen Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approving Concept Plans for Perkins Hill Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-220 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout with Blackstone Contractors, LLC for Park Improvements at Bassett's Creek Park, Contract No. C-44011 | pdf (900 kB) |
Resolution 2020-219 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout with Sunram Construction, Inc. for Trail and Park Improvements at Ridgway Parkway, Contract No. C-39383 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-218 | Amendment to Resolution 2020-131 Allowing Alternative Means of Review and Comment on the Draft Southwest Service Area Master Plan for 30 Additional Days After Board Approval of This Resolution, Because Recreation Buildings Remain Closed Due to COVID-19 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-217 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Construction Manager as Agent Services Agreement No. COM0000536 with H+U Construction (Formerly Wenck Construction Inc) Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $150,861 for a New Contract Total of $953,868 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-216 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM984 with Perkins + Will Related to Predesign Services for Cedar-Riverside Recreation Centers Predesign in the Amount of $29,450.00 for a New Contract Total of $254,450.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-215 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State of Minnesota Contract No.119795 with St. Croix Recreation Fun Playgrounds, Inc. (St. Croix Recreation) in the Amount of $174,001.53 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Lovell Square Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-214 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sunram Construction, Inc. for a Total Contract Award of $231,225.00 for Bassett’s Creek Park Improvements Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #979, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Right Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $23,122.50 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-213 | Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Play Equipment and Services Up to $185,631.14 from Ultimate Playgrounds, Inc., an Authorized Local Vendor of Kompan, Inc., through the Omnia Partners Contract #2017001135, for Improvements at Bassett's Creek Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-212 | Resolution Granting Amendment 1 to Temporary Construction Easements to the City of Minneapolis for 10TH Avenue Bridge Purposes in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-211 | Resolution Approving the Park Components of the Coordinated Plan at the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-210 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easements to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for Bridge Purposes in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-209 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for a Splash Pad and Site Improvements at Victory Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-208 | Resolution Concurring with the De Minimis Finding by the Federal Highway Administration Related to the West Broadway Avenue Bridges Reconstruction Project Adjacent to and Within Theodore Wirth Parkway and Victory Memorial Parkway | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-207 | Resolution Accepting an Encroachment Permit from the City of Minneapolis to Construct, Operate and Maintain a Drinking Fountain Within City of Minneapolis Right-Of-Way at Bde Maka Ska | pdf (911 kB) |
Resolution 2020-206 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 92.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2388 West Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at West Lake of the Isles Parkway Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-205 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-44285 with Ten X Ten, LLC to the 26TH Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Project in the Amount of $21,950 for a New Contract Total of $213,083 and Approval of Above the Falls Regional Park Funding in the Amount of $149,680 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-204 | Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Ventura Village for 868 Square Feet at Phillips Community Center, 2300 13Th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN at a Rate of $9.99 Per Square Foot Annually for a One Year Term | pdf (950 kB) |
Resolution 2020-202 | Resolution Granting the Superintendent Authority to Approve Directly Expenditures Up to $250,000 for the Procurement of Goods and Services Related to Parkway Closures, and Extending All Current Parkway Closures through June 7 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-201 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program and Approving the 2020 Allocation of $92,540 to the Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence Proposed to be Located in Boom Island Park, a Part of Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, from the Saint Anthony West Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-200 | Resolution Amending the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Capital Improvement Program to Realign Projects in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-199 | Resolution Approving Policy Governing Leave for Emergency Responders Employed by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-198 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the Omnia Contract No. D9582H7 with Minnesota Wisconsin Playground (GameTime) in the Amount of $224,954.52 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Holmes Park | pdf (989 kB) |
Resolution 2020-197 | Resolution Approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (839 kB) |
Resolution 2020-196 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Construction Manager as Agent Services Agreement No. COM0000536 with H+U Construction (Formerly Wenck Construction, Inc.) Related to the Water Works Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $60,007 for a New Contract Total of $803,007 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-195 | Resolution Approving Minnehaha Creek Watershed District AIS Watercraft Inspection Cost-Share Funding Agreement Accepting Funds Up to $45,000.00 for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-194 | Resolution Approving Hennepin County AIS Watercraft Inspection Cost-Share Funding Agreement Accepting Funds Up to $120,000.00 for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection and Education Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-193 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sunram Construction Inc. Which Includes Its Base Bid of $246,200.00 and the Acceptance of Alternate No. 1 in the Amount of $43,000.00 for a Total Contract Amount of $289,200.00 for Site Improvements at Phelps Field Park Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #973 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $28,920.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-192 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Funding Agreement in the Amount of $31,000 for Calendar Year 2020 with the Minnesota Historical Society and the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board for Interpretive Planning and Implementation in the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Interpretative Zone | pdf (886 kB) |
Resolution 2020-191 | Resolution Approving a Development Agreement with the City of Hopkins for a Temporary Structure and Removal Thereof at Meadowbrook Golf Course, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System, and Agreeing to an Assessment for City of Hopkins Project 2019-10 Interlachen Park Street and Utility Improvements for Improvement of Meadowbrook Road in the Amount of $67,095.10 Over a 15-Year Period in Accordance with Law | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-190 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget Framework to Respond to Financial Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic | pdf (963 kB) |
Resolution 2020-189 | Resolution that the Board Authorizes the Superintendent to Enter into a Cooperative Service Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Wildlife Services for Wildlife Damage Management Services from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023 in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-188 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 1. to Professional Services Agreement #COM0001461 with Split Rock Studios for Design, Fabrication, and Installation Services for New Interactive Educational Exhibits for the Carl Kroening Interpretive Center at North Mississippi Regional Park in the Amount of $101,834.00 for a New Contract Total of $701,834.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-187 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 1 of the Professional Services Agreement # C-40244A with Loffler Companies, Inc. for Implementation, Support and Maintenance of Managed Print Services Equipment and Software in an Amount $30,000 for a New Contract Total of $495,100 for the Five Year Period of October 8, 2015 to October 8, 2020 | pdf (744 kB) |
Resolution 2020-186 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Blackstone Contractors, LLC in the Amount of $120,780.00 for the Playground Improvements at Cleveland Park, Event Number 1012, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Right Department, and Further Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $6,039.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-185 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Blackstone Contractors, LLC in the Amount of $190,380.00 for the Playground Improvements at Farview Park, Event Number 1006, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, and Further Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $9,519.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-184 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JL Theis, Inc. in the Amount of $145,550.00 for the Playground Improvements at Lovell Square Park, Event Number 987, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Right Department, and Further Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $7,277.50 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-183 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Inter-Fluve to Provide Feasibility Assessment Report, Permitting Coordination, Community Engagement, Conceptual Design, Engineering Design, Bidding and Construction Administration Services for the Kenilworth Channel Stabilization Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park for a Fee Not to Exceed $298,600.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-182 | Resolution Approving Contracts for an Estimated $625,000 for Tree Removal and Estimated $875,000 for Stump Grinding for an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,500,000 for the Period Ending March 31, 2021, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-180 | Resolution Approving an Emergency Declaration in Response to Coronavirus Disease, or COVID-19, Authorizing the Superintendent to Undertake Certain Actions | pdf (928 kB) |
Resolution 2020-179 | Resolution Extending the Closure of Portions of Main Street SE, Merriam Street, and Sixth Avenue SE in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park; Portions of James I. Rice (West River) Parkway in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park; Portions of Lake Harriet Parkway in Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park; and Portions of Lake Nokomis Parkway in Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park with Such Closures Coinciding with the Period of Emergency Executive Order 20-20 Directing Minnesotans to Stay at Home, Issued by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on March 25, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-178 | Resolution to Delaying the Assessment of Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased or Infested Trees from Private Properties During 2019 and 2020 and Levy Said Assessments in 2021 | pdf (1020 kB) |
Resolution 2020-177 | Resolution Directing the Deputy Superintendent or Their Designee to Work with Tenants that Lease Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Property that Are Experiencing Hardship Due to COVID-19 Pandemic to Provide Relief from Required Lease Payments | pdf (923 kB) |
Resolution 2020-176 | Resolution Approving Equipment Rental with Operator and Supplies in the Amount of $970,000 for the Contract Period of March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-175 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a 2021 Proposal to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) for Five Projects | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-174 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) Greensmaster ETriflex 3370 Lithium All Battery Greensmower from MTI Distributing, and the Use of $11,845.37 from the Internal Service Fund Mobile Equipment Reserve to Fund the Additional Expense of This All Battery Operated Greensmower for a Total Expenditure of $47,101.80 in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-173 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) 5800 Multi Pro Sprayer with Attachments, Two (2) Reelmaster 3555-D Fairway Mower with Attachments, One (1) Pro Force Debris Blower, One (1) Reelmaster 5010-H Fairway Mower with Attachments and One (1) Workman HDX from MTI Distributing, in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures, Total Expenditure of $268,948.08 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-172 | Resolution Accepting Both the 2018 Grant Award in the Amount of $57,750.00 and the 2020 Grant Award for $200,000.00 from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program for the Phelps Field Park Athletic Field Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-171 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on April 1, 2020 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (650 kB) |
Resolution 2020-170 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on April 1, 2020 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (650 kB) |
Resolution 2020-169 | Resolution Approving the Slate of Individuals to Serve on the Community Advisory Committee for the Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles Master Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-167 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 15.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 3030 West River Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at West River Parkway Within Mississippi Gorge Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-166 | Resolution Confirming and Fully Executing Resolution 2009-172 Conveying Title of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Parcels No Longer Needed for Park and Recreation Purposes and Accepting the Minneapolis Public Schools Parcels Listed in the June 29, 2010 Minneapolis Public Schools Regular Meeting Minutes as an Exchange, Thereby Adopting the Recommendation Authorizing Land Exchanges and Execution of Deeds, as Further Clarified in Exhibits a and B to the Meeting Minutes | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-165 | Resolution Banning Use of Single Use Plastics in Citywide Events Conducted or Permitted in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation System for Permit Requests that Occur After April 1, 2021, with Health and Safety Exceptions for Emergency Response and Water Quality Issues, and Providing a Phased Timeline for Businesses in the Target Market Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-164 | Resolution Agreeing to Assume the Lease Agreement for Construction-Related Activities at the Upper Harbor Terminal Between the City of Minneapolis and Ames Construction, Inc. Should Any Conveyance to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Occur During the Term of the Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-163 | Resolution Approving the Right of Entry Agreement to Allow Access to the Upper Harbor Terminal Property Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis | pdf (998 kB) |
Resolution 2020-161 | Resolution Approving Contracts for the Purchase of Trees as Requested Per B.E. No 927 at an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,000,000 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-160 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to TMG Construction Inc., in the Amount of $258,500.00 for the Plank Road (Trail) Repairs at Mill Ruins Park, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $25,850.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-159 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement #041340 with WSB & Associates, Inc. to Provide Professional Services for the LCCMR-Funded Lake Nokomis Subwatershed Carp Research and Management Project in the Amount of $20,107.86 fora New Contract Total of $161,187.86 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-158 | Resolution Accepting a 2020 Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $200,000.00 for Skate Plaza Improvements at Elliot Park | pdf (885 kB) |
Resolution 2020-157 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year-Ending December 31, 2019 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (530 kB) |
Resolution 2020-155 | Resolution Concurring with the De Minimis Finding by the Federal Highway Administration Related to the Reconstruction of Webber Parkway, 44Th Avenue North, Lyndale Avenue North, and Humboldt Avenue North Adjacent to and Within North Mississippi Regional Park, Webber Park, and Victory Memorial Parkway | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-154 | Resolution Approving the License Agreement with Yinghua Academy for the North Parking Lot and Use of Other Park Features at Northeast Athletic Fields Park | pdf (833 kB) |
Resolution 2020-153 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 with JPMI Construction, Contract No. COM0000909, for the Wirth Chalet Water Intrusion Remediation Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, in the Total Amount of $45,197.00 for a New Contract Total of $371,923.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-152 | Resolution Approving the Agreement Between the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, the City of Minneapolis, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Regarding the Cooperative Effort for Construction and Infrastructure Ownership of Stormwater Best Management Practices on the Northern Section of Columbia Golf Course Within the 1NE Watershed Located Within the City of Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-151 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Ten X Ten to Provide Landscape Architectural, Community Engagement, and Historical and Ecological Analysis Services for the Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles Master Plan, Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, for a Fee Not to Exceed $300,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-150 | Approving a Three Year Lease Agreement Renewal with Yamaha for Golf Cart Leasing Services to be Performed at All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Golf Courses in the Amount of $ $905,302.08 with Funding from the Enterprise Fund. | pdf (912 kB) |
Resolution 2020-149 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 with Versacon, Inc., COM 0001402, for the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project at Lyndale Farmstead Park in the Amount of $48,653.00 for a New Contract Total of $932,546.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-148 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 7 with Peterson Companies, Contract No. C-43724, for the Phase 2 Improvements Project at Peavey Park, in the Amount of $8,186.20 for a New Contract Total of $1,426,807.21 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-147 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Veit and Company, Contract No. C-42971, for the Scherer Site/Halls Island Reconstruction, in the Amount of $80,235.42 for a New Contract Total of $4,060,724.83 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-146 | Resolution Accepting a 2020 Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $23,836.00 for Athletic Field Improvements at Folwell Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-145 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement #COM72 with Stonebrooke Engineering Related to the Parking Lot Reconstruction Within Parade Park in the Amount of $38,413.00 for a New Contract Total of $157,667.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-144 | Resolution Approving Negotiated Full, Final and Complete Employment Release Agreement | pdf (428 kB) |
Resolution 2020-143 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on March 4, 2020 for an Injury Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (656 kB) |
Resolution 2020-142 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Superintendent Bangoura for Theodore Wirth Home and Administration Building, Located at 3945 Bryant Avenue South and Within Lyndale Farmstead Park W | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-141 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to the Exclusive Rights Agreement with the City of Minneapolis and the Development Team Led by United Properties for Collaborative Efforts Related to Creating a Coordinated Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-140 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement C-44261 with Barr Engineering, Inc. Related to Master Planning and Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the Master Planning of Aligned Use and Water Management at Hiawatha Golf Course, a Part of Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park in the Amount of $45,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $220,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-139 | Resolution Accepting an Encroachment Permit from the City of Minneapolis to Construct, Operate and Maintain 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Within City of Minneapolis Right-Of-Way at the Eastern Most Portion of 26Th Avenue North to the Mississippi River, All Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-138 | Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the University of Minnesota for a Cooperative Planning and Slope Observation Effort Related to the July 17, 2019 East River Parkway Slope Failure Site | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-137 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement C-43561 with Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Related to the Master Planning, Design and Engineering, and Construction Administration at Mississippi River Gorge Regional Park in the Amount of $22,373.00 for a New Contract Total of $578,934.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-136 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # PC-00251 with Biffs Inc. to Furnish, Deliver and Service Portable Restrooms in an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,325,000, and Extending the Agreement to December 31, 2022 | pdf (735 kB) |
Resolution 2020-135 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Huot Construction and Services, Inc., in the Amount of $492,410 for the Gym Exterior Renovation Project at the Farview Recreation Center, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 878, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $49,241 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-134 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species 2020 Inspection Rules, Authorizing the Superintendent to Implement These Rules from May 01, 2020 to December 01, 2020, and Approving and Directing Staff to Implement the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group Recommendations for 2020 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-133 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa for Environmental Stewardship and Youth Employment Projects in the Amount of $203,040.00 from March 9, 2020 to December 31, 2020 | pdf (898 kB) |
Resolution 2020-132 | Resolution Consenting To, Pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease Agreement with the Loppet Foundation, Mill Valley Kitchen as the Sublessee and Subtenant of the Loppet Foundation at Theodore Wirth Regional Park Within the Adventure Welcome Center Building (The Trailhead); and Requiring the Loppet Foundation to Provide Implicit Bias and Racial Equity Training for All Loppet Employees, Leadership, and Loppet Board Members in the Year 2020 Using a Qualified Organization, to be Recommended by MPRB Staff and Approved by the Board of Commissioners | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-131 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment 2 Period Beginning February 7, 2020, for the Draft Southwest Service Area Master Plan | pdf (850 kB) |
Resolution 2020-130 | Resolution to Approve the Submission of a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Federal Recreational Trail Program Grant Application for Up to $100,000 for Natural Surface Trail Improvements, Maintenance, and Signage Improvements at Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Brownie Lake Park Within Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-129 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Veit & Company, Inc. in the Amount of $731,446.76 for the Phase 1 Improvements Rebid Project in Folwell Park Per Event No. 771, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $36,572.34 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Authorizing the Transfer of $40,000.00 from the 2020 NPP20 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund and Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2019 Capital Improvement Program to Include the Allocation of $23,869.80 to the Phase 1 Improvements Rebid Project in Folwell Park from the Folwell Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-128 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # _C-42558 with Littler Mendelson P.C. Related to the Legal Fees in the Amount of $ 30,000 for a New Contract Total of $ 190,000 | pdf (648 kB) |
