Agenda item details

Review, Discussion and Consideration of Contract Award Recommendations for the TexFlex Flexible Spending Account Plan and TexFlex Commuter Spending Account Plan and/or Health Savings Account Benefits Plan under the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program –

Group Benefits
Review, Discussion and Consideration of Contract Award Recommendations for the TexFlex Flexible Spending Account Plan and TexFlex Commuter Spending Account Plan and/or Health Savings Account Benefits Plan under the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program – (ACTION)
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Slides - TexFlex Contract Award Recommendations pdf 213 kB
TexFlexSM Flexible Spending Account Plan and Commuter Spending Account Plan
Move that the Board of Trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate and execute a contract with [RESPONDENT NAME] with terms that are fully acceptable to ERS, and to authorize the Executive Director to thereafter administer the contract agreed to by the parties. In the event that ERS is not able to timely negotiate a satisfactory contract with [RESPONDENT NAME], or if [RESPONDENT NAME] will not be capable of providing the required TexFlex Flexible Spending Account Plan and Commuter Spending Account Plan administrative services to ERS’ satisfaction during the contract term, then the Board authorizes the Executive Director to resume any necessary due diligence processes and contract negotiations with the next top-ranked qualified Respondent and to negotiate and execute contract terms that are fully acceptable to ERS and thereafter administer the contract.
Agenda item