Agenda item details

Consideration of the Minutes to the August 25, 2021 Joint Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee - (Action)

Name Download Ext. Filesize
Exhibit A – Minutes to August 25, 2021 Joint Meeting of the Board and Investment Advisory Committee pdf 235 kB
Slides - Joint Board and IAC Slides - August 25 2021 pdf 102 kB
Move that the Investment Advisory Committee approve the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee held on August 25, 2021 and attached as Exhibit A to this agenda item.
Contingent upon adoption of the above motion by the Investment Advisory Committee, staff recommends the following motion to the Board of Trustees:
Move that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes to the Joint Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Investment Advisory Committee held on August 25, 2021, and attached as Exhibit A to this agenda item.
Agenda item