Resolution 2020-127 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement C-43750 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Related to Construction Administration Services for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements in the Amount of $2,890.25 for a New Contract Total of $291,451.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-126 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. to Provide Topographic and ALTA Land Surveying Services at Cedar Lake/Lake of the Isles, Part of the Chain of Lakes Regional Park, for a Fee Not to Exceed $126,092, and Contingent on City of Minneapolis Civil Rights Approval | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-125 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Blackstone Contractors, LLC., in the Amount of $173,205.00 for the Luce Line Water Level Correction - Storm Siphon Outlet Replacement at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $17,320.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-124 | Resolution Confirming the Staff Appointment of Thomas Oas to the Pesticide Advisory Committee | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-123 | Resolution Authorizing an Easement Agreement, Development Agreement, and Disbursing Agreement to Create a Public Park on the TractorWorks Site in the North Loop Neighborhood as Part of the Implementation of the 8Th Avenue Streamscape as Envisioned in the Downtown Service Area Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-122 | Resolution Approving the Charge of a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Cedar Lake-Lake of the Isles Master Plan, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Setting a Deadline of February 14, 2020, for Commissioner Appointments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-121 | Resolution Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement Between the State of Minnesota, Acting through Its Commissioner of Natural Resources, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for a Feasibility Study for the Fort Snelling Upper Post Outdoor Skills and Adventure Center | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-120 | Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Refectory Concession Agreement, Dated January 1, 2014, with Sea Salt Eatery, LLC for the Minnehaha Park Concession Reducing the Percentage Paid to the MPRB by 1%, from 12% to 11% of Gross Revenue Derived from Operations of the Facility for a Period of July 2019 through the End of the 2019 Operating Season | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-119 | Resolution Approving Second Extension of Lease Agreement with St. Anthony Real Estate Company for 30 31St Avenue North, Unit 300, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park, through November 30, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-118 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #14A, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective February 15, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-117 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Peregrine Global LLC Leasing Commercial Space at 3101 Pacific Street North, Unit 200D, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a 1 (One) Year Term, Commencing February 15, 2020 | pdf (937 kB) |
Resolution 2020-116 | Resolution Directing the President of the Board to Negotiate Terms of a Lease Agreement with Superintendent Alfred Bangoura, Leasing the Theodore Wirth Home and Administration Center, Located at 3954 Bryant Avenue South and Within Lyndale Farmstead Park, and to Deliver a Recommended Lease to the Board of Commissioners at Its Regular Meeting of February 19, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-115 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sheehy Construction Company in the Amount of $1,277,300.00 for 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Per Bid Event No. 503, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-114 | Resolution Accepting Capital Improvement Grant Award from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization in the Amount Up to $50,000 for Construction of Shoreline Enhancements Focusing on Slope Stabilization through Bio-Engineering Techniques on the Mississippi Riverbank of 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-113 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Chapter 15 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Relating to Parkland Dedication to Address Federal Rule Updates Related to Affordable Housing | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-112 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into Amendment No. 3 to an Operating Agreement, Related to the Commons, Being Parkland Within the Minneapolis Park System, Between the City of Minneapolis and Green Minneapolis as Assigned to and Assumed by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-111 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to LS Black Constructors for Wading Pool Improvements at Bryant Square Park, Contract No. C-42643, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-110 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Minger Construction Company, Inc. for Utility Improvements at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Contract No. C-42385, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-109 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Meisinger Construction Company Inc. for Building Improvements at Bossen Field Park, Contract No. C-44005, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-108 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Advanced Design Contracting LLC, for the Recreation Center Roof Replacement and Structural Repairs Project at Longfellow Park, Contract No. C-43896, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (953 kB) |
Resolution 2020-107 | Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Minneapolis Office of Emergency Management in the Amount of $62,500 for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Facility Emergency Preparedness Planning | pdf (1001 kB) |
Resolution 2020-106 | Resolution Awarding a Professional Services Agreement to NAC Mechanical & Electrical Services to Provide Professional Electrical, HVAC, and Services for the HVAC Multi-Site Facility Inspections, Routine Services and Emergency Services for a Fee Not to Exceed $260,000 | pdf (1013 kB) |
Resolution 2020-105 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with CDW-G for an Estimated Annual Expenditure in the Amount of $283,000 for Furnishing Computer Software, Hardware and Accessories through December 31, 2022 for a Total Contract Amount of $850,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-104 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to G. Urban Companies Inc. in the Amount of $174,900 for the Utility / Fountain Project at Bde Maka Ska Per Bid Event No. 697, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $17,490 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, and Amending the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan to Include $185,557 from the East Calhoun Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2020-102 | Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Second Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with St. Anthony Real Estate Company Etal Related to the Acquisition of 30 - 31St Av. N., 50-31St Av. N., and 3101 Pacific St., Minneapolis, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2020-100 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on January 8, 2020 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (654 kB) |
Resolution 2019-430 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into an Agreement for Services Related to Snow Removal Within the Leased Premises as Defined in a Ground Lease Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Inc., with Such Leased Premises Located Generally at 1301 10Th Avenue North | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-429 | Resolution Accepting Capital Improvement Grant Award Amendment #1 from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Extending the Grant Deadline for the Design and Construction of Innovative Stormwater Management Practices as Part of the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Construction | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-428 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Standard Contracting Inc., Contract COM-1014, for Shoreline Enhancements and Stormwater Outfall Repairs at Lake Nokomis Regional Park, in the Amount of $59,486.33 for a New Contract Total of $525,112.94 and Approving the Allocation of $5,802.46 from MPRB Regional Park Operations and Maintenance Funds to Cover Costs for the Rehabilitation of MPRB Storm Sewer Infrastructure | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-427 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Chapter 17 to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances - Criteria Based System for Capital and Rehabilitation Neighborhood Park Project Scheduling (In Conjunction with Chapter 16 - 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan) | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-426 | That the Board Take from the Table Resolution 2019-426 Resolution Consenting To, Pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease Agreement with the Loppet Foundation, Mill Valley Kitchen as the Sublessee and Subtenant of the Loppet Foundation at Theodore Wirth Regional Park Within the Adventure Welcome Center Building (The Trailhead) | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-425 | Resolution Approving an Agreement with ICM (VII) Mill Place LP (ICM) to Allow the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Capture Rainwater for Reuse in the Water Works Project from the Barrel House and Engine House Properties Located at 111 3Rd Avenue South and 333 1St Street South, Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-424 | Resolution Approving the 2019 Above the Falls Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-423 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Rules of the Board | pdf (638 kB) |
Resolution 2019-422 | Resolution Approving the 2020 Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (571 kB) |
Resolution 2019-421 | Resolution Approving One-Year Contracts Effective January 1, 2020 with Rice, Michels & Walther, LLP in the Amount Not to Exceed $85,000 and Tom Workman in the Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 for Lobbyist Services | pdf (815 kB) |
Resolution 2019-419 | Resolution Modifying the Charge of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-418 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-38994, for the Minnehaha Refectory Project at Minnehaha Regional Park, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (914 kB) |
Resolution 2019-417 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 5 with Standard Contracting Inc., Contract COM-1014, for Shoreline Enhancements and Stormwater Outfall Repairs at Lake Nokomis Regional Park Related to the Removal of Buried Sheet Pile Material in Order to Facilitate Installation of the Storm Water Outfall Piping, in the Amount of $3,717.05 for a New Contract Total of $533,944.99 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-416 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with Standard Contracting Inc., Contract COM-1014, for Shoreline Enhancements and Stormwater Outfall Repairs at Lake Nokomis Regional Park, in the Amount of $5,115.00 for a New Contract Total of $530,227.94 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-415 | Resolution Approving the One-Time Transfer of $19,000 from the Operating Costs Line Item of the -Minneapolis Park Police Budget for 2020 to Cover Legal Fees and Approving Amendment # 3 to Professional Services Agreement COM0000899 with Littler Mendelson PC by $19,000 for a New Contract Total of Up to $66,000 to Respond to and Investigate Minnesota Department of Human Rights Complaints and Complete Resulting Settlement Proceedings that Resulted from the Minnehaha Incident | pdf (729 kB) |
Resolution 2019-414 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Contract C-39159 with C. Chase Company for General Real-Estate and Property Management Services at 1828 Marshall Street NE and 2230 Marshall Street NE in an Amount Not to Exceed $9,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $59,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-413 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Contract C-40438 with C. Chase Company for General Real Estate and Property Management Services at the Pacific Building Located at 30 through 31 Pacific Street N, in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $100,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-412 | Resolution Approving an Additional $20,000.00 to Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Resolution 2019-350 Confirming Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Landscape (Bid Event ID MPLMN #147) T Margolis Company in the Amount of $866,170.00, for a Corrected Contract Total of 886,170.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-411 | Resolution Requesting Staff to Prepare and Submit to the Planning Committee by Its First Regular Meeting in 2020 a Process of Further Engagement Aimed at Quantifying and Discerning Support of the Water Play Feature to be Included in Victory Park. | pdf (215 kB) |
Resolution 2019-410 | Resolution Approving an Updated Easement Agreement with the City of Minneapolis that Realigns And Reduces the Area of a Water Main Easement Within Currie Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-409 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $10,500,000 for Certain Purposes Other Than the Purchase of Public Utilities | pdf (962 kB) |
Resolution 2019-408 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $300,000 the Proceeds of Which Are to be Used for the Diseased Tree Removal Program | pdf (827 kB) |
Resolution 2019-407 | Resolution Adopting the 2020 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget | pdf (999 kB) |
Resolution 2019-406 | Resolution Setting the 2020 Tax Levy for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Boar | pdf (864 kB) |
Resolution 2019-405 | Resolution Adopting the 2020 Park Museum Budget | pdf (598 kB) |
Resolution 2019-404 | Resolution Setting the 2020 Tax Levy for the Park Museum Fund | pdf (504 kB) |
Resolution 2019-403 | Resolution Approving a Boat Docking Agreement with Paradise Charter Cruises and the Minneapolis Queen for a Term Beginning on January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2029 for a Fee Beginning at $39,416.39 and Increasing by 2% Each Year of the Agreement. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-402 | Resolution Approving Amendment #3 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-41161 with Damon Farber Associates Related to the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $190,415 for a New Contract Total of $ 3,648,803.02 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-401 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with JPMI Construction, Contract COM0000909, for the Wirth Chalet Water Intrusion Remediation Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, in the Total Amount of $119,626.00 for a New Contract Total of $347,626.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-400 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Killmer Electric Co, Inc. in the Amount of $443,690.00 for Elliot Park Phase 2 Field and Pedestrian Lighting Improvements Per Bid Event No. 609, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $44,369.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract, and Amending the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan to Include $144,759.00 from the Elliot Park Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-399 | Resolution Accepting and Approving the Revised Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Financial Management Policies Effective January 1, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-398 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to L.S. Black Constructors, Inc. for the Bridge No. 93835 Rehabilitation Project Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Contract No. C-43725, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (975 kB) |
Resolution 2019-397 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to LS Black Constructors for Construction of a Natural Swimming Pool at Webber Park, O.P No. 7776, in the Amount of $309,700.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-396 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to LS Black Constructors for Construction of a Bath House at Webber Park, O.P. No. 7842, in the Amount of $10,921.25 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-395 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 9 with LS Black Constructors, Contract No. 37069, for Construction of a Natural Swimming Pool at Webber Park, in the Amount of $60,359.14 for a New Contract Total of $5,033,176.95 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-394 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of Equipment and Services to Build and Up-Fit Seven (7) 60' Aerial Bucket Lifts and Bodies for a Total Expenditure of $753,900.00 from State of Minnesota Contract T-765 with Altech Inc. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-393 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Rules of the Board | pdf (565 kB) |
Resolution 2019-392 | Resolution Entering into a Conservation Easement with Firefly Woods LLC for Real Property with Addresses 27, 31, 35, 39, 43 Xerxes Avenue South, in the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, All Contiguous to Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-391 | Resolution Agreeing to Accept Assignment of the City of Minneapolis’ Interests in the Interim Lease Agreement Between the City of Minneapolis and North Star Community Rowing for River Access Operation of a Seasonal Rowing Program to Benefit Disadvantaged Youth and Adolescents and Adults with Physical Disabilities at the Upper Harbor Terminal If the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Acquires All or a Portion of the Property Subject to the Interim Lease Agreement Prior to October 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-390 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with ProLine Painting Leasing Commercial Space at 3101 Pacific Street North, Unit 204A, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park on a Month-To-Month Basis, Effective December 15, 2019 | pdf (973 kB) |
Resolution 2019-389 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Headwaters Art Cooperative Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #14B, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective December 1, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-388 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for a Splash Pad and Site Improvements at Victory Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-387 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed Citizen Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approving a Concept Plan for Park Improvements at Bassett's Creek Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-386 | Resolution Urging the Minneapolis City Council to Pass the Proposed Bring Your Own Bag Ordinance in Order to Reduce the Amount of Pollution in Our Air, Parks, and Waterways | pdf (645 kB) |
Resolution 2019-385 | Resolution Approving the Charge and Composition for an Appointed Community Advisory Committee For Final Design for Graco Park and for Preliminary and Final Design for Scherer Addition Lot 2 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-384 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of East Bde Maka Ska Parkway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-383 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees From Private Properties During 2018 and 2019 | pdf (920 kB) |
Resolution 2019-382 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Third Quarter, 2019 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (576 kB) |
Resolution 2019-381 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to JPMI Construction, Inc. for Kenwood Community Center Pipe Repair and Interior Improvements, Contract No. C-43726 in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (699 kB) |
Resolution 2019-380 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to TMG Construction, Inc. for Northeast Park Restroom Building Renovation and Site Improvements, Contract No. C-41018 in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (695 kB) |
Resolution 2019-379 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Vogel Mechanical, Inc. for the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Improvements Project at the Fuller Recreation Center, Contract No. C-43842, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1020 kB) |
Resolution 2019-378 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Morcon Construction Co. Inc. for Ventilation Unit Replacement, MPRB Headquarters, Contract No. C-43224 in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (766 kB) |
Resolution 2019-377 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment and Contract Closeout to Corval Constructors, Inc., for the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Improvements Project at the Matthews Recreation Center, Contract No. C-43858, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-376 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Berwald Roofing Co., Inc for Partial Roof Replacement at Whittier Park Gym Project, Contract No. C-43759 in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (732 kB) |
Resolution 2019-375 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program to Allocate $12,247.50 for the Wading Pool Improvements at Logan Park Project from the Logan Park Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund and Approving Change Order #3 with Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. for the Wading Pool Improvements at Logan Park Project, Contract # C-43758, in the Amount of $14,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $728,965.73 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-374 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 with Blackstone Contractors, LLC, Contract No. C-44172, for the Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements Project at Sheridan Memorial Park in the Amount of $95,035.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,086,519.00. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-373 | Resolution that the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Enter into a Professional Service Agreement with Instrumental Research Inc., to Provide Laboratory Analyses of Water Samples for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Water Quality Monitoring Program from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022, in the Amount of $155,000 Annually for a Total of $465,000 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-372 | Resolution that the Board of Commissioners Enter into a Cooperative Service Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services for Waterfowl Management Services for Webber Natural Swimming Pool from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022 in the Amount of $29,000 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-371 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ebert Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $411,600 for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Toilets Project at Farview and Matthews Parks Recreation Centers, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 694, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $41,160 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-370 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Minneapolis Division of Solid Waste and Recycling for the Collection of Waste, Recycling, and Organics on Designated Park Properties Effective September 2019 through September 2024 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-369 | Resolution Approving a UV Filter and Structure Easement and a Stormwater Reuse Agreement with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization at the Site Currently But Not Permanently Known as Towerside Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-368 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden Operations and Visitor Comfort Improvements at Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-367 | Resolution Consenting To, Pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease Agreement with the Loppet Foundation, Boulder Nordic Sport, Boulder Cycle Sport, and Boulder Sports, LLC as the Sublessee and Subtenant of the Loppet Foundation at Theodore Wirth Regional Park Within the Adventure Welcome Center Building (The Trailhead) | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-366 | Resolution Approving a Boat Docking Permit with Paradise Charter Cruises and the Minneapolis Queen for a Term Beginning on January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2029 for a Fee Beginning at $39,416.39 and Increasing by 2% Each Year of the Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-365 | Resolution Awarding a Professional Services Agreement to Nasseff Mechanical Contractors, Inc. to Provide Professional Mechanical, Electrical, and Boiler Services for the Boilers Multi-Site Facility Inspections, Routine Services and Emergency Services for a Fee Not to Exceed $103,560 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-364 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with Advanced Design Contracting, LLC, Contract COM0000429, for the Parade Stadium Restroom - Roof Replacement & Exterior Renovations Project at Parade Park, in the Total Amount of $6,899.00 for a New Contract Total of $105,418.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-363 | Resolution Approving Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement No. C-42366 with Confluence for Additional Landscape Architecture Services Related to the North Service Area Master Plan in the Amount of $12,085 for a New Contract Total of $243,496 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-362 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement #C-43749 with HKGi Related to the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan in the Amount of $37,725 for a New Contract Total of $351,125 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-361 | Resolution Approving the Use of $1,250,000 from the Internal Service Fund Mobile Equipment Reserve and to Increase the 2019 Asset Management Department - Equipment Services Budget from $6,089,125 to $7,339,125 | pdf (911 kB) |
Resolution 2019-360 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of East Bde Maka Ska Parkway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (958 kB) |
Resolution 2019-359 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees from Private Property During 2018 and 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
lution 2019-358 | Resolution Confirming an Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Steel Erection Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #362) to High Five Erectors II, Inc. in the Amount of $340,230.00 and Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $34,023.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-357 | Resolution Confirming Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Drywall Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #361) to RTL Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $226,969.00 and Further Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $22,696.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-356 | Resolution Confirming an Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Aluminum Openings and Glazing Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #360) to Brin Glass Company in the Amount of $348,175.00 and Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $34,817.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-355 | Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Flynn Midwest LP for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Roofing and Metal Panels (Bid Event ID MPLMN #359) for the Amount of $170,689 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $17,069 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-354 | Resolution Confirming an Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Carpentry, Building Demolition, and General Construction Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #358) to Meisinger Construction Company in the Amount of $1,074,670.00 and Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $107,467 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-353 | Resolution Confirming Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Site Precast Installation Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #355) to Twin City Tile and Marble Company in the Amount of $264,272.00 and Further Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $26,427 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-352 | Resolution Confirming Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Site Precast Architectural Concrete-Supply (Bid Event ID MPLMN #180) to American Artstone Company for the Amount of $419,137.00 and Further Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $41,913 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-351 | Resolution Confirming an Award for a Construction Contract for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Historic Masonry and Stucco Rehabilitation (Bid Event ID MPLMN #151) to Building Restoration Corporation, Inc. for the Amount of $854,235 and Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $85,423 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-350 | Resolution Confirming an Award of a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Landscape (Bid Event ID MPLMN #147) to Margolis Company in the Amount of $866,170.00 and Further Confirming Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $86,617 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-349 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Sourcewell Maintenance Agreement Contract No. 100516-TKE with Thyssen-Krupp in the Amount of $142,480 to Furnish and Install Conveyance Systems at the Waterworks Project in Mill Ruins Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $14,248 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-348 | Resolution Approving a Neighborhood Revitalization Program Action Plan Project Funding Agreement with Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association to Contribute $300,000 Towards the Reconstruction of Seven Pools Fountain, a Component of Thomas Lowry Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-347 | Resolution Approving the Slate of Individuals to Serve on the Community Advisory Committee for Parks for All, the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board 2021 Comprehensive Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-346 | Resolution Approving a Harness Agreement with SportQuest Skating Academy (SQSA) at Parade Ice Garden for a Term Until December 31, 2021 | pdf (859 kB) |
Resolution 2019-345 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # C-43177 with Minnesota Occupational Health Related to Occupational Health Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount of $270,600.00 for a New Contract Total of $440,600.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-344 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in Phillips Park, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-343 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Margolis Company, Contract No. C-40936, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $132,346.65 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-342 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with TransPark, Incorporated, for Parking Meter Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $300,000 through October 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-341 | Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Parkland Dedication and Operating Agreement with Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Minneapolis for Donation of Market Square to Satisfy the Parkland Dedication Requirement for Lake and Hiawatha, Located at the Southwest Quadrant of Lake Street and Hiawatha Avenue, and Releasing to Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority All Parkland Dedication Fees Paid and Related to Phase 1 of Lake and Hiawatha | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-340 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #14A, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of Three (3) Years, Effective November 1, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-339 | Approving Amendment No 2 to the Active Network, LLC Contract Related to Language Translation Services | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-338 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed Citizen Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approving Concept Plans for Holmes Park Playground Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-337 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grants through the 2020 Hennepin Youth Sports Program Up to the Amount of $300,000 Each for Athletic Field Improvements at Folwell Park, Athletic Field Improvements at Painter Park, Athletic Field Improvements at Phelps Park, and Tennis Dome Replacement Related to the Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center Located Adjacent to the Lenard H. Neiman Sports Complex at Ft Snelling | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-336 | Resolution to Receive and File as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board the Annual Financial Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year Ended December 31, 2018 | pdf (763 kB) |
Resolution 2019-335 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on October 2, 2019 Regarding the July 20, 2018 Incident at Minnehaha Falls Regional Park | pdf (492 kB) |
Resolution 2019-334 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Duininck Inc., for the Theodore Wirth Park Golf Course Renovation Project, Contract No. C-42197, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-333 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Blackstone Contractors, LLC for the Peavey Park Phase 1 Improvements Project, Contract No. C-42644, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-332 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Sunram Construction Inc, Contract No. C-44323, for the Bohemian Flats Park Rehabilitation Project in the Amount of $177,582.35 for a New Contract Total of $1,548,811.15 | pdf (1004 kB) |
Resolution 2019-331 | Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with SFM Risk Solutions as the Third Party Administrator for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Program at an Estimated Cost of $260,000 for a Three Year Period from November 1, 2019 to October 31, 2022 with Funding from Annually Approved Risk Management Fund Contingent on Approval from the City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-330 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Project for Public Spaces to Provide Program Modeling Services for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project Up to an Amount of $149,420 for the Period of October 2, 2019 to December 31, 2022 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-327 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 of Professional Services Agreement # C-42558 with Littler Mendelson PC to Increase Contract Amount by $20,000 for a New Not to Exceed Total of $160,000 | pdf (677 kB) |
Resolution 2019-326 | Resolution Approving Amendment # 2 to Professional Services Agreement COM0000899 with Littler Mendelson PC by $32,000 for a New Contract Total of Up to $47,000 to Respond to and Investigate Minnesota Department of Human Rights Complaints | pdf (849 kB) |
Resolution 2019-325 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Ebert Construction for the Cedar Lake South Beach Improvements Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Contract No. C-43139, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-324 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Veit & Company for Sitework Improvements at Bossen Field Park, Contract No. C-41136, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-323 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with TMG Construction, Inc., Contract No. C-41018, for the Northeast Park Restroom Building Renovation and Site Improvements Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park in the Amount of $10,609.28 for a New Contract Total of $443,248.83 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-322 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 8 with Margolis Company, Contract No. C-40936, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park in the Amount of $11,786.00 for a New Contract Total of $2,275,350.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-321 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement C-43750 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Related to Construction Documentation and Bidding Services for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements in the Amount of $19,523.00 for a New Contract Total of $288,560.75 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-320 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State Contract No. W-216(5) with Waste Management Services, Inc. for Contracting to Provide and Include Collection, Transport of Waste, Organic and Waste Recycling Services in the Amount of $1,500,000.00 through November 30, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-319 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Split Rock Studios for Design, Fabrication, and Installation Services for New Interactive Educational Exhibits for the Carl Kroening Interpretive Center at North Mississippi Regional Park Up to the Amount of $600,000 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Civil Rights Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-318 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Perkins + Will to Provide Design Services for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project Up to an Amount of $1,445,600, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights, for the Period of September 18, 2019 to December 31, 2024 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-317 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Joy Albrecht in the Amount of $119,843.00 for the North Mississippi Ninja Play and Trail, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing Division and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $5,992.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-316 | Resolution Concurring with the Determination of Temporary Occupancy of Parkland at Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 Related to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Project to Rehabilitate the 3Rd Avenue Bridge | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-315 | Resolution Approving a Modified Easement Agreement with Xcel Energy that Realigns and Reduces the Existing Utility Easement Area Near the Longfellow House Within Minnehaha Regional Park | pdf (920 kB) |
Resolution 2019-314 | Resolution Banning Use of Single Use Plastics in Citywide Events Conducted or Permitted in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation System for Permit Requests that Occur After April 1, 2020, with Health and Safety Exceptions for Emergency Response and Water Quality Issues | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-313 | Resolution Suspending Board Naming Procedures and Approving the Renaming of Carl W. Kroening Interpretive Center to Become the Carl W. Kroening Nature Center and to be Commonly Known as the Kroening Nature Center | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-312 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation Set the Maximum Property Tax Levy for the 2020 Budget at an Estimated Amount of $71,472,000, an Increase of 8.72 Percent, to be Allocated to the Park and Recreation Levy in the Amount of $69,596,000 and the Tree Preservation and Reforestation Levy in the Amount of $1,876,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-310 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit, in Priority Order, 26Th Avenue North River Access and Trail Connection ($3 Million); Waterworks Riverside Phase ($5 Million); Grand Rounds Missing Link Implementation ($12.3 Million); and the North Commons Regional Vision ($11.25 Million) for a Total of $31.55 Million to Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) for the 2020 State of Minnesota (State) Capital Budget | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-308 | Resolution Approving a Comment Letter in Opposition to PLAN9131 Regarding the Establishment by the City of Minneapolis of the lvy-Zenith-32Nd Conservation District in the West Calhoun Neighborhood | pdf (583 kB) |
Resolution 2019-307 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to North Country Concrete, Inc., Contract No. C-41117, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $42,363.07 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-306 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on September 4, 2019 for an Injury Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Boar | pdf (675 kB) |
Resolution 2019-305 | Resolution Directing Staff to Prepare a Comment Letter in Opposition to PLAN9131 Regarding the Establishment by the City of Minneapolis of the lvy-Zenith-32Nd Conservation District in the West Calhoun Neighborhood | pdf (844 kB) |
Resolution 2019-304 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to L.S. Black Constructors, Inc. in the Amount of $2,935,296.17 for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements Rebid Per Bid Event No. MPLN 398, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 4% Construction Contingency Up to $117,411.85 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Authorizing the Transfer $20,500.00 from the 2019 NPP20 Rehabilitation Fund for Park Lighting $240,000.00 from the 2019 NPP20 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund and $240,000.00 from the 2020 NPP20 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-303 | Resolution Approving a Neighborhood Revitalization Program Action Plan Project Funding Agreement with East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Association to Contribute $347,876.00 Towards the Construction of the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project at Lyndale Farmstead Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-302 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Versacon Inc., in the Amount of $863,900.00 for the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project at Lyndale Farmstead Park, Per Bid Event Number MPLN 441, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department, Amending the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program to Include the 2019 Allocation of $6,084.00 to the Lyndale Farmstead Recreation Center Building Improvements and Addition Project from the East Harriet Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $43,195.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-301 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to North Country Concrete, Inc., Contract No. C-41117, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $42,363.07 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-300 | Resolution Authorizing Placement of the Property, Boiler & Machinery and Certified Terrorism Insurance Coverage with the Travelers Insurance for a Cost of $148,320 for the Period September 1, 2019 to September 1, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-299 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on August 21, 2019 for a Work Injury Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (693 kB) |
Resolution 2019-298 | Resolution Approving Maintenance Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Regarding the Obligation by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Maintain Stormwater Facilities at 5200 Newton Avenue South, as Part of the Morgan Avenue Tennis Courts Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-297 | Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Environmental Covenant and Easement Between the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Executed Pursuant to the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, Minn. Stat. Ch 114E (UECA) in Connection with an Environmental Response Approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the 2016 Bossen Field Park Site Improvements, and Related to the Terms and Conditions of the Environmental Covenant | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-296 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Cost Share, Operations, and Maintenance of a Sidewalk Between the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in North Commons Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-295 | Resolution Approving Maintenance Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Regarding the Obligation by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Maintain Wetland Buffer at Lake Nokomis Associated with the Shoreline Enhancements Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-294 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $1,063,263.85 for the Parade Park Parking Lot Reconstruction Per Event ID No. MPLN 400, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Division and Civil Rights Department and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $106,326.39 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract and Approving an Allocation of Up to $165,000 from Enterprise Fund Fund Balance | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-293 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Repealing Specific Ordinances of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances that Are Superseded by Minnesota State Law | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-292 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Ordinances PB2-34 and PB10-25 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances to Correct Typographical Errors | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-291 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 68.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2323 East Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Parkland at East Lake of the Isles Parkway Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-290 | Resolution Granting Temporary Access and Construction Easements to Ryan Companies Us, Inc. and Arcadia on the River, LLC at 1101 West River Parkway in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-289 | Resolution Approving the 2019 Above the Falls Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-288 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Second Quarter, 2019 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (581 kB) |
Resolution 2019-287 | Resolution Approving Change Order #2 with Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. for the Wading Pool Improvements at Logan Park Project, Contract # C-43758, in the Amount of $41,500.00 for a New Contract Total of $714,965.73 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-286 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 6 with Peterson Companies, Contract No. C-43724, for the Phase 2 Improvements Project at Peavey Park, in the Amount of $8,770.85 for a New Contract Total of $1,418,621.01 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-285 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Roofing and Metal Panel Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #359) Up to the Amount of $216,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $21,600 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-284 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $228,519.85 from Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119795 for the Playground Installation Project at Folwell Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $11,425.99 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-283 | Resolution Approving the Charge and Slate of a Community Advisory Committee for Parks for All, the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board 2021 Comprehensive Plan, the Board President Anticipates Requesting that This Action be Divided. See Attached Legal Memo for Additional Guidance | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-282 | Resolution Granting Temporary Access and Construction Easements to Ryan Companies Us, Inc. and Arcadia on the River, LLC at 1101 West River Parkway in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-281 | Resolution Directing Staff to Prepare a List of Actions and Recommendations for the August 7, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners that Will Allow the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Ban Single Use Plastics in Events in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation System by April 1, 2020 | pdf (224 kB) |
Resolution 2019-280 | Resolution of Support for the Participation of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board as a Host Site in the 2019-2020 GreenCorps Program in Partnership with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to Assist with Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Organics Management Initiatives | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-279 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JPMI Construction Company in the Amount of $469,800 for the Luxton Recreation Center - Exterior Renovation Project, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 289, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $46,980 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-278 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JL Theis, Inc. in the Amount of $355,979 for the ADA Improvements - Accessible Routes at Multiple Sites Phase II Project, Under Bid Event ID MPLMN 389, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $35,598 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-277 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement C-43750 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Related to Design Development and Construction Documentation Services for Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements in the Amount of $16,287.75 for a New Contract Total of $269,037.75 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-276 | Resolution Approving the Purchase Agreement to Purchase Towerside Park and Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program to Allocate $55,000 in 2019 to Towerside Park from the Prospect Park Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund for Legal and Administrative Costs | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-275 | Resolution Granting an Access and Utility Agreement to CenterPoint Energy for an Underground Valve Vault in Diamond Lake Park and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with the Access and Utility Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-274 | Resolution Granting an Access and Utility Agreement to CenterPoint Energy for Underground Valve Vaults in George E. Todd Park and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with the Access and Utility Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-273 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Understanding with the Regents of the University of Minnesota on Behalf of Matthew Jones and the Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy to Conduct a Carbon Footprint Analysis of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Operations’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-272 | Resolution Acknowledging Minneapolis Parks Foundation Full Attainment of Fundraising Commitment for the Mezzanine Phase of the Water Works Project as Described in RiverFirst Fundraising Agreement #1 and Suspending Board Policy and Procedure to Approve the Names of Six Features Within the Project Including: 1) Water Works Park Pavilion, 2) Lenzmeier Family Foundation Classroom, 3) General Mills Plaza, 4) Bank of America City Steps, 5) Nature Play Lab by Caroline Amplatz, and 6) Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Atrium | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-271 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Northland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #350) in the Amount of $498,400 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $49,840 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-270 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Thelen Heating and Roofing for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #351) in the Amount of $429,000 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $42,900 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-269 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract with Blackstone Contractors, LLC for the 2019 Plank Trail Improvements at Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #380) in the Amount of $118,294.00, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $11,829.40 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-268 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to S&S Concrete and Masonry LLP for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #357) in the Amount of $1,370,000 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $137,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-267 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ultra Concrete for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #356) in the Amount of $1,300,000 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $130,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-266 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #351) Up to the Amount of $247,200 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $24,720 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-265 | Resolution Honoring Charles E. Mays for His Service to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (415 kB) |
Resolution 2019-264 | Resolution Retaining Attorney Mark Haase to Provide Employment Policy Advice to Human Resources Department for Up to $3,000 | pdf (421 kB) |
Resolution 2019-263 | Resolution Appointing Special Counsel in the Matter of Save Lake Calhoun V. Sarah Strommen, Et Al. for Contract Up to $20,000 | pdf (429 kB) |
Resolution 2019-262 | Resolution Establishing Process for Appointment of Supplemental Legal Counsel by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (418 kB) |
Resolution 2019-261 | Resolution Directing Staff that Any and All Binary Gender Identification Questions Collected by the Minneapolis Park Board for the Purposes of Program and Activity Enrollment be Eliminated or Switched from a Required Participant Disclosure to an Optional Disclosure by June 27, 2019 | pdf (833 kB) |
Resolution 2019-260 | Resolution Approving the Charge and Slate of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee for the Upper Harbor Terminal Park Concept and First Phase Improvements | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-259 | Resolution Approving the Charge and Slate of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee for the Cedar-Riverside Recreation Centers Predesign | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-258 | Resolution Approving the Agreement Between the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, the City of Minneapolis, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Regarding the Cooperative Effort to Prepare Designs for Stormwater BMPs on the Northern Section of Columbia Golf Course Within the 1NE Watershed Located Within the City of Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-257 | Resolution Authorizing Updated Limited Use Permit #2726-0182 with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to Operate and Maintain the Portion of St. Anthony Parkway Regional Trail that is Within the Right-Of-Way of Trunk Highway 47 of the State of Minnesota. | pdf (994 kB) |
Resolution 2019-256 | Resolution Approving the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan and Formally Naming the Park “Mississippi Gorge Regional Park” as it is Commonly Known | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-254 | Resolution Approving a One-Year License Agreement, as Amended, with Lime for the Operation of Motorized Scooter Share Throughout the Minneapolis Parks and Approving Amended License Agreements with Lyft and Spin | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-253 | Resolution Accepting Capital Project Fund Agreement Amendment #2 from Mississippi Watershed Management Organization to Use Remaining Grant Funds for Operations and Maintenance Support for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden at Parade Park and to Revise the Termination Date to December 31, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-252 | Resolution Approving an Amended and Restated Lease Agreement with the Fred Wells Tennis and Education Center for Leased Land Within the Upper Post of Fort Snelling | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-251 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program to Allocate Up to $40,000 from the East Isles Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund for Use in Implementing a Shade Structure in Joanne R. Levin Triangle, a Neighborhood Park in the East Isles Neighborhood, Pending Approval of the Southwest Service Area Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-250 | Resolution Approving New Nice Ride Bike Station and Hub Locations Within the Minneapolis Parks | pdf (934 kB) |
Resolution 2019-249 | Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Minnesota in the Amount of $123,800 for a Shared Use Trail on the Mall Park | pdf (987 kB) |
Resolution 2019-248 | Resolution Amending the Professional Services Agreement with Littler Mendelson PC by $3,500 for a New Contract Total of Up to $15,000 to Respond to and Investigate Minnesota Department of Human Rights Complaints | pdf (496 kB) |
Resolution 2019-247 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to US Sitework, Inc. in the Amount of $2,985,379 for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Site Work Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #354) Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $298,537.90 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-246 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Preferred Electric, Inc. for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN #375) in the Amount of $795,380 Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $79,538 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-245 | Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Construction Supply, Inc. for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park (Bid Event ID MPLMN # 153) in the Amount of $865,586 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $86,558.60 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract Pending Final Approval of the Bid by City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-244 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract with Intelligent Design Corporation for the Gross National Golf Course Clubhouse Re-Roofing and Window Replacement Project at Francis A. Gross Golf Course (Bid Event ID MPLMN #314) in the Amount of $109,508.86, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $10,950.89 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-243 | Resolution Amending the Professional Services Agreement C-28691 with Software House International for Furnishing Computer Software, Hardware, and Accessories, to Increase the Contract Amount by $81,000 for a New Contract Total of $1,120,000. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-241 | Resolution Approving Concept Plan for Park Improvements to the Upper Portion of Father Hennepin Bluff Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-240 | Resolution Approving the Playground Concept Plan for Folwell Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-239 | Resolution Approving a New Lease Agreement with East Side Neighborhood Services Leasing Space for Three Years at the Luxton Neighborhood Recreation Center Located Within George E. Luxton Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-238 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Community Clay Courts Related to Fundraising, Design, and Construction of Clay Tennis Courts in Waveland Triangle, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-237 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-44285 with Ten X Ten, LLC to the 26TH Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Project in the Amount of $66,583 for a New Contract Total of $191,133 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-236 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program and Approving the 2019 Allocation of $113,486.40 to the Phase 1 Improvements Project in Currie Park from the Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-235 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Littler Mendelson PC for Up to $11,500 to Respond to and Investigate a Minnesota Department of Human Rights Complaint | pdf (645 kB) |
Resolution 2019-234 | Resolution Directing Staff to Develop a Framework for a Pilot Program to Close Sections of Main Street and West River Parkway to Vehicle Traffic on Select Weekends in July, August and September of 2019 and Presenting the Completed Plan to the Full Board of Commissioners for Consideration on June 26Th, 2019 | pdf (218 kB) |
Resolution 2019-233 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement, Final Concept, and Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding Between Break the Silence and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Regarding a Public Art Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence Proposed to be Located in Boom Island Park Within Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-232 | Resolution Directing Staff to Explore the Potential Conversion of 1720 Marshall Avenue NE, a Property Owned and Managed by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, for Institutional Purposes Including Space for the Somali Museum of Minnesota, and Modifying the 2019 Legislative Agenda to Include Pursuit of Funding to Support Development of a Somali Museum on Minneapolis Parkland | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-231 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Bridge 9961 Bridge Rehabilitation at Loring Park Up to the Amount of $150,000.00 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $15,000.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-230 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Electrical Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #375) Up to the Amount of $950,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $95,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-227 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Steel Erection Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #362) Up to the Amount of $390,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $39,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-226 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Drywall Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #361) Up to the Amount of $252,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $25,200 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-225 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Aluminum Openings and Glazing Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #360) Up to the Amount of $385,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $38,500 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-224 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Conveying Equipment Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #349) Up to the Amount of $155,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $15,500 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contrac | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-223 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Carpentry, Building Demolition, and General Construction Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #358) Up to the Amount of $1,620,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $162,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-222 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Masonry and Architectural Precast Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #357) Up to the Amount of $690,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $69,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-221 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Concrete Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #356) Up to the Amount of $957,600 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $95,760 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-220 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Site Precast Installation Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #355) Up to the Amount of $500,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $50,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-219 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Sitework (Bid Event ID MPLMN #354) Up to the Amount of $2,280,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $228,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-218 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Plumbing Work (Bid Event ID MPLMN #350) Up to the Amount of $295,200 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Procurement and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $29,520 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-217 | Resolution Approving Minnehaha Creek Watershed District AIS Watercraft Inspection Cost-Share Funding Agreement Accepting Funds Up to $45,000 for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-216 | Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to Horizon Chemical Co., Inc in the Amount of $274,765.00 for the Mechanical Equipment Modifications at North Commons Park - Package 3, Under Bid Event MPLMN #233, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $27,477.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-215 | Resolution Amending the Professional Services Agreement with Bay West Related to Consulting Services for Safety and Health Management System Development by Up to $10,000 for a New Contract Total of Up to $157,700, and Extending the Contract to October 1, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-214 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Perkins+Will to Provide Predesign Services for the Cedar-Riverside Recreation Centers Predesign Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $225,000.00. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-213 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Standard Contracting, Inc. in the Amount of $446,449.22 for the Lake Nokomis Shoreline Enhancement Project Under Bid Event ID MPLMN #141 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $44,644.92 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-212 | Resolution Approving Equipment Rental with Operator and Supplies in the Amount of $700,000 To be Used through December 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-211 | Resolutive Approving a Fundraising Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Friends of Thomas Lowry Park Intended to Support Rehabilitation of the Seven Pools Fountain, a Feature of Thomas Lowry Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-210 | Resolution Suspending Board Naming Procedures and Authorizing the Portion of Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park Known as Lake Calhoun Park to be Named Bde Maka Ska Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-209 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Approving an Amendment to Chapter 9, Article X of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances to Rename Calhoun Boulevard West, Calhoun Drive, East Lake Calhoun Parkway, and West Lake Calhoun Parkway to Bde Maka Ska Boulevard West, Bde Maka Ska Drive, East Bde Maka Ska Parkway and West Bde Maka Ska Parkway, Respectively | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-206 | Resolution Approving Installation of Public Art Mural by Reggie LeFlore in Phelps Park and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Art with the Bryant Neighborhood Organization | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-205 | Resolution Authorizing Entering into a Landscape and Planting Permit with the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority to Use, Operate, and Maintain a Concrete Planter Within the Midtown Corridor Right-Of-Way at the Cepro Site | pdf (828 kB) |
Resolution 2019-204 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed CAC Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Playground and Site Improvements at Lovell Square Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-203 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed CAC Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Playground and Site Improvements at Farview Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-202 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed CAC Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Playground and Site Improvements at Cleveland Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-201 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with Ebert Construction, Contract No. C-44324, for the Painter Recreation Center Building Improvements Project at Painter Park, in the Total Amount of $9,746.91 for a New Contract Total of $617,945.14 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-200 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JPMI Construction Company in the Amount of $228,000.00 for the Wirth Chalet Water Intrusion Remediation Project at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Per O.P. No. 8697, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 7.5% Construction Contingency Up to $17,100.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-199 | Resolution Accepting a Donation of $130,000 from the Minnesota Twins Community Fund for the RBI Baseball and Softball Program | pdf (891 kB) |
Resolution 2019-198 | Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and City Employees' Union, Local No. 363 Seasonal Unit from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (927 kB) |
Resolution 2019-197 | Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and City Employees' Union, Local No. 363 Regular Unit from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-196 | Resolution Amending the Legislative Agenda to Support Legislative Efforts to Maintain the Name Restoration of Bde Maka Ska | pdf (422 kB) |
Resolution 2019-195 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Sitework (Bid Event ID MPLMN #146) Up to the Amount of $2,654,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $265,400 for Necessary Construction Change Ordersthat May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-194 | Resolution Approving Rehabilitation and Expansion of Public Art by Susan Warner and Marcia MacEachron in Elwell Park and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Art with the Marcy Holmes Neighborhood Association | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-193 | Resolution Approving a Two-Year License Agreement with the University of Minnesota for Storage of Watercraft and Ancillary Equipment at East River Flats Park Located Within the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-192 | Approving Four, One-Year License Agreements with Jump, Lime, Lyft and Spin, Respectively for the Operation of Motorized Scooter Share Throughout the Minneapolis Parks | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-191 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Cost Share, Operations, and Maintenance of a Shared Use Trail Between the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board on Industrial Boulevard from I-35W to Broadway Street NE, a Part of the Grand Rounds Missing Link Regional Trail | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-190 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program and Approving the 2019 Allocation of $29,680 to the Franklin Steele Square Fencing Project from the Elliot Park Neighborhood Portion of the Parkland Dedication Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-189 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Structural Steel Supply (Bid Event ID MPLMN #153) Up to the Amount of $648,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $64,800 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-188 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Site Precast Concrete Supply (Bid Event ID MPLMN #180) Up to the Amount of $612,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $61,200 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-187 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Landscaping, Hardscaping (Unit Paving), Irrigation & Site Furnishings ( Bid Event ID MPLMN #147) Up to the Amount of $1,083,600 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $108,360 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-186 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Historic Masonry and Stucco Rehabilitation (Bid Event ID MPLMN #151) Up to the Amount of $1,680,000 Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $168,000 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-185 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Construction Contract for the Water Works Mezzanine Phase Project at Mill Ruins Park for Carpentry, Building Demolition, and General Contracting ( Bid Event ID MPLMN #154) Up to the Amount of $1,046,400, Pending Receipt of a Qualified Bid and Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $104,640 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-184 | Resolution Approving the Extension of Professional Services Agreement #PC-00399 with Horizon Chemical Company Inc. to Provide Pool Chemicals and Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board through April 15, 2020 and Increase the Contract by $325,000.00 for a New Total Contract Amount of $575,000.00 | pdf (938 kB) |
Resolution 2019-183 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easements and Permanent Easements to Metropolitan Council for Sewer Interceptor Purposes in Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail and Minnehaha Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-182 | Resolution Authorizing Entering into a Limited Use Permit with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Nonmotorized Recreational Trail that Lies Within the Right-Of-Way of State of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 35W at Currie Park | pdf (953 kB) |
Resolution 2019-181 | Resolution Authorizing the First Amendment to the Agreement and Restrictive Covenant, Dated October 23, 2012, and Recorded with the Hennepin County Registrar of Titles on November 15, 2012, As Document Number 5014375, Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Metropolitan Council and Related to Terms and Conditions of the Metropolitan Council’s Support for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Acquisition of the Scherer Site Within Above the Falls Regional Park, Which Amendment Supports the Settlement of Litigation Between Graco Minnesota, Inc., and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Involving the Condemnation of Certain Real Property Owned by Graco Minnesota Inc. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-180 | Resolution Approving a Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Mr. James Hays Regarding Cart Path Improvements at the Wirth Golf Course 18-Hole Course, a Part of Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-179 | Resolution to Approve the Donation Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Friends of Thomas Lowry Park Related to Fundraising, Design, and Construction Activities Intended to Perpetuate Seven Pools Fountain, a Feature of Thomas Lowry Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-178 | Resolution Approving the Settlement of a Wage Re-Opener for a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019 | pdf (926 kB) |
Resolution 2019-177 | Resolution Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement to Use State of Minnesota CPV Contract Release W-215(5) with Verizon Wireless in the Amount of $800,000 for Providing Mobile Devices and Mobile Data and Cellular Services through 4/1/2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-176 | Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Play Equipment and Services Up to $499,962.66 from Ultimate Playgrounds, Inc., an Authorized Local Vendor of Kompan, Inc., through the U.S. Communities Government Cooperative Contract #2017001135, for Improvements at Phelps Field Park. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-175 | Resolution that the Board Authorizes the Superintendent to Enter into a Cooperative Service Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services for Waterfowl Management Services for Webber Natural Swimming Pool from March 1, 2019 to November 1, 2019 in the Amount of $9,388.88 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-174 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement #039533 with Olson & Nesvold Engineers Related to the Rehabilitation of the Mississippi River East Channel Pedestrian Truss Bridge - Bridge No. 93835 Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park in the Amount of $29,084 for a New Contract Total of $261,082 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-173 | Resolution Honoring Emily Nancy Ero-Phillips for Her Years of Dedicated Service to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (632 kB) |
Resolution 2019-172 | Resolution Approving the 2018-2022 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Performance Goals | pdf (771 kB) |
Resolution 2019-171 | Resolution to Direct Staff to Engage in Policy Development Related to Shared Mobility and to Participate in Cross-Entity Master Planning Processes Led by Nice Ride Minnesota to Best Meet Needs of the Community. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-170 | Resolution Approving a Two-Year License Agreement with Nice Ride Minnesota for the Identification, Placement and Maintenance of Both Bike-Share Kiosks and Dockless Hubs Throughout the Minneapolis Parks | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-169 | Resolution Approving the Sublease Agreement and the Assignment and Assumption Agreement, Both Related to the Commons, Being Parkland Within the Minneapolis Park System, and Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-168 | Resolution Amending the Professional Services Agreement C-42949 with Perkins + Will for Additional Services Related to Design Development of Towerside Park in the Amount of $19,470 for a New Contract Total of $265,660 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-167 | Resolution Approving the Letter of Intent to Purchase the Towerside Park, Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program to Allow the 2019 Allocation of $1,419,470 to the Towerside Park from the Prospect Park Portion of the Park Dedication Fee Fund, and Initiating a Process Under the Land Acquisition Policy to Determine a Name for the Property | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-166 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit Request Submitted by Level 3 Communications, on Behalf of CenturyLink Systems Inc., Encroaching Upon Park Properties at Bde Maka Ska, Located Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-165 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easements and a Permanent Easement to the City of Minneapolis for Bridge and Water Main Purposes in Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park and Mississippi Gorge Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-164 | Resolution Reviewing and Approving the 2018/2019 Activity Fees for the Loppet Foundation | pdf (1012 kB) |
Resolution 2019-163 | Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320 from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-162 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Enter into a Pool Equipment Purchasing Contract for Pool Regenerative Filters and Necessary Filter Support Equipment Up to the Amount of $260,000 for the Pool Mechanical Equipment Modifications at North Commons Park, Under ID MPLMN Event 89, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Division of Purchasing and Civil Rights Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-161 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to TMG Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $170,400.00 for Dugout Systems at Bossen Field Park, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Office and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $17,040.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-160 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # PC-00251 with Biff's Inc. to Furnish, Deliver and Service Portable Restrooms in the Amount Not to Exceed $275,000.00 and Extending the Agreement for the Period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, in the Amount of $ 275,000 and a New Contract Total of $825,000 | pdf (822 kB) |
Resolution 2019-159 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Minger Construction Co. in the Amount of $104,250.00 for the Water Service Line at Bossen Field Park, Event 21, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement Office and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $10,425.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-158 | Resolution Approving the Slate of 6 Members Nominated by the President of the Board (Sheila Nezhad, Roxxanne O'Brien, Carol Martinson, KC Harrison, Jae Hyum Shim and Mahdi Abdi) for the Park Police Advisory Council (This Action was Tabled at the March 27, 2019 Regular Meeting. President Bourn Requests Commissioners Consider Un-Tabling it on April 3, 2019 and Vote to Place it on the April 3, 2019 Agenda.) | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-156 | Resolution Accepting a Hennepin County Environmental Response Fund (ERF) Grant Award in the Amount of $165,474 for Clean-Up of Contaminated Soils in Currie Park | pdf (856 kB) |
Resolution 2019-155 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a 2020 Proposal to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) for Up to $2,750,000 for Shoreline Restoration, Island Habitat Stabilization, and Mussel Reintroduction Within Above the Falls Regional Park and North Mississippi Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-154 | Resolution Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a Grant for Up to $250,000 to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Grant Program to be Used for the Implementation of a Skate Park at Central Gym Park | pdf (1016 kB) |
Resolution 2019-153 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Approving an Amendment to Chapter 9 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances by Adding an Article X, Setting Forth the Names of Parkways and Park Roads Under the Jurisdiction of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board; and Requiring the Superintendent to Take Certain Actions | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-151 | Resolution Granting an Amendment to the Temporary Construction Easement and a Permanent Easement Held by the State of Minnesota Acting for Benefit of the Minnesota Veterans Home-Minneapolis for Bridge Purposes in Minnehaha Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-150 | Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Equipment and Services to Up-Fit Eleven (11) Vehicles for HVAC, Forestry, Park Keeper, and Carpenter Groups for a Total Expenditure of $295,425.00 from State of Minnesota Contract 150031 with Aspen Equipment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-149 | Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Equipment and Services to Up-Fit Eight (8) Maintenance Vans for Plumbers, Painters, and Electricians for a Total Expenditure of $123,003.72 from State of Minnesota Contract 73054 with Stonebrooke Equipment Inc. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-148 | Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to Rice Lake Construction Group in the Amount of $189,900.00 for the Pump House Improvements at Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Under O.P. No. 8683, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing Office and Department of Civil Rights and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $18,990.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-147 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of Four (4) Greenmaster Triflex Hybrid Mowers and Attachments, One (1)Sand Pro 2040Z and Attachments, One (1) Reelmaster 3555-D Mower with Attachments, and One (1) Sand Pro 5040 and Attachments, and One (1) Workman HDX from MTI Distributing, in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures, Total Expenditure of $255,121.12 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-146 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on March 27, 2019 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (683 kB) |
Resolution 2019-145 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year-Ending December 31, 2018 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (585 kB) |
Resolution 2019-144 | Resolution Approving Tree Planting Agreement with the County of Hennepin for Tree Planting on Penn Avenue N | pdf (816 kB) |
Resolution 2019-143 | Resolution Approving Contracts for an Estimated $625,000 for Tree Removal and Estimated $875,000 for Stump Grinding for an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,500,000 for the Period Ending March 31, 2020, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-142 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) 938M Caterpillar Wheel Loader with Attachments for a Total Expenditure of $236,670.00 from State of Minnesota Contract # 134468 Release L-331(5) with Ziegler Cat Pending a Joint Powers Letter from the City of Minneapolis Finance Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-141 | Resolution for the Board of Commissioners to Hereby Express Official Support for the Proposed Amendment to the Minneapolis City Charter to Establish a Biennial Budget Process as Set Forth in the City’s Legislative File No. 2018-01413 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-140 | Approving a Five Year Use Agreement with Marketing Minneapolis, LLC to Operate a Skating Rink at Loring Park, Beginning on October 1, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-139 | That the Board of Commissioners Approve a Three (3) Year Concession Agreement with JLD to Provide Food and Beverage Concession Services at Theodore Wirth Golf Club and Hiawatha Golf Club, Effective April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-138 | That the Board of Commissioners Approve a Three (3) Year Concession Agreement with GC Ventures to Provide Food and Beverage Concession Services at Columbia Golf Club and Gross National Golf Club, Effective April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-137 | Resolution Authorizing Creation of a Memorandum of Understanding Between Masjid Salaam Cultural Center and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Relating to Use or Disposition of Parkland in the Vicinity of St. Anthony Parkway and Central Avenue NE and Directing Staff to Prepare and Submit to the Board of Commissioners Such Memorandum of Understanding for Consideration on or Before Its Regular Meeting on April 3, 2019 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-136 | Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with the City of Minneapolis that Realigns and Reduces the Area of a Water Main Easement Within Currie Park | pdf (935 kB) |
Resolution 2019-135 | Resolution Approving the East of the River Park Master Plan, as Amended in Committee to Include Amendment 1A, 3B and 4C to Keep All the Routes on the GRML Plan and to Not Have a Preferred Route | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2019-134 | Resolution Modifying Adopted Resolution 2019-117 to Acknowledge a Change in Amendment #1 to the Exclusive Rights Agreement with the City of Minneapolis and the Development Team Led by United Properties for Collaborative Efforts Related to Creating a Coordinated Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-133 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # C-42558 with Littler Mendelson PC to Extend Contract End Date to December 31, 2019 and Increase Contract Amount by $40,000 for a New Not to Exceed Total of $140,000 | pdf (686 kB) |
Resolution 2019-132 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Ebert Construction, Contract No. C-44324, for the Painter Recreation Center Building Improvements Project at Painter Park, in the Total Amount of $114,164.40 for a New Contract Total of $608,198.23 and Directing $114,000 from the NPP20 2018 and 2019 Capital Improvement Program Construction Contingency Funds to the Painter Recreation Center Building Improvements Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-131 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement Reached in Mediation on February 25, 2019 to Settle the Federal Lawsuit Benjamin Grout and Lee Jenke V. Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Civil File No. 18-Cv-00869 (JRT/DTS) | pdf (429 kB) |
Resolution 2019-130 | Resolution Approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the American Federation of State, Council, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), District Council No. 5, Local Union No. 9, AFL-CIOs from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-129 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa and the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board for Environmental Stewardship and Youth Employment Projects in the Amount of $203,040 from March 7, 2019 to December 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-128 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species 2019 Inspection Rules, Authorizing the Superintendent to Implement These Rules from May 01, 2019 to December 01, 2019, and Approving and Directing Staff to Implement the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group Recommendations for 2019 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-127 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Funding Agreement in the Amount of $31,000 for Calendar Year 2019 with the Minnesota Historical Society and the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board for Interpretive Planning and Implementation in the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Interpretative Zone | pdf (989 kB) |
Resolution 2019-126 | The Board Accepts the Donation of Up to $12,000 from Minneapolis Foundation to Allow Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Representatives to Attend the 2019 FIS Cross Country World Cup in Quebec, Canada from March 21-25, Along with Other Minnesotans to Prepare for the 2020 FIS Cross-Country World Cup. Further, the Board Authorizes Superintendent Bangoura, President Bourn and Commissioner Vetaw to Attend the 2019 World Cup and Reimburse Their Expenses | pdf (1015 kB) |
Resolution 2019-125 | Resolution Approving the Grant Submission for Up to $74,000 to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Federal Recreational Trail Program to be Used for the Purchase of Snowmaking Equipment for Use in Winter Recreational Programming at Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (988 kB) |
Resolution 2019-124 | Resolution Approving State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board on Behalf of the Park Police Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-123 | Resolution to Adopt the City of Minneapolis Hardship Deferral Program for Special Assessments | pdf (925 kB) |
Resolution 2019-122 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between Superior Consulting Services, LLC (SCS) and the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) for a Total Expenditure Not to Exceed $350,000 for the Five-Year Contract Duration of March 1, 2019 through February 28, 2024 to Design, Build and Support a New Condemnation and Assessments Application. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2019-121 | Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding with the Berger FountainWorkgroup Committee, Citizens for a Loring Park Community, and the Friends of Loring Park for Planning Activities and Fundraising Related to Berger Fountain Rehabilitation, Artistic Winter Cover, and Plaza Improvements in Loring Park. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-120 | Resolution Awarding a Professional Services Agreement to McKinstry Essention, LLC to Provide Professional Mechanical, Electrical, and HVAC Services for the HVAC Multi-Site Facility Assessment and Recommendations Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $127,250 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-119 | Resolution Approving Contracts for the Purchase of Trees at an Estimated TotalExpenditure of $1,000,000 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-118 | Resolution Providing Board Direction to the Board President Regarding Board ofEstimate and Taxation (BET) Staffing | pdf (155 kB) |
Resolution 2019-117 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to the Exclusive Rights Agreement with the City of Minneapolis and the Development Team Led by United Properties for Collaborative Efforts Related to Creating a Coordinated Plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-116 | Resolution Approving the Community Engagement Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-115 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to OlympiaTech Electric, Contract No. C-40908, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-114 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Carl Bolander and Sons, Contract No. C-40834, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-113 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Max Steininger, Inc. for the Bde Maka Ska-Harriet Trail and Access Improvements Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Contract No. C-42429, in the Amount of $109,723.16 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-112 | Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 49 from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-111 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sheehy Construction Company in the Amount of $382,300 for the ADA Improvements to Multiple Sites - Doors and Operators Project, Under O.P. No. 8659, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Procurement & Civil Rights Departments, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $38,230 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-110 | Resolution Authorizing a Reopening of a Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning February 14, 2019 for the Above the Falls Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-109 | Resolution Authorizing Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning February 14, 2019, for the Draft Ecological System Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-108 | Resolution Authorizing Incoming Superintendent Bangoura to Negotiate a Contract to Retain Superintendent Emeritus Merrill as a Resource to Assist in His Transition as Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (175 kB) |
Resolution 2019-107 | Resolution Approving an Umbrella Restoration and Maintenance Agreement and Three Site-Specific Agreements (Mississippi River Gorge Regional Park, Nicollet Island, and Ole Olson) Between the Friends of the Mississippi River and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for Native Vegetation Restoration and Maintenance Work Along the Mississippi River | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-106 | Resolution Approving the North Service Area Master Plan, as Amended in Committee to Reduce Parking in Bryn Mawr Park by 20 Percent | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2019-105 | Resolution Authorizing Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning January 25, 2019, for the Draft Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2019-104 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on January 16, 2019 for Injuries Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (672 kB) |
Resolution 2019-103 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Alfred Bangoura, Leasing Space at 3954 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis Located Within Lyndale Farmstead Park, for a Term of Up to One (1) Year | pdf (991 kB) |
Resolution 2019-102 | Resolution Approving the 2019 Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (598 kB) |
Resolution 2019-101 | Resolution Approving the Splash Pad Concept Plan for Currie Park | pdf (965 kB) |
Resolution 2019-100 | Resolution Approving Change Order #3 with JPMI Construction Company, Inc. for the Kenwood Community Center Pipe Repair and Interior Improvements Project, Contract # C-43726, in the Amount of $8,437.00 for a New Contract Total of $284,531.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-355 | That the Board Approve One-Year Contracts with Rice, Michels & Walther; and Tom Workman for 2019 Lobbyist Services | pdf (176 kB) |
Resolution 2018-354 | Commemorating the Life and Accomplishments of Walter Dziedzic and Directing Staff to Continue the Process of Finding a Suitable Park Asset to be Named in His Honor to Recognize Walt’s Service to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the City of Minneapolis | pdf (679 kB) |
Resolution 2018-353 | Resolution Approving an Encroachment Permit for Use of 30 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2002 West Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Lake of the Isles Parkway, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Waiving Appropriate Fees for the Service Walk at Which Time the Owners Replace the Approximately 112 Square Feet of Public Sidewalk Immediately Adjacent to the Service Walk, Provided the Public Sidewalk is Reconstructed to MPRB Design Standards and Passes MPRB Inspection | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-352 | Resolution Approving the Creation of a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement with Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Minneapolis for Application of the “Private Land Maintained for Public Use” Parkland Dedication Option to Lake and Hiawatha Including Market Square, Located on the Southwest Quadrant of Lake Street and Hiawatha Avenue, and Releasing to Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority the Parkland Dedication Fees Paid and Related to Phase 1 of Lake and Hiawatha | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2018-351 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Agreement with Hennepin County for the Land Transfer of the Cepro Site to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Accepting a Grant from Hennepin County in the Amount of $300,000 for the Implementation of Phase 2 Improvements of the Site, Amending the South Service Area Master Plan to Include the Cepro Site, and Initiating a Process Under the Land Acquisition Policy to Determine a Name for the Property | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2018-350 | Resolution Approving the Second Amendment to the Employment Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Mary Merrill Anderson and Authorizing the President and Secretary to Execute the Agreement with Mary Merrill Anderson to Act as Interim Superintendent on a Full-Time Basis for the Period of February 5, 2018 to January 19, 2019 | pdf (623 kB) |
Resolution 2018-349 | Approving the Employment Agreement with Al Bangoura, Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (147 kB) |
Resolution 2018-348 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to LS Black Constructors, Inc. for Wading Pool Improvements at Bethune Park and Hi-View Park, Contract No. C-39850, in the Amount of $200.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-347 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. for the West Lake Street & Lagoon Avenue at East Lake Calhoun Parkway Intersection Improvements Project Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Contract No. C-42959, in the Amount of $39,060.74 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-346 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement # C-42470 with Revolutionary Sports Related to Children's Fundamental Instructional Youth Sports Programs in the Amount of $ 280,000 for a New Contract Total of $600,000 and Extending the Agreement through 12/31/2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-345 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Stonebrooke Engineering to Provide Design, Bidding, Construction Administration, Construction Staking, Construction Material Testing and Environmental Engineering Services for the Parade Park Parking Lot Reconstruction Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $119,254.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-344 | Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Osiris Organization to Provide Technical Support, Youth Programming and Training, Computer Hardware and Software, and Other Resources from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020 for the Amount Not to Exceed $300,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-343 | Resolution Suspending Board Policy and Procedure and Renaming the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters Building to be the Mary Merrill Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-342 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $10,500,000 for Certain Purposes Other Than the Purchase of Public Utilities | pdf (829 kB) |
Resolution 2018-341 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $300,000 the Proceeds of Which Are to be Used for the Diseased Tree Removal Program | pdf (778 kB) |
Resolution 2018-340 | Resolution Adopting the 2019 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-339 | Resolution Setting the 2019 Tax Levy for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (836 kB) |
Resolution 2018-338 | Resolution Adopting the 2019 Park Museum Budget | pdf (541 kB) |
Resolution 2018-337 | Resolution Setting the 2019 Tax Levy for the Park Museum Fund | pdf (451 kB) |
Resolution 2018-336 | Resolution Approving an Amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvement Program Reallocating Portions of 20 Year Neighborhood Park Plan Rehabilitation Program Funds | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-335 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Erin Taylor Fine Art, Inc., Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Unit 200 M, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park, for a Term of Three (3) Years, Effective January 1, 2019, Expiring December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-334 | Resolution Approving Storage Space Lease Agreement with SQSA (SportQuest Skating Academy) at Parade Ice Garden | pdf (761 kB) |
Resolution 2018-333 | Resolution Accepting the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board ADA Action Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-331 | Resolution Confirming the Six Staff Appointments to the Glyphosate and Integrated Pest Management Technical and Community Advisory Committee: Alex Roth, Brian Horgan, Simba Blood, James Calkins, Vera Krischik, and John MacKenzie | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-330 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Kings Highway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-329 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees From Private Properties During 2017 and 2018 | pdf (883 kB) |
Resolution 2018-328 | Resolution Approving a Modified Encroachment Permit for Use of 613.00 Square Feet of Land Encroaching Upon Park Properties in Front of the Subject Property at 2863 Lake of the Isles Parkway East at Lake of the Isles Park, a Part of Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Reconsidering the Planning Committee’s Previous Determination Related to Resolution 2018-108 on February 21, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-327 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit Request Submitted by ExteNet Systems, Inc. Encroaching Upon Park Properties at Bde Maka Ska, Located Within Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-325 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 3 to Increase Professional Services Agreement C-36189 with Comcast Business Communications, LLC. by $42,000 for a New Contract Amount of $1,137,946 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-324 | Resolution Accepting a Donation Award from the NCAA Legacy Restoration Project Fund in the Amount of $100,000 for the North Commons Park Gymnasium | pdf (551 kB) |
Resolution 2018-323 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with Minger Construction, Contract No. C-42385, for Utility Improvements at Theodore Wirth Regional Park in the Amount of $11,070.00 for a New Contract Total of $495,431.45 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-322 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Third Quarter, 2018 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (540 kB) |
Resolution 2018-321 | Resolution Approving the Creation of a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement with Opus Development Company LLC, Riverloop Joint Venture LLC, and the City of Minneapolis for Application of the “Private Land Maintained for Public Use” Parkland Dedication Option to RiverLoop Apartments at 800 West River Parkway | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-320 | Resolution Approving an Encroachment Permit for Use of 64.64 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 4893 East Lake Harriet Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Lake Harriet Parkway, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-319 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to License Agreement L-304 with State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, for Office Space for Minnesota State Patrol at MPRB Headquarters Building, 2117 West River Road | pdf (956 kB) |
Resolution 2018-318 | Resolution Approving the Amended and Restated Agreement for a Minneapolis YouthCoordinating Board fora Period of Five Years, January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2023 | pdf (976 kB) |
Resolution 2018-317 | Resolution Gratefully Acknowledging the September 2018 Donation of $10,000 from Bremer Bank of the Linden Hills Neighborhood for Funding the Installation of Supplementary Court Amenities at the Newly Built Bocce Courts in Linden Hills Park | pdf (948 kB) |
Resolution 2018-316 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Meisinger Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-40850, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park, in the Amount of $20,876.30 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-315 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Meisinger Construction Company, Contract No. C-44005, for Bossen Field Park Building Improvements, in the Amount of $4,339.00, for a New Contract Total of $261,512.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-314 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-41161 with Damon Farber Associates Related to the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase in the Amount of $753,256.75 for a New Contract Total of $ 3,458,388.02 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-313 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $1,300,718.00 for the Phase I & II Rehabilitation for Bohemian Flats & Annie Young Meadow at Mississippi Gorge Regional Park, OP#8636 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement & Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 9% Construction Contingency Up to $117,064.62 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-312 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning November 13, 2018 for the Draft East of the River Park Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-311 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Kings Highway Parkway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (918 kB) |
Resolution 2018-310 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees from Private Property During 2017 and 2018 | pdf (1014 kB) |
Resolution 2018-309 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grants through the 2019 Hennepin Youth Sports Program Up to the Amount of $300,000 Each for Athletic Field Improvements at Painter Park, Athletic Field Improvements and Youth Fitness Equipment at Phelps Park, and Ice Refrigeration System Related to the DinoMights Youth Hockey Program | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-308 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 14 and 15 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $19,272.19 for a New Contract Total of $6,969,019.94 and Authorization of the Transfer of $17,000.00 from the 2018 NPP20 Capital Investment Construction Contingency Fund | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2018-307 | Resolution to Approve the Minneapolis Nature Preschool as Required by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to Enable the Preschool to Operate Until Licensure Application is Approved by the Minnesota Department of Human Services | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-306 | Resolution Approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees Local 3279 (AFSCME) from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020 | pdf (796 kB) |
Resolution 2018-305 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Wenck Construction, Inc. to Provide Construction Manager as Agent Services for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project Up to an Amount of $743,000 for the Period Of October 17, 2018 to December 31, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-304 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Rachel Contracting, Inc. for the Main Stem of Bassett Creek Restoration Project in Theodore Wirth Regional Park, Contract No. C-38995, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (993 kB) |
Resolution 2018-303 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Establishing a Moratorium on the Use of Glyphosate in All Land and Water Resource Management Activities Starting January 1, 2019, and Creating a Technical and Community Advisory Committee to Recommend Alternatives to Glyphosate and Other Toxic Pesticides | pdf (920 kB) |
Resolution 2018-302 | Resolution Approving the First Amendment to the Employment Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Mary Merrill Anderson and Authorizing the President and Secretary to Execute the Agreement with Mary Merrill Anderson to Act as Interim Superintendent on a Full-Time Basis for the Period of February 5, 2018 to December 31, 2018 | pdf (718 kB) |
Resolution 2018-301 | Resolution Authorizing and Directing Approval of a Settlement Agreement, an Amended and Restated Trail Easement Agreement, a Purchase Agreement, and a Flood Control Agreement, Along with a Stipulation of Settlement, All Related to Litigation Involving the Condemnation of Certain Real Property Owned by Graco Minnesota Inc., and Located Along the East Bank of the Mississippi River and Necessary for Implementation of the East Bank Trail, a Part of Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (5 MB) |
Resolution 2018-300 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 9 with Tarraf Construction, Inc., Contract No. C-41613, for the Northeast Recreation Center Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park in the Amount of $25,839.41 for a New Contract Total of $4,107,345.41, Authorizing an Internal Transfer of $19,000 of Capital Levy Funds from the Northeast Athletic Field Park Athletic Field Improvements Projects to the Northeast Recreation Center Project, and Authorizing Transfer of $4,179.00 from the NPP20 2017 Sidewalk and Paving Rehabilitation Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-299 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement C-43561 with Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. Related to the Master Planning, Design and Engineering, and Construction Administration at Mississippi River Gorge Regional Park in the Amount of $86,068.00 for a New Contract Total of $386,068.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-298 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Parking License No. LI-235 through June 30, 2023 with the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs for Parking Facilities at Minnehaha Regional Park | pdf (884 kB) |
Resolution 2018-297 | Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Cost Share, Operations, and Maintenance Between the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board on Industrial Boulevard from Ridgway Parkway through the I-35W Right-Of-Way Within Ridgway Parkway Regional Trail | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-296 | Resolution Approving a Negative Declaration Under Section 4(F) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 for the 46Th Street Pedestrian Improvement Project, a Portion of Which is Within McRae Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-295 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Community Garden Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-294 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Phelps Field Park Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-293 | Resolution to Gratefully Acknowledge the September 2018 Donation of $5,000 from the Franklin Area Business Association for the Installation of Sod on the Athletic Field as Part of Phase 2 Improvements Project at Peavey Park | pdf (860 kB) |
Resolution 2018-292 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ebert Construction in the Amount of $469,500.00 for the Painter Recreation Center Building Improvements at Painter Park, Per O.P. No. 8622, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $46,950.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contrac | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-291 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Ten X Ten, LLC to Provide Design Services for the 26Th Avenue North Overlook and Shoreline Enhancement Project Up to an Amount of $124,550, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments, for the Period of October 3, 2018 to December 31, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-290 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Comcast Business Communications, LLC. to Provide Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2023 in the Amount of $700,000. | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-289 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with CenturyLink to Provide Colocation and Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 in the Amount of $200,000. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-288 | Resolution Accepting a 2017 Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $100,000 for the Central Gym Park Athletic Field Improvements and the 2018 Grant Award in the Amount of $250,000 for the New Skatepark at Central Gym Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-287 | Resolution Accepting a 2017 Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $100,000 for Athletic Facility Improvements at Folwell Park | pdf (909 kB) |
Resolution 2018-286 | Resolution Approving an Encroachment Permit for Use of 29.5 Square Feet of Land for a Service Sidewalk and 10.0 Square Feet of Land for a Stone Retaining Wall, and Denying an Encroachment Permit for Use of 8.5 Square Feet of Land for a Concrete Wall in Front of the Subject Property at 1118 Kenwood Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Kenwood Parkway, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-285 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Blackstone Contractors LLC., in the Amount of $982,000.00 for the Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements, OP#8601, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement and Civil Right Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $49,100.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-284 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning September 17, 2018 for the Draft Community Engagement Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-283 | Resolution Approving the Agreement with the City of Minneapolis for Emergency Call-Taking, Dispatch, and Computer Aided Dispatch Services for a Fee of $33,808 in 2019, $34,822 in 2020, $35,866 in 2021, $36,942 in 2022, and a $10,000 Allowance for Potential Future Additional Equipment, for a Total Not to Exceed $151,438.00 for the Four Years | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-282 | Resolution Approving 2019 Draft Legislative Agenda Language Supporting Legislation to Build Awareness and Strengthen Laws And/Or Penalties Related to Reporting Inaccurate Information to Law Enforcement | pdf (1001 kB) |
Resolution 2018-281 | Resolution Approving the Memorandum of Understanding Amendment Adding Fairview Health Services to the Partnership Between the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities, Augsburg University, Pillsbury United Communities and the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Regarding Exploration of a Shared Facility Intended for the Joint Delivery of Programs and Services in the Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood of Minneapolis | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-279 | Approving a Use Agreement with Marketing Minneapolis, LLC (MMLLC) to Operate a Skating Rink at Loring Park, Beginning on October 1, 2018. | pdf (990 kB) |
Resolution 2018-278 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation Set the Maximum Property Tax Levy for the 2019 Budget at an Estimated Amount of $65,740,000, an Increase of 5.7 Percent, to be Allocated to the Park and Recreation Levy in the Amount of $63,935,000 and the Tree Preservation and Reforestation Levy in the Amount of $1,805,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-277 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Kyle Malkerson Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Unit 200 K, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year Effective September 15, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-276 | Resolution Concurring with the Federal Transit Authority's Finding of a Temporary Occupancy Exemption Under Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 for the D Line Bus Rapid Transit Project at Todd Park and Peavey Park, Contingent on MPRB’s Continued Involvement in the Ongoing Design of the Project, and on Full Implementation of Mitigation Efforts Identified in the Finding | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-275 | Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding Between Wall Development Company, Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Explore Options of the Towerside Green Space Model for Ownership, Development, and Management | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-272 | Resolution Approving the RecQuest Community Advisory Committee's (CAC's) Programmatic Priority Areas as Guidance for Phase III of the RecQuest Project | pdf (861 kB) |
Resolution 2018-271 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on September 5, 2018 for Injuries Sustained by Plaintiff in a Traffic Collision with a Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Employee | pdf (727 kB) |
Resolution 2018-270 | Resolution to Gratefully Acknowledge the August 2018 Donation of $10,000 from Hope Academy for the Installation of Sod on the Athletic Field as Part of Phase 2 Improvements Project at Peavey Park | pdf (815 kB) |
Resolution 2018-269 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning September 7, 2018 for the Draft North Service Area Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-268 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with EVS to Provide Topographic and Property Boundary Land Surveying Services at Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail for a Fee Not to Exceed $149,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-267 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 2 with Peterson Companies, Inc., Contract No. C-43724, for Peavey Park Phase 2 Improvements in the Amount of $170,860.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,344,159.00 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency on the New Contract Total Up to $67,208.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-266 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Joint Purchase Agreement with Landscape Structures Inc. (Aka Flagship Recreation), Using State of Minnesota Contract No. 119795, for a Sand Play Area at Longfellow Playground in the Amount of $6,727.50 for a New Contract Total of $227,244.22 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-265 | Resolution Authorizing, as it Relates to the Adventure and Welcome Center at Theodore Wirth Regional Park; the Execution of Amended Agreements Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the Loppet Foundation (Loppet) by Extending the Indemnification Clauses in the Donation Agreement Dated September 7, 2016 by and Between the MPRB and the Loppet and in the Transitional Operating Agreement for the Adventure and Welcome Center Outdoor Dated September 7, 2016 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-264 | Resolution to Receive and File as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board the Annual Financial Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 | pdf (728 kB) |
Resolution 2018-263 | Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Purchase Agreement with Marylee Hardenbergh for the Acquisition of 2230 Marshall Street Northeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota for $850,000 and Other Considerations and Authorizing the Execution of a Right of First Refusal Agreement with Marylee Hardenbergh for 2210 Marshall Street Northeast for $5000 Annually for Five Years | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-262 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Kingfisher Construction LLC Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Unit #200 L, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year Effective October 1, 2018 | pdf (876 kB) |
Resolution 2018-261 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Northeast Fitness LLC Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Units #8 and #10, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of Three(3) Years, Effective October 1, 2018 | pdf (977 kB) |
Resolution 2018-260 | Resolution Approving the Project Agreement Between the Animal Humane Society of Hennepin County, the City of Golden Valley, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Development of a Concept for an Off-Leash Recreation Area at Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-259 | Resolution Approving the Covenants and Agreement with the Friends of Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden for the Construction of the Second Phase of the Boardwalk through Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden at Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-258 | Resolution Approving a Negative Declaration Under Section 4(F) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 for the North Loop Pedestrian Improvement Project, a Portion of Which is Within Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-256 | Resolution Suspending Board Procedure for Facility Naming and Transferring the Building Name of the Michael P. Schmidt Operations Center Located at 1720 Marshall Street NE to the Operations Facility Building Located at 4022 14 Washington Avenue | pdf (752 kB) |
Resolution 2018-255 | Resolution Authorizing Placement of the Property, Boiler & Machinery and Certified Terrorism Insurance Coverage with the Allianz Insurance for a Cost of $103,917 for the Period September 1, 2018 to September 1, 2019 | pdf (817 kB) |
Resolution 2018-254 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Second Quarter, 2018 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (541 kB) |
Resolution 2018-253 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement C-37125 with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Related to the Ridgway Parkway Trails and Overlook Project at Ridgway Parkway in the Amount of $4,500.00 for a New Contract Total of $158,426.00 Using Funds Withheld from the Contractor’s Final Contract Amount to Cover the Additional Costs | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-252 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Sunram Construction Inc., Contract No. C-40907, for the Mississippi River East Bank Regional Trail Project S.P. 091-090-079, O.P. 8257, in the Amount of $10,606.27 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-251 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement C-42131 with Damon Farber Associates Related to Design, Project Administration and Construction Administration Services for Cedar Lake South Beach Improvements Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park in the Amount of $5,784.00 for a New Contract Total of $104,889.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-250 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Contract #C-39621 with the City of Minneapolis Division of Solid Waste and Recycling for the Collection of Waste and Recycling on Designated Park Properties Effective October 2018 through September 21, 2019 with Updated 2019 Residential Collection Rates | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-249 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 4 with Veit and Company, Contract No. C-41136, for the Bossen Field Park Sitework Improvement Project, in the Amount of $16,144.69 fora New Contract Total of $4,158,402.92 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-248 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on August 15, 2018 for Injuries Sustained by a Former Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-247 | Resolution Approving License Agreements with Hennepin County for Pedestrian Ramp Retrofits at Meadowbrook Golf Course, Logan Park, and Beltrami Park | pdf (878 kB) |
Resolution 2018-246 | Resolution Approving the Agreement to Facilitate Improvements on the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge by the Walker Art Center Allowing the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) to Apply for and Receive a Permit for Improvements on the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge for Which the Walker Art Center Will Pay for All Improvements and Related MPRB Expenditures and for Which the Walker Art Center Will Defend and Indemnify MPRB for Any Damages, Injuries or Otherwise for Work Performed in Connection with the Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-245 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to G Urban Companies, Inc., in the Amount of $947,000.00 for the Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements, OP#8601, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement And Civil Right Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $47,350.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-244 | Resolution Approving an Agreement with AtGlenwood, LLC Regarding Properties at Bassett’s Creek Park, a Part of the Minneapolis Park System | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-243 | Resolution Accepting the Invitation for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Join the Midtown Community Works Partnership | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-242 | Resolution to Approve a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) Between the Minneapolis Public Schools and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for a 12-Acre Area Within Cedar Lake Park to be Designated as a School Forest in the Minnesota School Forest Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-241 | Resolution Approving a Comment Letter on the City of Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan | pdf (761 kB) |
Resolution 2018-239 | Resolution Consenting to the Assignment and Assumption Agreement for 27 Maple Place, Minneapolis, Located on Nicollet Island, Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (851 kB) |
Resolution 2018-238 | Resolution Supporting Both Questions of the Minneapolis Public School (MPS) Referendum that Will be Posed to Voters in 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-237 | Resolution Authorizing Contract Closeout and Final Payment to Global Specialty Contractors, Inc., for Wading Pool Improvements at Matthews Park and Powderhorn Park, Contract No. C-41306, in the Amount of $100.00 for Matthews Park and $100.00 for Powderhorn Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-236 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement #038738 with Barr Engineering Company Related to the Repair of the Failed Slope Along West River Parkway at Fourth Street South in the Amount of $15,000 for a New Contract of Total of $1,489,000 and Extending the Contract to December 31, 2018 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-235 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 1 with Peterson Companies, Inc., Contract No. C-43724, for Peavey Park Phase 2 Improvements in the Amount of $69,799.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,173,299.00 and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency on the New Contract Total Up to $58,665.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-234 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Joint Powers Agreement Under State of Minnesota Contract No. 119795 with Flagship Recreation in the Amount of $284,781.86 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Central Gym Park | pdf (893 kB) |
Resolution 2018-233 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to S.M. Hentges & Sons Inc. in the Amount of $1,109,900.00 for Minnehaha Parkway Trails and Site Improvements Phase Two, O.P. No. 8593, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement & Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency, Up to $110,990.00, Necessary for Construction Changes that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-232 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to JL Theis, Inc. in the Amount of $417,598.75 for the MPRB ADA Improvements - Accessible Routes at Multiple Parks Project, Per O.P. No. 8597, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Procurement & Civil Rights Departments, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $41,759 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-231 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on July 25, 2018 for Injuries Sustained by an Employee While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (641 kB) |
Resolution 2018-229 | Resolution Approving an Encroachment Permit for Use of 20.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2815 East Lake of the Isles Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Lake of the Isles Parkway, a Part of the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-228 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement C-42949 with Perkins + Will for Additional Services Required for Development of a Master Plan for the East of the River Park Project in the Amount of $34,100 for a New Contract Total of $246,190 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-227 | Resolution Approving an Agreement with the RiverWest Condominium Association, Located at 401 First Street South, Minneapolis, to Allow the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to Capture Rainwater for Reuse in the Waterworks Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-226 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Use Wolbank Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #14A, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective August 1, 2018 | pdf (963 kB) |
Resolution 2018-225 | Resolution Authorizing the Formation and Charge of a Park Police Advisory Council | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-223 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement #C-42124 with Damon Farber Associates, Inc. Related to Additional Design and Engineering Services for the Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements in the Amount of $18,340.00 for a New Contract Total of $168,240.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-222 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Blackstone Contractors, LLC in the Amount of $252,300.00 for Bassett's Creek Park Play Area and Site Improvements Per O.P. No. 8592, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $25,230.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-221 | Resolution Accepting Grant Award from the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board in the Amount Up to $40,000 for the Schematic Design of the Mill Ruins Park Stairway | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-220 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with the Cultural Wellness Center Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Suites #200 I and J, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park for a Term of Eighteen (18) Months Effective June 21, 2018 | pdf (892 kB) |
Resolution 2018-219 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Capital Improvement Program and Approving the 2019 Allocation of $1,099,508.70 to the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase Project for Project Construction from the Downtown West Neighborhood Portion of the Park Dedication Fee Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-218 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to US Site Work, Inc. in the Amount of $946,515.00 for the Waterworks Masonry Rehabilitation and Grading Project, O.P. No 8583, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $94,651.50 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-217 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Meisinger Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $233,900.00 for Building Improvements at Bossen Field Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $23,390.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-216 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement C-41315 with SEH, Inc. Related to Design and Construction Administration Services for the Bde Maka Ska-Harriet Trail and Access Improvements Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park in the Amount of $23,350.00 for a New Contract Total of $512,518.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-215 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Northland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. in the Amount of $210,400.00 for the Fountain Pump Replacement Project at Gateway Park, Under O.P. No. 8586, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Departments of Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a Construction Contingency Up to $21,040.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-214 | Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Barr Engineering Company, Inc. for Master Planning and Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the Master Planning of Aligned Use and Water Management at Hiawatha Golf Course, a Part of Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park for a Fee Not to Exceed $175,000.00 | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2018-213 | Resolution Approving Amendment No 2 to Extend Professional Services Agreement C-36189 with Comcast Business Communications, LLC. to Provide Broadband Networking Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board through December 31, 2018 and Increase the Contract by $96,000 for a New Total Contract Amount of $1,095,946 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-212 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Increase the Amount of Professional Services Agreement C-36188 with CenturyLink (Formerly Level3 Communications, Formerly TW Telecom Holdings, Inc.) to Provide Co-Location and Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount of $99,900 for a New Contract Total of $816,488.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-211 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement No. C-40009 with JLG Architects (Formerly Studio Five Architects) Related to the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in the Amount of $1,875.00 for a New Contract Total of $728,525.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-210 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement C-41591 with Confluence Related to Design Development, Construction Documentation, and Survey Services for Peavey Park Improvements in the Amount of $10,150.00 for a New Contract Total of $163,120.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-209 | Resolution Approving Change Orders No. 4 with Veit and Company, Inc., Contract #C-39622, for West River Parkway - Slope Repair, in the Amount of $429,424.56 for a New Contract Total of $ 4,382,128.82 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-208 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State of Minnesota Contract No. 119795 with Flagship Recreation in the Amount of $220,516.72 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Longfellow Park | pdf (1011 kB) |
Resolution 2018-207 | Resolution Authorizing Use of Joint Powers Agreement Under State of Minnesota Contract No. 119795 with Flagship Recreation in the Amount of $203,640.82 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Luxton Park | pdf (997 kB) |
Resolution 2018-206 | Resolution Authorizing Use of a Joint Powers Agreement Under State of Minnesota Contract No. 119795 with St. Croix Recreation Fun Playgrounds, Inc. (St. Croix Playgrounds) in the Amount of $189,859.09 to Furnish and Construct the Playground at Washburn Avenue Tot Lot | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-205 | Resolution Approving the Acceptance of US Communities CPV Contract #31172 with Here Rentals for Total Estimated Expenditure of Up to $120,000.00 for Equipment Rental Services, All in Accordance with Contract Terms to be Used through March 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-204 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract #100458 for the Purchase of Bituminous Paving Services Up to $400,000.00 from Paragon Company, Inc., for the Period June 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019 | pdf (967 kB) |
Resolution 2018-203 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract #111979 for the Purchase of Concrete Paving Services Up to $300,000.00 from Paragon Company, Inc., for the Period June 6, 2018 through June 30, 2019 | pdf (1012 kB) |
Resolution 2018-202 | Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Play Equipment and Installation Services Up to $332,529.39 from Flagship Recreation, Local Vendor for Landscape Structures, Inc., through the MN Department of Administration Office of State Procurement Contract #119795 for the Playground Installation Project at Peavey Park and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $16,626.47 for Necessary Construction Changes that May Arise with the Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-201 | Resolution Approving Professional Services Agreement with SRF to Provide Landscape Architectural Services for the Southwest Service Area Master Plan for a Fee Not to Exceed $260,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-200 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on June 6, 2018 for Injuries Sustained While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (635 kB) |
Resolution 2018-198 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 13 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in Phillips Park in the Amount of $132,760.99 for a New Contract Total of $6,949,747.75, Authorization of the Transfer of $69,000.00 from the 2018 NPP20 General Building Rehabilitation Fund | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2018-197 | Resolution Approving a Fundraising Agreement with the Voices of the Roses, a Non-Profit Corporation Without 501C3 Designation with a Fiscal Sponsor Agent in People for Parks, an Incorporated Non-Profit with 501C3 Organization, for Fundraising Related to the Lyndale Park Rose Garden | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-196 | Resolution Approving Lease Amendment #10 with State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, for the 28Th Street Tot Lot Property to Extend the Lease for an Additional Two Years | pdf (840 kB) |
Resolution 2018-194 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Max Stieninger, Inc. in the Amount of $724,874.95 for the Central Gym Park Phase 1 Improvements Project, Per O.P. No. 8562, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing the Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $72,487.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-193 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) Battery Operated Zamboni Model 552AC Ice Resurfacing Machine from Frank J. Zamboni & Co., O.P No 8525, with the Approval of City Finance and Purchasing Department, for a Total Purchase Price of $134,100.00 | pdf (1008 kB) |
Resolution 2018-192 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of Eight (8) Ford SUV Police Interceptors in the Amount of $243,780,000 from State of Minnesota Contract # 83064 with Ford of Hibbing, Pending Approval by the City Finance and Purchasing Department | pdf (892 kB) |
Resolution 2018-191 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Vogel Mechanical, Inc. in the Amount of $363,000 for the Fuller Recreation Center HVAC Improvement Project at Fuller Park, Under O.P. No. 8549, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Departments of Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $36,300 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-190 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Corval Constructors, Inc. in the Amount of $150,005 for the Matthews Recreation Center Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Improvements Project at Matthews Park, Under O.P. No. 8565 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-189 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Advanced Design Contracting LLC in the Amount of $321,000 for the Recreation Center Roof Replacement and Structural Repairs Project at Longfellow Park, Under O.P. No. 8557 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-188 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Global Specialty Contractors, Inc. in the Amount of $658,017.00 for the Wading Pool Improvements at Logan Park Project, Under O.P. No. 8545, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Departments of Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $32,900.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-187 | Resolution Approving Shared Use Agreement Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Public School | pdf (808 kB) |
Resolution 2018-186 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Peterson Companies, Inc. in the Amount of $1,103,500.00 for Peavey Park Phase 2 Improvements Per O.P. No. 8532, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 5% Construction Contingency Up to $55,175.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-185 | Resolution Accepting a Donation of $100,000 from the Minnesota Twins Community Fund For the Reviving Baseball in the Inner City (RBI) Baseball and Softball Program | pdf (852 kB) |
Resolution 2018-184 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of One (1) Aquatic Weed/Plant Harvester, One (1) Trailer & One (1) Shore Conveyor from Aquarius Systems, Pending Approval by the City Purchasing Department, fora Total Purchase Price of $205,750.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-183 | Resolution Approving the Purchase Of Four(4) Greenmaster Triflex Hybrid Mowers and Attachments, One (1) ProForce Debris Blower, One (1) Reelmaster 3555-D Mower with Attachments, Two (2) Groundmaster 3280 Fairway Mowers with Attachments and One (1)Pro Core 648 Aerator with Attachments from MTI Distributing, in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures, and Not to Exceed $255,879.23 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-182 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Rachel Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $126,293.00 for the Sheridan Memorial Park Soil Remediation Project, OP# 8546, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing and Civil Right Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-181 | Resolution Approving Equipment Rental Without Operator and Supplies in the Amount of $1,200,000.00 To be Used through December 31, 2018 | pdf (1011 kB) |
Resolution 2018-180 | Resolution Approving Equipment Rental with Operator and Supplies in the Amount of $1,000,000.000 To be Used through December 31, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-179 | Resolution Modifying Resolution 2018-131 that Approved the Use of General Fund Excess Fund Balance for Specific One-Time Purpose of Funding a Loan Guaranty Reserve Fund for the Wirth Adventure and Welcome Center at Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Setting Certain Conditions | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-178 | Resolution Amending Professional Services Agreement C-38829 with Perkins+Will Related to the Northeast Recreation Center Project in Northeast Athletic Field Park in the Amount of $2,650 for a New Contract Total of $355,046.00 and Authorizing an Internal Transfer of $29,000 of Capital Levy Funds from the 2018 Northeast Athletic Field Park Athletic Field Improvements Project to the Northeast Recreation Center Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-177 | Resolution Approving a Fundraising Agreement with Support the Courts for Fundraising Related to the Reconstruction of the Morgan Avenue Tennis Courts, a Part of the Minnehaha Creek Regional Trail | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-176 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to L.S. Black Constructors, Inc. in the Amount of $1,346,895.63 for the Bridge No. 93835 Rehabilitation Project Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Per O.P. No. 8543 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-175 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Ordinance PB2-16 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Prohibited Conduct and Language | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-174 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Ordinance PB2-13 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Toilets | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-173 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Removing Ordinance PB2-14 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Spitting | pdf (880 kB) |
Resolution 2018-172 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed CAC Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Playground Improvements at Longfellow Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-171 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed CAC Recommendations to Approving the Concept Plan For the Washburn Avenue Tot Lot Playground Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-170 | Resolution Accepting the Non-Appointed Community Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approving the Concept Plan for Playground Improvements at Luxton Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-169 | Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to JPMI Construction Inc. in the Amount of $252,300.00 for the Kenwood Community Center Renovation Project, Under O.P. No. 8541, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Departments of Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Divisions, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $25,230.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-168 | Resolution Approving a Pricing Contract Per O.P. 8552 with Horizon Chemical Company, Inc. for an Annual Expenditure Not to Exceed $250,000 for Providing Pool Services, Pending City of Minneapolis Procurement and Civil Rights Approval, for the Period May 1, 2018 through April 15, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-167 | Resolution Approving Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection Cost - Share Funding Agreement Accepting Funds Up to $65,160 for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Aquatic Invasive Species Watercraft Inspection Program | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-166 | Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Minneapolis Umpires Association to Provide Umpiring Services for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Athletic Programs in the Amount of $150,000.00 for the Period of April 29, 2018 to December 31, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-165 | Resolution Approving Contracts for an Estimated $625,000 for Tree Removal and Estimated $875,000 for Stump Grinding for an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,500,000 for the Period Ending March 31, 2019, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-164 | A Resolution Calling Upon the Minnesota State Board of Investment to Divest from Fossil Fuel Corporations | pdf (675 kB) |
Resolution 2018-160 | Resolution Re-Concurring with the Finding by the Federal Transit Authority that the Metro Blue Line Light Rail Extension Project Will Have a De Minimis Impact Linder Section 4(F) of the Transportation Act of 1966 on Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Glenview Terrace Park, Provided that All Conditions Linder the Original Concurrence Will be Met | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-159 | Resolution Approving the 2018-2022 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's Strategic Directions | pdf (570 kB) |
Resolution 2018-158 | Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with ArcStone to Provide Website Development and Content Migration in the Amount of $195,500 for the Period of May 15, 2018 to February 1, 2021 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-157 | Resolution Approving Construction Cooperative Agreement PW 61-23-17 with the County of Hennepin for the Construction of Multi-Use Paved Trails, Estimated to Cost the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board $126,910.80, and the Installation of Trees, Costing the County of Hennepin $13,200.00, at the Upper Post Area of the Territory of Fort Snelling, Adjacent to Fort Snelling Golf Club and Neiman Sports Complex | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-156 | Resolution Approving a Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the Amount of $407,805 to Construct and Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Between Fort Snelling Light Rail Station, Historic Fort Snelling, and the Upper Post Area | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-155 | Resolution Authorizing Entering into a Limited Use Permit with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to Operate and Maintain the Portion of Fort Snelling Upper Post Trail, Located Within Fort Snelling State Park, that Crosses the Right-Of-Way of Trunk Flighway 55, State of Minnesota. | pdf (800 kB) |
Resolution 2018-154 | Resolution Authorizing the Use of a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Using State of MN Contract Release D-203(5) for Drilling Services with Midwestern Drilling, LLC Contract #120511 for a Proposed Cost of $168,186.00 with a 5% Contingency of $8,409.30 for a Total Cost of Up to $176,595.30 for the MPRB Well Sealing Project at Multiple Park Locations | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-153 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with HKGi to Provide Landscape Architectural, Community Engagement, and Historical and Ecological Analysis Services for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan for a Fee Not to Exceed $313,400, with Subsequent Design, Engineering, and Construction Documents to be Performed for a Fee Not to Exceed 9% of Construction Costs | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-152 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Berwald Roofing Co., Inc. in the Amount of $349,382 for the Partial Roof Replacement at Whittier Park Gym Project, Under O.P. No. 8540, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Departments of Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights, and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $34,938 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-151 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to Provide Programming, Community Engagement Support, Design, Construction Document, and Construction Administration Services for the Currie Park Phase 1 Improvements Project for a Fee Not to Exceed $252,750. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-149 | Resolution Modifying the Composition of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee for the Master Plan for Hiawatha Golf Course, a Part of Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park, to Allow for Representation of the Dakota Community through One Appointment to be Made by the Metropolitan Urban Indian Directors | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-148 | Resolution Approving Submission of an Application for a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Grant for Up to $100,000 for Nature Play at North Mississippi Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-147 | Resolution Approving Construction Cooperative Agreement PW 61-23-17 with the County of Hennepin for the Construction of Multi-Use Paved Trails, Estimated to Cost the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board $126,910.80, and the Installation of Trees, Costing the County of Hennepin $13,200.00, at the Upper Post Area of the Territory of Fort Snelling, Adjacent to Fort Snelling Golf Club and Neiman Sports Complex | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-146 | Resolution Approving of the Covenants and Agreement with the Linden Hills Bocce Club for the Use of the Bocce Courts at Linden Hills Park | pdf (874 kB) |
Resolution 2018-145 | Resolution Approving the Covenants and Agreement with People for Parks for the Construction of Bocce Courts at Linden Hills Park | pdf (872 kB) |
Resolution 2018-144 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the Year-Ending December 31, 2017 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (538 kB) |
Resolution 2018-143 | Resolution Approving Contracts for the Purchase of Trees at an Estimated Total Expenditure of $1,000,000 Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-142 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 12 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $83,460.91 for a New Contract Total of $6,816,986.76, and Authorizing the Transfer of $50,000.00 from the 2017 NPP20 Replace and Invest Construction Contingency Fund | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-141 | Resolution Authorizing Use of the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract #94870 for the Purchase of Roofing Maintenance, Leak Repair and Replacement Services Up to $150,000 from Commercial Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc., for the Period March 21, 2018 through June 30, 2019 | pdf (956 kB) |
Resolution 2018-140 | Resolution Approving a 2018-2019 Waste Delivery Agreement with Hennepin County for the Delivery of Solid Waste from Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Properties to a County Waste Facility with a Tipping Fee of $58.00 Per Ton for the Period March 21, 2018 through December 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-139 | Resolution Approving Amendment 1 Professional Services Agreement #C-42623 with Damon Farber Related to Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, and Construction Observation for Central Park Gym Phase I Improvements in the Amount of $51,557 fora New Contract Total of $131,557.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-138 | Resolution Authorizing the Formation and Charge of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-137 | Resolution Authorizing the Formation and Charge of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Southwest Service Area Master Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-136 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Use Wolbank Leasing Commercial Space at 1828 Marshall Street Northeast, Suite #6, Located Within the Above the Falls Regional Park, for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective April 1, 2018 | pdf (866 kB) |
Resolution 2018-135 | Resolution Ceasing Actions Related to Renaming Riverside Park to Annie Young Riverside Park | pdf (804 kB) |
Resolution 2018-134 | Resolution Amending Resolution 2018-125 that Authorized the Execution of a $1,160,000 Mortgage Note and Mortgage; and the Use of Up to $1,190,000 of the Operations Center Capital Allocation in the Capital Improvement Program to Complete the Acquisition of the Northside Operations Center Located at 4022 1/2 Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-133 | Resolution Directing Staff to Explore Options to Support Implementation of the Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence, Proposed to be Implemented in Boom Island Park, a Part of the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, for Consideration at the Board of Commissioners March 7, 2018 Regular Meeting | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-132 | Resolution Removing Resolution 2018-108 from the Table for Full Consideration Before the Planning Committee of the Board of Commissioners | pdf (753 kB) |
Resolution 2018-131 | Resolution Modifying Resolution 2017-187 that Approved the Use of General Fund Excess Fund Balance for Specific One-Time Purpose of Funding a Short-Term Loan Guaranty Reserve Fund for the Wirth Adventure and Welcome Center at Theodore Wirth Regional Park by Removing “Short-Term” and Setting Certain Conditions | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-130 | Resolution Supporting the Submission of a Grant Application in Collaboration with MORC/IMBA to the Federal Recreational Trail Program in the Amount of $25,000 for Construction of Natural Surface Trails Within the Back 40 Area of Theodore Wirth Regional Park and General Trail Maintenance Work Throughout the Existing MORC/MOCA Trail Network Within Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-129 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreement with Sean Kaysen Leasing Commercial Space at 3104 Pacific Street North, Suite #214, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park, for a Term of One (1) Year, Effective March 15, 2018 | pdf (831 kB) |
Resolution 2018-128 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum 45-Day Public Comment Period on the Draft ADA Action Plan Beginning February 26, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-127 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum Forty-Five (45) Day Public Review and Comment Period Beginning February 23, 2018 for the Draft Community Garden Policy | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-126 | Resolution Authorizing a Cooperative Funding Agreement in the Amount of $31,000 for Calendar Year 2018 with the Minnesota Historical Society and the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Board for Interpretive Planning and Implementation in the St. Anthony Falls Heritage Interpretative Zone | pdf (957 kB) |
Resolution 2018-125 | Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a $1,160,000 Mortgage Note and Mortgage; and the Use of Up to $1,190,000 of the Operations Center Capital Allocation in the Capital Improvement Program to Complete the Acquisition of the Northside Operations Center Located at 4022 1/2 Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-124 | Resolution Approving Submission, in Collaboration with the Loppet Foundation, of a Federal Recreational Trail Program Grant Application in the Amount Up to $75,000 for Snow Grooming Equipment at Theodore Wirth Regional Park | pdf (962 kB) |
Resolution 2018-123 | Resolution Approving the Submission of a United States Tennis Association, Northern Chapter, Grant Application, or Applications, Up to $15,000 and a United States Tennis Association, National Chapter, Grant Application, or Applications Up to $40,000, Both in Grant Year 2018, by the Minneapolis Support the Courts Organization for the Reconstruction of the Morgan Avenue Tennis Courts Located Within the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-122 | Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities, Augsburg University, Pillsbury United Communities and the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Regarding Exploration of a Shared Facility Intended for the Joint Delivery of Programs and Services in the Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood of Minneapolis | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-121 | Resolution Authorizing the Formation and Charge of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-120 | Resolution Suspending Board Naming Procedures and Authorizing Riverside Park to be Named Annie Young Riverside Park and the Portion of the Park that is Known as Lower Riverside Park to be Annie Young Meadow | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-119 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Max Steininger, Inc. Contract No. C-41461, for Minnehaha Parkway Trail and Site Improvements Phase One, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-118 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 10 & 11 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Aquatics Center Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $74,374.53 for a New Contract Total of $6,733,525.85 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-117 | Resolution Approving Change Order Number One with Northern Air Corporation Mechanical and Electrical Services, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project Under Hennepin County Contract HC3295A1 in the Total Amount of $21,790.81 fora New Contract Total of $192,210.81 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-116 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species 2018 Inspection Rules, Authorizing the Superintendent to Implement These Rules from May 01, 2018 to December 01, 2018, and Approving and Directing Staff to Implement the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Aquatic Invasive Species Work Group Recommendations for 2017 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-115 | Resolution Approving a Professional Service Agreement with Hennepin County, on Behalf of the Hennepin County Environmental Services, for Wetland Health Evaluation Program Services Effective May 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020 in the Amount of $18,000. | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-113 | Resolution Approving Professional Services Agreement with SEH to Provide Landscape Architectural Services for the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan for a Fee Not to Exceed $300,000 with Subsequent Design, Engineering, and Construction Documents to be Performed for a Fee Not to Exceed 9% of Construction Costs | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-112 | Resolution Approving Severance Payments to Superintendent Jayne Miller (“Miller”) Upon Her Separation from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (“MPRB”) | pdf (641 kB) |
Resolution 2018-111 | Resolution Approving the Employment Agreement Between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Mary Merrill Anderson and Authorizing the President and Secretary to Execute the Agreement with Mary Merrill Anderson to Act as a Consultant to Superintendent Miller or Her Designee for the Period of January 18, 2018 to February 4, 2018 and for Mary Merrill Anderson to Act as Interim Superintendent on a Full-Time Basis for the Period of February 5, 2018 to October 31, 2018 | pdf (665 kB) |
Resolution 2018-110 | Resolution Consenting To, Pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease Agreement with the Loppet Foundation, Cajun Twist, LLC as the Sublessee and Subtenant of the Loppet Foundation to Operate the Concessions Facility at Theodore Wirth Regional Park Within the Adventure Welcome Center Building (The Trailhead) Beginning on the Commencement Date of the Lease Agreement | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-109 | Resolution Approving Installation of a Public Art Mosaic Sculpture by Sharra Frank in Bryant Square Park and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Mosaic with the Calhoun Area Residents Action Group | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-108 | Resolution Denying Modified Encroachment Permit for Use of 613.00 Square Feet of Land Encroaching Upon Park Properties in Front of the Subject Property at 2863 Lake of the Isles Parkway East at Lake of the Isles Park in the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2018-107 | Resolution to Approve the Professional Services Agreement with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) to Fund the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s Mississippi River Green Team from November 20, 2017 to November 20, 2020 for Up to $154,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-106 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement #040544 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. for Additional Services Related to Wading Pool Improvements at Bryant Square Park and Logan Park for an Amount Not to Exceed $16,500 for a New Contract Total of $191,200 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-105 | Authorizing the Negotiation of a Consultant Contract with Superintendent Emeritus Mary Merrill Anderson to Serve as Interim Superintendent of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board from February 5, 2018 to October 31, 2018 | pdf (417 kB) |
Resolution 2018-104 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 18.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 2552 Lake of the Isles Parkway West, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-103 | Resolution Granting Access and Utility Agreement to CenterPoint Energy for an Underground Natural Gas Line at Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with Permanent and Temporary Easements | pdf (956 kB) |
Resolution 2018-102 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Settlement According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on January 3, 2018 for an Injury Sustained While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (635 kB) |
Resolution 2018-101 | Resolution Approving Five Year Professional Services Agreement with Zuercher Technologies for LETG Software, Hosting, Maintenance, Support, and Related Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount Up to $50,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2018-100 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 8 & 9 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Community Center Aquatics Facility Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $85,806.51 for a New Contract Total of $6,659,151.32 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-385 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of West River Parkway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-384 | Resolution Extending the Balloon Date for the Contract for Deed with St. Anthony Real Estate Company and 50 31St Avenue North LLC to January 2, 2020, and Extending the Leaseback Privilege of the Contract for Deed with St. Anthony Real Estate Company for 30 31St Avenue North, Unit 300, Located Within Above the Falls Regional Park, through November 15, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-383 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $300,000 the Proceeds of Which Are to be Used for the Disease Tree Removal Program | pdf (793 kB) |
Resolution 2017-382 | Resolution Requesting the Board of Estimate and Taxation to Incur Indebtedness and Issue and Sell City of Minneapolis Bonds in the Amount of $10,500,000 for Certain Purposes Other Than the Purchase of Public Utilities | pdf (863 kB) |
Resolution 2017-381 | Resolution Adopting the 2018 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-380 | Resolution to Set the 2018 Tax Levy for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (854 kB) |
Resolution 2017-379 | Resolution Adopting the 2018 Park Museum Budget | pdf (560 kB) |
Resolution 2017-378 | Resolution Setting the 2018 Tax Levy for the Park Museum Fund | pdf (472 kB) |
Resolution 2017-377 | Resolution Approving the Use of Up to $600,000 of General Fund Excess Fund Balance for One-Time Specific Uses | pdf (897 kB) |
Resolution 2017-376 | Resolution Approving the Allocation of $5,000 to the Linden Hills Park Bocce Court Construction Project for Construction Materials from the Linden Hills Neighborhood Portion of the Park Dedication Fee Fund | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-375 | Resolution Approving a Letter of Intent as a Precursor to Lease Negotiations with the Sioux Chef, LLC to Operate as the Food and Catering Vendor at Water Works in Mill Ruins Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-374 | Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding to Explore Options of the Towerside Green Space Model for Ownership, Development and Management | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-373 | Resolution Accepting Encroachment Permit from the City of Minneapolis to Construct, Operate and Maintain Hall's Island Within City Right-Of-Way at the Easterly Section of the Plymouth Avenue Bridge, Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (813 kB) |
Resolution 2017-372 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 204.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 4628 Lake Harriet Parkway West, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-371 | Resolution Approving the Skate Park Activity Plan | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-370 | Resolution Approving the Schematic Design for the Waterworks Mezzanine Phase as a Subarea of Mill Ruins Park Within the Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-369 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 6-7 with Margolis Company, Contract No. C-40936, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park in the Amount of $102,741.00 for a New Contract Total of $2,263,564.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-368 | Resolution Approving the Transfer of $50,000 to Bryant Square HVAC Improvements from Park District No. 6 Commissioner Contingency Funds | pdf (694 kB) |
Resolution 2017-367 | Resolution Approving the Transfer of $11,435.17 of Park District No. 4 Commissioner Contingency Funds and $77,951 of the Remaining 2012 Capital Levy Funds from the Bryn Mawr Park Trail Project to the Reconstruction of the Loring Park Tennis Courts | pdf (813 kB) |
Resolution 2017-366 | Resolution Approving the Transfer of $16,667.00 to Bossen Field Park Capital Improvements from Park District No. 5 Commissioner Contingency Funds | pdf (717 kB) |
Resolution 2017-365 | Resolution Approving Transfer of $3,008.07 to Logan Park Wading Pool Improvements from Park District No. 1 Commissioner Contingency Funds | pdf (648 kB) |
Resolution 2017-364 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to Engineering and Construction Innovations, Inc. for the Stabilization of Bridge 93844 at Columbia Park, Contract No. C-41392, in the Amount of $100.00 | pdf (839 kB) |
Resolution 2017-363 | Resolution Accepting Donation of Upgraded Electrical Service from Marketing Minneapolis, LLC for Upgraded Electrical Service for Loring Park at a Value of $133,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-362 | Resolution Approving Maintenance Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Regarding Maintenance and Inspection of the Stormwater Facility Best Management Practice at Cedar Lake South Beach Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park Associated with the Beach Improvements Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-361 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Third Quarter, 2017 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (559 kB) |
Resolution 2017-360 | Resolution Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with General Information Services (GIS) to Provide Background Screening Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount Not to Exceed $270,000.00 for the Period of June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2020 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-359 | Resolution Authorizing Use of State of Minnesota Contract No. 86182 with Parallel Technologies in the Amount of $750,000 for Furnishing and Delivering Security Systems, Camera Systems, and Door Access Systems | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-358 | Resolution Approving Five-Year Lease Agreement with Lola’s Cafe on the Plaza, LLC Dba Lola’s on the Lake to Operate the Concession Facility at the Lake Calhoun / Bde Maka Ska Beginning on January 1, 2018 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-357 | Resolution Amending the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Rules of the Board | pdf (396 kB) |
Resolution 2017-356 | Second and Final Reading of Resolution Amending Chapter 2-2 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances Relating to Molesting Vegetation | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-355 | Resolution Authorizing the Formation and Charge of an Appointed Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Master Plan for Hiawatha Golf Course, a Part of Nokomis-Hiawatha Regional Park | pdf (4 MB) |
Resolution 2017-354 | Resolution Approving the Playground and Picnic Shelter Concept Plans for Peavey Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-353 | Resolution Approving the Downtown Service Area Master Plan | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2017-352 | Resolution Approving the Concept Plan for Central Gym Park Improvements | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-351 | Resolution Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with HGA, Inc. to Conduct a Feasibility Study Related to the Fort Snelling Outdoor Skills and Adventure Center in the Amount of $90,000.00 for the Period of November 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-350 | Resolution Approving a Five Year License Agreement with Pollinate Minnesota for Up to Five Educational Honeybee Apiaries in Minneapolis Parks for a Fee of $1 Per Month Per Apiary Site Plus 15% of Registration Fees | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-349 | Resolution Approving One-Year Revocable License Agreement with Nice Ride Minnesota for the Placement and Maintenance of Bike Share Kiosks at Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska Park Within the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-348 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Morcon Construction Co., Inc. in the Amount of $242,400.00 for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters Ventilation Unit Replacement Project, Per O.P No 8476, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-347 | Resolution Approving the 2018 Legislative Agenda of the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board | pdf (595 kB) |
Resolution 2017-346 | Resolution Approving One-Year Contracts with Rice, Michels & Walther, LLP; Campo and Associates; Tom Workman; and Lockridge Grindal Nauen, P.L.L.P. for 2018 Lobbyist Services | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-345 | Resolution Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees From Private Properties During 2016 and 2017 | pdf (899 kB) |
Resolution 2017-344 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to lyawe & Associates for Van Cleve Park Wading Pool Improvements, Contract #C-39835, in the Amount of $1,000.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-343 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to G Urban Companies for William Berry Trail Improvements, Contract #C-40991, in the Amount of $2,500.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-342 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 7 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Community Center Aquatics Facility Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $137,942.96 for a New Contract Total of $6,573,344.81 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-341 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement #040544 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. for Additional Services Related to Wading Pool Improvements at Bryant Square Park and Logan Park for an Amount Not to Exceed $8,000 for a New Contract Total of $174,700 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-340 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Contracts for Tree Removal and Stump Grinding In an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000 and Increasing the Estimated Total Expenditure to $1,684,000 for the Period Ending March 31, 2018 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-339 | Resolution Extending Professional Services Agreement C-36189 with Comcast Business Communications, LLC. to Provide Broadband Networking Services to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board through June 1, 2018 and Increase the Contract by $144,000 for a New Total Contract Amount of $999,946 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-338 | Resolution Approving Professional Services Agreement with Applied Ecological Services, Inc. for $159,395 to Provide Phase II Natural Areas Assessment and Management Recommendations for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board from November 20, 2017 to December 31, 2019, Pending Approval by the City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-337 | Resolution Approving Standard Contract for Professional Services for an Annual Not to Exceed Expenditure of $275,000.00 Per Year to Biffs, Inc. to Furnish, Deliver and Service Portable Restrooms, for the Period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, with the Option to Extend for Each Following Year for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, Pending City Purchasing Approval | pdf (994 kB) |
Resolution 2017-336 | Resolution Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with Minnesota Occupational Health to Provide Occupational Health Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount Not the Exceed $170,000.00 for the Period of January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-335 | Resolution Approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Police Officers' Federation of Minneapolis from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-334 | Resolution Approving a Five Year Professional Services Agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for Body-Worn Cameras, Data Storage, Data Management Software, Maintenance and Related Services for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in an Amount Up to $181,016.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-333 | Resolution Approving the Negotiated Full, Final and Complete Settlement with Limited Medical Expenses Remaining Open According to Terms of the Agreement as Discussed in a Closed Session on November 15, 2017 for Injuries Sustained While Working for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | pdf (714 kB) |
Resolution 2017-332 | Resolution Authorizing Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Staff to File a Claim Against the United States Government for Damages to the Lower Saint Anthony Falls Lock and Dam Access Road, Located on MPRB Property, Resulting from the Failure of the United States Army Corp of Engineers Owned and Operated Waterline that Services the Lower Saint Anthony Falls Lock and Dam | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-331 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 7 with Tarraf Construction, Inc., Contract No. C-41613, for the Northeast Recreation Center Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park in the Amount of $146,688.00 for a New Contract Total of $4,018,506.00 and Authorizing an Internal Transfer of $26,000 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-330 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement #C-42124 with Damon Farber Associates, Inc. Related to Additional Design and Engineering Services for the Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements in the Amount of $35,000 for a New Contract Total of $149,900 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-329 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement C-41922 with Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP Related to the Operations and Maintenance Facilities Assessment in the Amount of $40,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $139,500.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-328 | Resolution Approving the First Amendment to RiverFirst Project-Level Fundraising Agreement #1 Between the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minneapolis Parks Foundation by Increasing the Philanthropic Funding Commitment from $14.8 Million to $17.7 Million to Cover Anticipated Waterworks Project Cost Increases | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-327 | Resolution Approving a New Lease Agreement with the Minneapolis Parks Foundation for Office Space on the Second Floor of the Longfellow House Within Minnehaha Regional Park, for the Period of January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018, with Two One-Year Extensions, at the Rate of $925.00 Per Month for the First Term | pdf (919 kB) |
Resolution 2017-326 | Resolution Approving Encroachment Permit for Use of 452.00 Square Feet of Land in Front of the Subject Property at 1204 and 1208 Kenwood Parkway, Encroaching Upon Park Land at Kenwood Parkway, and Collecting Appropriate Fees Associated with This Encroachment | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-325 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of West River Parkway Paving Improvements Adjacent to Private Property | pdf (945 kB) |
Resolution 2017-324 | Resolution Ordering Hearing to Consider Assessing Certain Properties to Defray the Cost of Removing Diseased Trees from Private Property During 2016 and 2017 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-323 | Resolution Approving Change Order No. 3 with Rachel Contracting, Inc., Contract #C-40909, for Site Improvements at McRae Park in the Amount of $2,287.96 for a New Contract Total of $424,994.08 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-322 | Resolution Approving Amendment #3 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-40338 with MacDonald & Mack Architects, Ltd. Related to Phase One Architectural Services for the Fuji Ya Building Selective Deconstruction Project, in an Amount of $7,000 for a New Contract Total of $98,690 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-321 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Professional Services Agreement #C-40196 with Tom Leader Studios Related to Additional Design and Engineering Services for Phase One Development of the Scherer Site and Hall's Island in the Amount of $103,960.00 for a New Contract Total of $825,960.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-320 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 34-36 with Meisinger Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-40850, for the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park in the Total Amount of $2,761.00 for a New Contract Total of $1,815,330.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-319 | Resolution Approving Three-Year Contract, Effective November 6, 2017 through November 5, 2020, with CobornsDelivers for Grocery Delivery Service to Parks for Programs and Events In the Amount Not to Exceed $300,000 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-318 | Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Ebert Construction in the Amount of $638,600 for Cedar Lake South Beach Improvements Per O.P. No. 8473, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of an 10% Construction Contingency Up to $63,860 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-317 | Resolution Authorizing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Staff to Apply for Grants through the 2018 Hennepin Youth Sports Program Up to the Amount of $325,000 Each for Skate Park Improvements at Central Gym/Park Athletic Field, Reconstruction of the Loring Park and Morgan Avenue Tennis Courts, and Athletic Field Improvements at Folwell Park | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-316 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 5 & 6 with Morcon Construction Company, Inc., Contract No. C-41745, for the Phillips Community Center Aquatics Facility Project in Phillips Park in the Total Amount of $182,689.21 for a New Contract Total of $6,435,401.85 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-315 | Resolution Authorizing Final Payment to lyawe and Associates for the Van Cleve Park Wading Pool Improvements, Contract #C-39835, in the Amount of $999.99 | pdf (995 kB) |
Resolution 2017-314 | Resolution Approving Purchase of Two (2) Ford F-550 Crew Cab V10 Gas Trucks and Two (2) Arbortech Chipper Boxes for a Total Estimated Price Not to Exceed $180,000.00, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement Department | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-313 | Resolution Accepting Grant Award from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in the Amount of $200,000 Per Year for Two Years for Teen Teamworks Youth Employment | pdf (784 kB) |
Resolution 2017-312 | Resolution Approving the Minneapolis Youth Sports Association Memorandum of Agreement Between Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Minneapolis Public Schools | pdf (777 kB) |
Resolution 2017-311 | Resolution Approving Installation of a Public Art Mural by Mentoring Peace through Art in Todd Park and Approving a License and Maintenance Agreement for the Mural with the Hale, Page, Diamond Lake Community Organization and the Pearl Improvement and Recreation Council | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-310 | Resolution Approving Placement of the Public Artwork "Aqurbane" by Christopher E. Harrison at 26Th Avenue North and Theodore Wirth Parkway Within Victory/Wirth Memorial Parkway Regional Trail as Part of the City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places "Assemble" Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-309 | Resolution Approving Placement of the Public Artwork "Purple Raindrop" by Esther Osayande in Farview Park as Part of the City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places "Assemble" Project | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-308 | Resolution Approving an Amended Temporary Access Agreement to Pioneer Metal Finishing for Installation of an Additional Monitoring Well for a Temporary Time Period Next to West River Road Between Plymouth Avenue and Broadway Avenue for Groundwater Monitoring Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-306 | Resolution Approving Lease Agreements with City of Lakes Youth Hockey Association and Minneapolis Hockey Association for Storage Space at Northeast Ice Arena and Parade Ice Garden, Respectively, Each Effective October 5, 2017 - October 4, 2020 | pdf (990 kB) |
Resolution 2017-305 | Resolution Authorizing a Minimum 30-Day Public Comment Period on the Draft Skate Park Activity Plan Beginning October 7, 2017 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-304 | Resolution Approving the Purchase of Equipment Outlined in the Scheduled Equipment Replacement List for 2017 Pending City Purchasing Approvals, in Compliance with All Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and City Purchasing Procedures, and Not to Exceed $2,227,896 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-303 | Resolution Approving Amendment #1 to Contract #C-39621 with the City of Minneapolis Division of Solid Waste and Recycling for the Collection of Waste and Recycling on Designated Park Properties Effective October 2017 through September 21, 2018 with Updated 2018 Residential Collection Rates | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-302 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement No. C-39527 with Meyer Borgman Johnson Related to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden Reconstruction Project at Parade Park in the Amount of $23,000.00 for a New Contract Total of $74,050.00 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-300 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement C-38072 with Loucks Associates Related to the Northeast Athletic Fields Park - Phase I Fields in the Amount of $9,160.00 for a New Corrected Contract Total of $142,965.00, Replacing Previously Approved Resolution 2017-277 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-299 | Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement C-41591 with Confluence Related to Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, and Construction Observation Services for Peavey Park Improvements in the Amount of $20,400 for a New Contract Total of $152,970 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-298 | Resolution Approving Amendment #2 to Professional Services Agreement #C-38949 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Related to Additional Design Services and Construction Administration Services for Bossen Field Park in the Amount of $75,844.00 for a New Contract Total of $443,198.50 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-296 | Resolution Approving the Creation of a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement and a Programmatic Use Agreement with United Properties and the City of Minneapolis for Application of the “Private Land Maintained for Public Use” Park Dedication Option to Nordic House at 729 Washington Avenue North | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-295 | Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to New Look Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $119,423.00 for Base Bid for Lower Saint Anthony Falls Lock and Dam Access Road Repair, Per O.P No. 8470, Pending Approval by City of Minneapolis Purchasing & Procurement and Civil Rights Departments and Authorizing Administrative Use of a 10% Construction Contingency Up to $11,942.00 for Necessary Construction Change Orders that May Arise with the Contract | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-294 | Resolution Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with Bay West to Provide Consulting Services for Safety and Health Management System Development for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in the Amount Up to $147,700 | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-293 | Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding with Midwest Skateboarding Alliance for Planning Activities and Fundraising Related to Skyway Commons Pocket Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-292 | Resolution Approving Change Order Nos. 5 & 6 with Tarraf Construction, Inc., Contract No. C-41613, for the Northeast Athletic Field Park Recreation Building Project at Northeast Athletic Field Park in the Total Amount of $33,795.00 for a New Contract Total of $3,934,818.00 | pdf (2 MB) |
Resolution 2017-291 | Resolution Granting 2.635 Acres of Permanent Easements and 10.810 Acres of Temporary Easements Within Theodore Wirth Regional Park and Glenview Terrace Park Associated with the METRO Blue Line Extension Light Rail Project, for a Fee of $690,245 to be Directed Towards District Two Land Acquisition, Pending District Court Approval of Permanent Easements | pdf (3 MB) |
Resolution 2017-290 | Resolution Approving Amendment to Minnesota Veterans Home Sanitary Sewer Easement with the State of Minnesota at Minnehaha Regional Park, Adding a Utility Easement | pdf (804 kB) |
Resolution 2017-289 | Resolution Granting Temporary Construction Easement and a Permanent Easement to the State of Minnesota Acting for Benefit of the Minnesota Veterans Home-Minneapolis for Bridge Purposes in Minnehaha Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-288 | Resolution Accepting Encroachment Permit from the City of Minneapolis to Operate and Maintain the Portion of Mississippi East Bank Trail Within the City Right-Of-Way of 10Th Avenue NE, Within Above the Falls Regional Park | pdf (757 kB) |
Resolution 2017-287 | Resolution Granting Temporary Easement to the University of Minnesota for Construction Purposes at Fulton Street SE and Harvard Street SE Within Mississippi Gorge Regional Park | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-286 | Resolution to Receive and File the Financial Status Report of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as of the Second Quarter, 2017 and File Said Report as a Permanent Record with the Secretary of the Board | pdf (555 kB) |
Resolution 2017-284 | Resolution Authorizing a Construction Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Minneapolis, a Minnesota Home Rule Charter City, the County of Hennepin, a Body Politic and Corporate Under the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the City of Minneapolis, Acting by and through Its Park & Recreation Board | pdf (1 MB) |
Resolution 2017-283 | Resolution Accepting a Grant Award from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program in the Amount of $250,000 for Expansion of Snowmaking Infrastructure at Theodore Wirth Regional Park |